Richard Karl

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Albert didn't really pay attention to Emma's words. He was actually busy choosing events that must be done by Emma. Indeed, since her name has gone viral because of Claudia's case, Emma has received many offers. Whether it's on television to fill a talk show, play a role in a drama, or even a movie. An opportunity like this, of course, will not be wasted by Albert Mountain. Losing Claudia, a prominent artist in his agency, makes Albert dizzy because Claudia is a moneymaker at the Star Entertainment agency. Initially, Albert was stressed because Emma was allegedly involved in this case. However, when Emma was declared not involved, and then, many television stations wanted to interview Emma because of the Claudia case; Albert saw this as a value to make Emma shine even more as an actress. Emma's ability to act is unquestionable. Since childhood, Emma has often played a role. Even if it's just extras. But from being extras with many characters, Emma's ability to act is even better. Compared to the usual main characters, some new artists are currently famous. "You have two offers for romantic comedy films. We should discuss this. I want you to see the script that Director Lim sent," Albert said, ignoring Emma's complaints about Claudia's fans, which often bothered him. Emma doesn't understand why Claudia's fans still blame her for Claudia's death. Even though the police have proven that Emma had nothing to do with Claudia's death. "Albert, listen to me. I have to say something. Before you asked me to take the job. You should have thought of my safety first. What if they did something even more extreme? I can't rest easy going through my days with their distractions," Emma complained. Albert now turned to Emma. He immediately stood up and walked over to the girl. "I've been looking for a bodyguard for you. In two days you will come to the production house of the drama you will play. He will start escorting you at that time. Every day," said Albert. "Bodyguards?" Emma was unfamiliar with the terms used by Albert. For Emma, bodyguards are only for influential people such as officials or celebrities already very famous. "A person like me escorted by bodyguards?" "Yes, for your safety. You must be accompanied by a bodyguard. I have asked the agency that provides bodyguard services. You don't need to worry. The company will arrange everything. For now, you are not going anywhere," said Albert. "I have to do a photo shoot for a movie that will be released next month. Then what should I do?" Emma asked. Albert smiled as if asking Emma not to worry. "I'll escort you there. No one would dare mess with you if I were there," said Albert. "Are you sure?" Emma couldn't believe Albert's abilities. "I don't think you can handle Claudia's fans," Emma grumbled. Since then, in a company that accepts bodyguard services. A woman wearing a black suit looks worried because the bodyguard order for the Star Entertainment agency has not yet been available because they are short of employees. This woman named Melanie Stamford is the owner of this company. However, her company was in bad shape. The employees of this company called Be Saved only have five employees, and all have their own clients. Many employees resigned because they could not afford the job as a bodyguard, which was too risky. Melanie has to pay a contract penalty for a client who has ordered bodyguards for quite a long time. "How is this?" Melanie was confused. She just sat at the table, tapping the table with her fingers. "Albert will be mad at me if I don't send a bodyguard for the artist in two days. It's all because of Claudia's weird fans. That woman named Emma has been declared uninvolved. Why do they still not accept her?" A few minutes later, someone knocked on Melanie's door. Melanie is actually very lazy to receive guests. But as the owner of this company, she must be able to act professionally. Melanie slapped her cheeks. She tried to encourage herself. Then he stood up and opened the door. "Welcome to ..." As soon as she opened the door, Melanie was shocked because a handsome man, tall and also dashing, was standing right in front of her door. "What do you need?" Melanie asked a little nervously. This man is really handsome, just like the model. And his body is very muscular. "Sorry, I saw a job vacancy while crossing in front of this office. Is there really a job vacancy here?" the man asked. The man's voice was impressive. The sound has a bass effect and is firm at the same time. "Oh, yes. But we have a job opening to become bodyguards. Do you have the criteria we are looking for? At a minimum, you must have three skills in martial arts and shooting as a basis. But I hope you don't have to actually shoot, because I don't want anything to do with the police," Melanie replied. The man took something from his bag. Looks like it’s an application letter. The man then gave the letter to Melanie. Without further ado, Melanie immediately saw the man’s application letter. Melanie was so surprised when she saw the history of the man’s work. "Mr. Richard Karl. You're a former secret agent? You're not kidding, are you?" Melanie asked. She had forgotten that he had not invited the man called Richard in. "I am sorry, I haven't invited you in yet. Please come in. Have a seat," Melanie said. Melanie must have been very interested in the history of Richard's work. Whether Richard's stature is perfect for this job. "Why did you quit your job? Isn't your career great? I see you've been there long," Melanie asked, looking at the man's cover letter. "I can't say the reason. It's a state secret. I'm on good terms. No problem. Now, I just want to apply for a job here. Will you accept me or not?" asked Richard. "What a coincidence, Mr. Richard Karl. I have a request from a friend of mine in the celebrity world. Can you do it?" Melanie asked. "Of course. As long as I can work," Richard replied. "Okay! I'll send you the address of the agency. You go there immediately. After I give you the identity kit from my company," Melanie said. She was really relieved to be able to fulfill the request of her friend, Albert Mountain. At two o'clock in the afternoon, Emma went to be escorted by Albert Mountain and a manager named Gracia Kiel. They arrived at a studio to do a photo shoot. Albert came out first. He saw several young people there looking at Emma. Some are Emma's fans, and some may be Claudia's fans who want to find a script for Emma. Gracia came out first, then Emma. When Emma came out, several people cheered her. Albert and Gracia were in a hurry to take Emma into the studio. Some people even got eggs and threw them at Emma. Until it hit his face. "Emma!" shouted Gracia, the manager.
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