Emma Doesn't Like Richard

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Richard was polite even though he was cold in front of those people. "I'm a bodyguard sent by the Be Saved company. Richard Karl," Richard replied. Hearing about the bodyguard, Emma was speechless. She did not imagine a handsome and athletic figure like Richard who would accompany her. Richard's body is perfectly proportioned. He is more suited to being a model than a bodyguard. "Is that true?" Albert immediately approached Richard as soon as he knew that this man was a bodyguard who would ensure Emma's safety. "Didn't Melanie tell me you'd be coming in two days?" Richard didn't answer Albert's question. Instead, he showed his identity card as an employee at the Be Saved company to Albert. And Albert was a little shocked that Richard had ignored him. "Where is Miss Emma?" Richard asked without caring about Albert's reaction. Garcia and Emma couldn't believe that Richard didn't know who Emma was. After all, she's been on the news these past few weeks because of the Claudia case. "You don't know who Emma is?" asked Gracia. She thinks it's strange that people don't know because Emma is now very famous. "No, I was only assigned to look after an actress named Emma Stewart. I don't know what she looks like. I've never met her in my life either," Richard replied. Gracia felt this man was genuinely unique. She was curious and approached Richard. She looked at the man from top to bottom. He is very handsome with a good body. But because of a bodyguard, Gracia regretted it. Richard felt strange when Gracia looked at him from top to bottom as if she were screening him. "What's the matter, Miss?" asked Richard. In a low voice. To make Gracia fascinated by this man. "No," said Gracia. "You're not wrong to apply for a job as a bodyguard? You can be an artist or a model with your body shape and good looks," said Gracia. "I'm not interested," Richard replied curtly. Too honest, though. Emma didn't like this man. He was too cold and scary for her. Moreover, his body is so big and dashing. Compared to Emma, who was only one hundred and sixty centimeters tall. The man was probably around one hundred and eighty or so. Emma is more afraid of Richard than Claudia's fans, who are usually just unstable teenagers. Albert approached Emma, who didn't say hello to his new bodyguard. "Why are you just silent? You've met the bodyguard you want. Now, say hello to him," said Albert to the artist. "Isn't there anyone else?" Emma asked without taking her eyes off Richard, who was busy with Gracia. "Why? You don't like it?" asked Albert. "He looks fine." "He's too handsome," Emma said subconsciously. "What?" Albert was surprised when he heard Emma say that. "Oh, sorry, Albert. I mean, he's too scary. Look at his body, which's twice as big as mine. And he never smiles. How come he's been here since the first time he hasn't smiled at all? Why is he so stiff? Comfortable with someone like that," Emma complained. "Only temporarily. Actually, I asked for a female bodyguard for you. But Melanie is short of people in her company," Albert replied. "Melanie? Who's Melanie?" Emma asked. "Owner of a bodyguard service company," said Albert. "He'll be guarding you from now on until you get a female bodyguard. You don't need to be afraid. He's in charge of looking after you. He won't do anything bad. Melanie won't send anyone out." While Emma was talking to Albert, Richard approached them. "You're Miss Emma Stewart, aren't you?" Richard asked Emma directly. He even ignored Albert, who was beside Emma. Seeing the man up close, Emma's heart beat faster than its rhythm. The man was very handsome. And his aura literally made Emma almost stop breathing. "Yeah, I'm Emma Stewart," Emma answered nervously. Yet Richard was not the only handsome man Emma had ever met. She has been an actress since childhood. He has often met stunning actors in this country. But Richard's charisma was so different that Emma was curious and scared simultaneously. Kevin, the photographer, saw that Emma was still outside, never entering the workshop. He was so angry that he immediately approached Emma. "Hey, you!" called Kevin harshly. "Are you going to work or not? I've been waiting for you a long time!" shrieked Kevin. Kevin's rough voice really annoyed Emma. Kevin is currently famous for his perfectionist personality and temperamental at work. Emma was really uncomfortable. However, she already had a contract to work on this project. So, like it or not, Emma has to work with Kevin. "I'm sorry. Let's go inside," said Emma. Richard sees how Kevin treats a female artist. Moreover, Emma was his client, so Richard felt compelled to protect Emma. "Sorry, sir. You can't be like that," said Richard. He speaks with a good attitude at the moment. Kevin, who was spoken to, felt that he did not know this man, so he did not like being reprimanded by strangers. "Who are you?" Kevin asked very arrogantly. Albert saw a bad atmosphere in the current situation between Kevin and Richard. "Kevin, he's Emma's new bodyguard. You don't have to worry. Emma will be in the workshop soon." Albert immediately dismissed them. "Emma, go to the workshop with Kevin." Emma was annoyed with Kevin's attitude. But she was more annoyed with Richard's meddling in her work matters. "We'll talk when my work is done," Emma said as she walked away, following Kevin into the workshop. Richard didn't show any reaction. Kevin and Emma were neither angry nor ashamed to have reprimanded him. At the beginning of the meeting, Emma was no longer compatible with her bodyguard. How can they get through the days together every day? Gracia really wanted to talk to Richard, but Richard seemed too introverted. She doesn't talk much. She's been the one trying to speak to Richard ever since, even though she didn't get a response from Richard. "Come in," Albert said to Richard. "What for?" asked Richard. Albert took a deep breath. He tried to understand that Richard had just become a bodyguard, so he understood the misunderstanding this time. "You are Emma's bodyguard. Of course, you have to be with her," said old Albert in a good tone. "Oh," Richard answered so curtly. He then violated, just leaving Albert and Gracia to go to the workshop where Emma did a photo shoot. Albert and Gracia couldn't believe Richard's indifferent attitude. He was freezing and heartless. "He's really human, right? Why is he acting like that?" Albert grumbled. And Gracia just shook her head. She didn't care about her boss. He was actually happy because there were Richard and Emma, who would always be with her. She liked that Richard was handsome and didn't smile easily. That's what she wants better. Because he wouldn't flirt with women. Before Richard entered the workshop, he turned around to ask Albert. "By the way, who are you? Richard asked Albert. "Why did you order me earlier?"
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