3. A little rebellious

1053 Words
CHAPTER THREE FREYA’S POV A feast? Did he think I was a fool not to know he orchestrated this whole thing? Probably another weak attempt to humiliate me. That bloody, conniving, piece of- “What do you think, Mrs. Saint?” A timid voice pulled my attention back to my surroundings. Ugh! That bloody name again. I thought I hated the wolves the most but being referred to as Mrs. Saint felt like a literal death sentence being imposed upon me. If someone called me that name one more time, I would- “Mrs. Saint?” My eyes snapped at the twenty something years old woman standing timidly behind me with a nervous smile, before I pulled my gaze back to the dressing mirror in front of us. Okay, maybe this girl, whoever she was, had quite the taste in dressing people up. There was a bit of cleavage showing and even though turquoise had never really been my color, this piece of fabric clinging to every curve in my body, somehow made me feel both sexy and elegant. “It's okay,” I shrugged, seeing some sort of disappointment cross her eyes. She had expected more-perhaps some sort of compliment from me but I was not here to rub their feathers. Hell no. I was here to ruffle them and now I had a new goal; make Rhett divorce me. The sooner the better. For that, I’d need strategy and tonight after the feast, I was getting down to working on it. “Well, I guess that's good enough. I’ll leave you now,” she smiled politely, hiding her disappointment quite well. The slight banging of the bedroom door followed her exit, leaving me swimming in the confines of silence in the room as my reality slowly got the better of me. I was in this damn predicament only because somehow my brother and the mafia king of the city thought the only way to kiss up to the mayor was to show their unity by marrying off their most most protective single people. I took time to survey the room, somehow impressed by how it reminded me of the grand medieval bedrooms of royalty with its design. Walking over to the mirror, I peer outside, my gaze falling on Rhett walking with his father alone by the garden of peonies. My gaze fell victim to the flowers, a constriction building in my chest but I refused to let the memories punish my brain. The door opened, catching me off-guard and for a moment, the man standing by the door seemed lost too; his gaze watching with surprise written in it. He did resemble Rhett quite a lot but appeared slightly younger with his lean, fit frame. That overgrown mustache did not do him any justice at all; eroding whatever good features he possibly possessed. “Who the f**k are you?” He asked, eyes drawn together and from what I could tell, he was actually high. “I should be asking you that,” I asked, my hand instinctively going to my thigh only for disappointment to crush my skull. I was not used to being without my gun. I was so going to kill John one day for this. “You are clearly human,” he paused, approaching me slowly and caution quickly spread into my brain, “Which makes me question who the hell are you and how the hell did you get in this fortified building?” “Fine. I happened to be Rhett’s new wife,” I answered, watching his step. You could never be too careful around the wolves. He stopped walking, staring at me for a moment before he burst out laughing, “You are telling me that douchebag really went with it? I thought he was bullshitting around,” he paused, straightening, “Forgive me but I find all thai quite amusing. My older brother, who always preached to me about choosing his own path in life, actually agreed to marry someone because my father said so?” Wait, Rhett’s brother? That did explain the resemblance. My eyes widened in realization. This had to be Killian, the second born of the three Saint brothers. From what I heard, he’d been out of the country for the past five years while the youngest brother, Dax was away in his first year of college. “Well, at least one of us had a choice,” I sank on the bed. He reached into his pocket, grabbing a joint and lighting it up, before passing it to me, “Wanna take a puff? Trust me, if that hell of a feast they preparing is for you, then you are going to need it,” I took it, somehow feeling relaxed around him, “If I could get high for the rest of marriage time, trust me, I would,” For a while only silence ensued, the smell of weed stenching the bedroom but I didn’t mind. I was feeling great, very much at ease and not at all bothered by the situation I’d found myself in today. “Good joint,” I broke the silence. “Oh yeah? Wait, till you know what else I got from my travels,” A smile broadened on his cheeks, accentuating a set of dimples, “You are far much cooler than I expected. I’m Killian and ist a pleasure to make an acquaintance with the baddest in-law of the Saints,” Hmm…I do like a little rebel. “I wouldn’t hold on to that thought for too long,” I returned his smile, “But if you keep that weed coming, I might reconsider, Killian. And my name, well, you definately have heard of Freya Fawn,” “f**k! No way,” He ran his hand through his hair, “In my defense, I don’t pay much attention to whatever the hell is going on in this city, but I certainly have heard of the name,” “What the hell is going on here?” An enraged sound filled the room and when we both turned to look at the source, Rhett was standing by the door, his ears looking a little red. “Hello, brother. Miss me?” Killian questioned, a smug expression on his face.
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