Chapter Two

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    Not Quite Present Day     It's been almost five hundred years since Ignatious killed his brother out of jealousy. It has since become nothing more than a  story, a legend, at this point around the Dracini clan that was moved to an island off the coast of what is now Avec village.  Most of the humans forgetting that dragons were more than just something they tried to slay.  They were happy to be nothing more than story book fodder for the majority of humans. The dragons never really left the island except to start the hunt for their mates.      Draco and Avalon's lineage lived on through their son, who passed on the stories to his children. Eventually, they too becoming nothing more than a story memory. Aislinn's poem about the twin flame becoming a children's nursery rhyme they learned before they became of age to become their dragons. Everyone eventually living blissfully, happy with where they are and the role they played in the clan.          Everyone except for Grivacre, the brother of Nervem, he was jealous of the love he had with Lillith. He had always had a crush on her and felt that she should have been mated to him, she never returned the feelings and that broke him. Watching his brother take the happiness that should have been his. When she grew large with their child he was beyond angered, he left the clan. Finding a smaller island where he could nurse his broken heart and plan his revenge.      His plan able to come to fruition unexpectedly the day his nephew and niece had  gotten lost in the forest. When he had shown up from his little island. After he attacked them and pretended to care as they were rescued, bringing him back into the family's good graces, he relaxed and waited. He knew once they were found it would be chaos, and he could take Lillith. He waited in vain though, as while Chusi, did indeed die. His nephew lived, though  he didn't seem to recognize him as the one to attack them.      *********Present day     Alev woke with a start, the sweat pouring from his body. It always takes him right back to that day. Why can't he ever have a pleasant dream? His deep brown hair with dark red streaks soaked to his head his amber eyes full of unshed tears over his dead sister. To this day he blames himself for the events that happened that night. He just wished he knew who had done it.  His mother and father have never blamed him but they were so lost in their mourning that they forgot he was hurting too. He got up pushing the nightmare to the recesses of  his mind and forced himself to get ready for the day. Being next in line to run the clan and currently the strongest dragon meant he trained before everyone else, then began their training.      "It's a good thing too," he said to  himself as he looked in the mirror, splashing water on his face. "It'll get rid of the memories." he always immersed himself into training when the nightmares became too much.      He sighed as he headed to the kitchen, he hoped he could avoid seeing his mother. He grumbled around kitchen making coffee.      "Good morning, son." his mother greeted him, Lillith loved her son dearly.      "Good morning, mom." he said over his coffee cup, his face and eyes telling her he had yet another nightmare about his sister.      "Alev, I think you need to take some time and go to Avec. The witches can help you. They can ease the pain you feel." she pleaded with him gently.      The guilt washed over him again, this time for making his mother worry. She didn't need to, he had all this under control. He just go out to the training fields and transform. He would fly until he was tired. He was thankful they were so far away from Avec that they looked like birds on the horizon. Only the other mythics knew there was an island out here. They would send supplies and aide anytime it was needed.      Nervem came into the kitchen at this point as well, "Good morning son, don't forget the younger dragons are going to be training this month. "     Alev smiled, that meant there would be a lot of fires, flooding, and possibly ice storms until they can control their gifts.          Lillith smiled at her son, this would be the perfect way to get him to Avec. He needed to come to terms with Chusi, whether he believed it or not. His actions were not healthy for his body or his mind.      "Well son, since we will be allowing the younglings to explore their gifts, that means we need to bring the fire fighters out to the island. You can go to Avec and bring them back. While you're there I want to find Aislinn for me. Please."      Alev rolled his eyes so hard at his mother's request he could almost see his brain.He knew what his mother was attempting to do.      "Don't even try it," she warned, " I actually need to speak with her, I would like her to come out as well." She picked up her coffee cup and took a casual sip. She needed to speak to her about a dream she had. She hoped it wasn't just a dream but a vision, while dragons don't usually have them they were known to get them once in a while. She wanted this one to be true in the worst possible way. She saw her daughter alive.      "Mother, I will go to Avec, I will bring the firemen out here. I will even go to find Aislinn for you. But I will not be looking for anyone to help me. I don't need it. I am not weak." he said as he began to eat his breakfast.      Nervem looked at his son, "Alev, please, understand. Seeking help through your grief doesn't mean you are weak. The exact opposite, actually. You will need to learn that you can not go through your life alone. Some day you will have a mate, you will be a joined pair. Two halves of a whole. You will need to be able to lean on her, and she on you. Do not close your self off to this." as he said all of this to Alev, he looked at his wife.      Alev looked at his father, " I don't want a mate, father. I don't deserve one." with that he left the kitchen and went out to the training fields.      He took off his clothes and laid them neatly on the ground, " I can't have a mate. I couldn't protect my sister. How can I protect my mate?" he said as transformed in the biggest chocolate brown dragon with red streaks down the sides. He stretched his massive wings, allowing them to spread wide. With two flaps of his wings he was above the training grounds and ready to fly.       His final thought before he flew high above the island was, " I will never be good enough for her, I won't accept her. She will be better off with out me." 
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