Side Story About Claudia

1101 Words
Gracia and Albert rushed Emma into the studio. Meanwhile, people were becoming increasingly anarchic and shouting Emma's name in inappropriate words. It's not just people who reflect. Emma's fans also didn't accept that their idol was treated like that until a riot broke out. Once again, Emma became the headlines because of the feud between fans. "Are you all right, Emma?" asked Gracia as she handed him Emma's egg-hit clothes. Emma didn't speak at all. She was silent because she was shocked by what had just happened. Albert made several phone calls to his friend, Melanie, who owns a bodyguard service company. "Why is it so difficult to call?" complained Albert. Every now and then, he glanced at Emma and noticed that girl's condition. "What did I do wrong?" Emma asked with a straight face. She didn't know why it had to be kept. She didn't know what had happened to Claudia. She just happened to be there the night Claudia was alive. Before the morning, Claudia was found dead. That's it. Then why did she have to go through all this complicated stuff? Her father even had to close his cake shop because Claudia's fans often threw stones at her father's shop. Her mother also didn't dare to go out to college because, in front of the house sometimes, Claudia's fans also lurked. Gracia looked at Emma with such pity. She also did not understand why people could misunderstand and be so anarchist like that. "What should we do now? What if this keeps happening?" Gracia complained to her boss–Albert. She's also scared because of Emma's schedule. Gracia would always come with her. After all, she couldn't stand seeing this girl treated like that. "Be patient; I'm calling my friend," said Albert, who was also worried. Even though he was at the office earlier, he was confident that no Claudia fans would disturb Emma. A man wearing a white shirt came out of a room in the studio building. The man with a slightly sloppy appearance looked like he was waiting for someone. "Why are you taking so long?" the man asked. He is Kevin, the photographer, and owner of this studio. Albert, who saw Kevin, immediately approached him and asked him to wait a moment. "Wait a minute, Kevin. Emma had to change. She just had an incident," said Albert. Kevin looked at Emma, who was dirty from being thrown by an egg. He was a little sad to see the girl. "Okay. I’ll wait for fifteen minutes. I don't want to wait too long. The movie's director wants the results as soon as possible," Kevin complained. Emma glanced sarcastically at Kevin. He didn't like the man's arrogance. After all, it wasn't Emma's fault. She also did not want to be late for a photo shoot. But people made it too late. "Emma, let's get changed," Gracia said. She then led Emma to the dressing room. Meanwhile, Albert and Kevin discussed the photo session that would be conducted by Kevin. Inside the dressing room, Gracia grumbled at Kevin's attitude. Even though she looked fine when she was in front of Kevin. "Damn, why is he so arrogant?" grumbled Gracia. "Who wants to be late? We also wouldn't want to be late if it weren't for Claudia's ardent fans." Gracia really looks very annoyed. "That woman, when she was still alive, was so arrogant and troublesome. Now, when she's dead, it's still troublesome." Gracia accidentally badmouths the dead Claudia. There seemed to be a grudge between Gracia and Claudia. While putting on the clothes that Emma must wear. Gracia just kept nagging. Even Emma, who didn't want to talk, couldn't help but respond to Gracia's words. "Are you having a problem with Claudia?" Emma asked. "Problem?" Gracia chuckled when Emma asked like that. "Who in this industry doesn't have a problem with Claudia. She's only good in public. In reality, she's a very different person," said Gracia. "Different? What's different about Claudia?" asked Emma again. "Claudia's innocent and kind image is fake. She's really not like that. Claudia is very arrogant and also grumpy. I was really stressed when I worked with her," said Gracia. Now she was done with Emma's clothes. She checked the makeup on Emma's face. And she gave a little touch to keep her makeup sound. Emma just found out that Claudia is such a person. They had shot a movie together. At that time, Emma was just an extra. While Claudia got the leading role. But he didn't see that Claudia was like what Gracia had told her. But on the last night, before Claudia died, Emma had a chance to greet Claudia, and the girl didn't seem willing to be Emma's greeting. "Are you done or not?" asked Albert from outside the dressing room. Gracia immediately prepared Emma to leave. And soon do a photo shoot. A man casually entered the studio building. He is Richard Karl, who is assigned to be Emma's bodyguard. After Melanie received his resume, Richard was immediately given an ID from Be Saved. After that, he was directly transferred to look after Emma according to Albert's request. "Excuse me," Richard said in a low, sexy voice. He was talking to the clerk in the studio. "Is Miss Emma Stewart shooting here?" asked Richard. The female officer who was manning the front room of the building was stunned to see Richard. Nice body, handsome face And the man's voice really made me feel like a woman was shaken violently. "Sorry, who are you?" asked the officer. "I'm the new bodyguard, Miss Emma Stewart," Richard replied. The female attendant didn't answer Richard's question. She was silent as she stared at Richard's handsomeness. "Excuse me, Miss. I was asking you a question," said Richard. He felt strange with the attitude of the officers in this studio. While Richard was busy talking to the studio staff, Emma had just left with Gracia and Albert. They accidentally looked at Richard and mistakenly assumed that Richard was an artist or model who would also be doing the photo shoot. "He's so handsome," said Gracia, without standing at all. Emma also looked at the man. But he was capable enough to restrain himself in front of everyone. Seeing three people passing by, Richard immediately approached them to ask questions. "Excuse me, do you know where the artist Emma is doing the photoshoot?" Richard's land. Emma and the others are shocked when this man looks for Emma. Emma had nothing to do with this man. "What are you looking, Emma, for?" asked Albert, slightly curtly.
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