Chapter One

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   Hi, all, quick note from R.Pheonix, If you haven't yet read Under His Spell, I recommend that you do. It will give you some forethought on a few of the Characters! Please enjoy Freya's journey.                                          Keep it magical.  Five hundred years ago.     Aislinn called the council of elders meeting after yet another vision appeared to her. Her blonde hair and violet eyes giving her away as one of the youngest witches in the council. They would show up.  She knew they wouldn't be happy but they would come. All of them.      "The hunters are looking for the dragons. We need to hide them. If we don't they would sure be extinguished. Left to nothing but folklore and imagination." She began as the elders are filed in and took their seats around the long table. The mythics all looked at each other, everyone was there fae, werewolves, werebears, vampires, white witches and even a few black magic witches.   The air was somber with the thought of never seeing their beloved friends again.      "Are we sure that we must do this?" Balfour asked. The king of the Fae knew they were an innocent lot. Unfortunately there was no way they could be hidden with the fae. The size difference too much.      Aoelus agreed, " There has to be something we could do! I feel like we about to punish these innocent creatures because of the greed of man!" Humans were getting increasingly greedy in their search for what they perceive as precious items. Gold, gems and trinkets were of little value to the super natural world.      But, as it seems, in order for them to fit in with the human kind that are quickly taking over the lands, they would have to start.      These conversations continued long into the night. All of them looking for ways to protect and hide the dragons.      It was near dawn when the council adjourned for a rest. No one any closer to resolving the issues at hand.      "We will meet again in four hours time. We must come up with a plan."     Draco burst through the doors in his human form. At almost seven feet tall he was an imposing figure. If he had come in as a dragon, he would have never fit through the doors. His dark red hair in a braid down the middle of his back. His icy blue eyes telling everyone to stay where they are. " My mate is missing, and I am called here, why?" He glared at the council. Precious time being wasted here instead of out looking for his mate.      "The hunters have discovered that you exist, Draco." Aislinn said her voice a calm in the storm of emotions flowing through the room.      Draco paled at the mention of hunters, his worst fears were coming true. His brother Ignatious had said he could smell them near their boundaries when they began looking for his mate.     "Do they have Avalon?" He asked her, afraid for her answer. Aislinn was not only a witch, but she was a vision holder and secret keeper.      Aislinn looked sadly at her friend, " I am afraid to say they do." Aislinn didn't get the chance to tell him to beware of his brother, that he was somehow involved. She just hoped she would be able to keep Avalon and Draco safe.      At that Draco fell to his knees, he looked at the group of creatures in front of him. "Please help me get her back, she is with child" he begged. He knew he was asking a lot of them. "If you help me get her back I will move my clan into hiding. We will do anything. Just, please help me get her and my unborn back."      The council voted quickly on what to do. There was no other choice the hunters have stolen one of their own. This means war.      *********     All members of the council, from werewolves to fae to dragons quickly joined forces to retrieve Draco's mate. Draco was more than just a dragon he was the leader of one of the strongest clans in the world. He grew his clan with peace and harmony, never taking more than they needed and giving at every opportunity. All of the other mythics knew they could ask Draco for assistance. This is why none of them hesitated to aide him in his time of need.      Draco got back to his clan to tell his brother about the impending war and what Aislinn had told him about his mate. This infuriated Ignatious, his plan was about to fall to ruin. He was so tired of living in his brother's shadow. They were dragons for god's sake! We could take anything and everything we wanted.      Ignatious tried to calm down, he would just rearrange his plan. Yeah, he could kill two birds with one stone. He just had to be sure to get rid of his brother. He was too lost in his thoughts of what he would do to Draco and his mate that he never heard him tell him about the clan going into hiding.          ******     Twelve months later     The group of mythics formed to find Avalon were sneaking quietly into the grounds where she was hidden. Draco was leading the pack. His breath caught in his throat, his beautiful mate was laying there. She was chained to the wall, her belly now large with their child. He knew she was close to giving birth. He just hoped he wasn't too late. They entered the compound silently taking out the hunters that were guarding the cells.      One of the fae had shifted into their smaller size and grabbed the keys. Once they were in and got to Avalon they realized quickly that she was falling into labor. The pain on her face evident with each contraction.     "Draco, you found me. I had almost given up hope." she cried as he unlocked her chains.      "I will always find you my love." he said as he kissed her.       "We have to transport her, it's the only way to get her out of here safely." the male witch beside Draco said. " I can take you as well."      Draco nodded as he looked at his wife, "let's get her to the clan hospital."      A few hours later they were looking at their beautiful son, when Ignatious walked in.      "Ah, brother, come in and meet your nephew," he called warmly.      Ignatious looked at his brother with contempt, "You messed up everything and because of that you deserve to die!" He said as stabbed both his brother and his sister in law.      Aislinn came running in, and stopped as she stared in horror.      "Ignatious Faluzure you are here-by banished from the Dracini clan. Forever to roam unloved and unwelcome to any mythic." she stated as she gently scooped up the baby. The doctors coming in to try to save them both.      With his last breath, Draco told the doctors to save Avalon. He knew their baby would need it's mother.       Aislinn watched in awe and heard the voices begin their chant.             One soul becomes two,      searching through ages      to once again become whole,      emerald eyes behold     Broken both searching     Love forever rages.      until two become one again.      While Aislinn knew that Avalon would be heartbroken over the loss of her mate. She would find solace in her son and they would carry on the traditions and love from Draco.          *             
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