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The training, as Madam Gisella had said, turned out to be nothing but endless labour. However, she did warn them to run fast as that was the only way one could finish her hefty load of work early and rest. Somehow, that made Regina wish the hunt will come and go. She needed an out from this place. Just a day more, Regina, and everything will be over, she kept chanting to herself as she dropped the last bag of salt she had been asked to arrange in the store room of the Prime minister's warehouse. After today, and the hunt tomorrow, whatever that entails, Regina had promised herself she was going to find a way out of this along with her sister. The Prime minister's manor was large. Left to Regina, it was too big to be inhabited by the Prime Minister. If this was how big the prime minister's home looked, how big was the palace? The manor has a collection of little buildings, which Regina knew nothing of what they are used for. The manor was surrounded by a stone enclosure. But one thing kept nagging her. What had Jade wanted saying? What was she trying to say two days ago? Luck was not on her side however, as she and Jade haven't seen each other since then. She sighed, slipping down to the bare floor while leaning her back on the bags of salt she had arranged. She wanted nothing more than having a cup of water, or perhaps wine if possible. She smiled as she knew that was a far-fetched wish, but still, something she desperately yarned for. She had been sent to work at the Prime minister's warehouse, like most of the girls had been sent all across the capital to the rest of the ministers houses. She wasn't lucky as niether Valeria nor Skyler were sent to thesame location as she was. She guessed the time to be around eleven in the morning, but she was already tired and beyond exhausted at thesame time. She still has to work for few more hours before she was due to go back to the house. "Ya lazy ass b***h! How dare ya sit there when there's so much work to do?" I loud thundering voice filled the air, and Regina flinched at it's hostility. She stood up quickly, wincing a little as a back gave a loud creak indicating how tired she was. Her head was bowed, as she had vowed not to do anything that'll cause any attention towards her for the time being. "I'm so sorry. I was just..." "Shut up and get to work before I whip ya ass!" The man thundered again.  Regina sighed, but willed herself not to say anything and walked ahead, approaching the door that leads outside the warehouse. "Ya've got a nice curvy ass right there, lady." He sneered, rubbing his hand along Regina's buttocks just as she was about walking past him.  That did it. She quickly shoved his hand away, but not without twisting it painfully for a few moments and then tossing it away. All through, she didn't allow herself look up to meet his face, nor his eyes.  "Ya b***h!" He growled, stopping just an inch from her. This time however, Regina couldn't stop herself from looking up. She came face to face hard looking face, with cresses on his forehead and his jaw. His eyes were red and puffy, and he smelt of sweat and dirt. He looked like a guard due to the iron clad helmet he held in one arm, and a spare on the ground which seem to be what he had been holding with the hand he had touched her butt with. Probably, the lowest of the guards around, Regina snickered. "I don't think I've given enough reasons for the name calling. Beside, I'm already done with the last batch of salt I was asked to deliver in the warehouse. I only need to go start getting the silk from the last room by the eastern wing of his Lord's house. So, does that warrant you calling me names and yelling?" It couldn't be helped. She had been restraining herself from getting attention towards her, but people wouldn't just mind their businesses and allow her be. "I suppose that also doesn't give you the right to touch me that way!" Her voice nearly chocked, and she parted herself mentally for not allowing that to happen. Else, the useless person before her might've assumed it was because she was scared of him. He'd be the last man she gets scared of. "Ahhh, I see you like to challenge other people. Well, imma show you I'm not like em. I be strong and can wipe ya ass in seconds be..." "You whip my ass and I won't hesitate to rip away that thing dangling between your legs!" Regina bit back. What could possibly be the worst purnishment for getting into a fight with a guard from the Prime minister's house? Regina thought, but didn't care. Whatever the purnishment would be like, it would be worth it by the time she was done putting this lowly life in place. The guard hissed, then threw his helmet and yanked Regina's hair tightly. "Imma teach you a lesson befitting lowlifes like ya, ya b***h. In a moment, we shall see if that sweet mouth of yas still has the guts to spew out nonsense..." He wasn't given a chance to finish, as Regina's knee had made a quick contact with his groin. In the exact place she had wanted it to be. He let go of her hair, then straggled back in pain, while squeezing in his knees together. The look on his face was tortured. And somehow, that made Regina laugh heartily. "Oh damn! You need to see...the...look on your face!" She said in between laughter, while pointing at the guard with her right hand. "I hope this must've taught you enough lesson not to try messing up with another woman. We ain't weak as most of you must've assumed. Be careful next time not to get that thing cut off." She added sweetly, then swept her large gown dramatically and turned to walk away.  But not so fast. As she found a man standing there. From the looks of it, without needing anyone to tell her, Regina knew he was a high class ranked noble man. The three men behind him, explains a part of it already. He stood tall and proud. The dark brown shirt he wore cling onto his body, fitting every perfect angle and exposing the biceps underneath. So were the cream colored breeches he wore. For a moment, Regina let her mind wander through her good looking the man before her looked before she quickly shook her head and shove the thoughts away. The loud sound of clap filled the large warehouse, and in few minutes, the other guards picked up. Regina was confused. But it was short-lived. "Now, that is what I call a perfect show from a perfect woman!" The man finally spoke after stopping his clap. "Who might you be, My Lady?" He bowed a little, stretching his hand towards her. Regina understood he wanted her to place her hand in his, so he can kiss it. Keeping up with the custom. But she didn't, instead, she looked up defiantly at him, square into his eyes and said softly. "If I refuse, would you get my ass whipped too?" He stared at her for a moment, a slow sensuous smile creeping at the edge of his lips. "If you'd like me to. However, I'll make it the most enjoyable." "Thank you, but you're boring," Regina replied with a sigh, trying to walk away. But one of the men stood before her, crossing his arms across his large bare chest. "Oh," was the first thing he said before he laughed so hard. "You are something else, My Lady. Allow me to introduce myself before anything though. I'm Ashton. But you can call me Ash." "Why, Ash, thanks for the go ahead. But I'll really like to get back to work before I get questioned and attacked once more." Her eyes swept across to the guard still on the floor. Serves him right, she thought with a slow smile. "You don't seem to be around here. Did my sister get a new slave?" Regina's brows furrowed in confusion. "Oh, forgive me. I haven't introduced myself properly. I'm the first son of the Prime Minister." That explains the proud aura surrounding him. But Regina wasn't interested one bit. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, My Lord. But I really need to get my work done before Madam Gisella sends for me." "You're part of the hunt?" He asked, his tone suddenly changing. "Yes, My Lord." He watched her on, a thoughtful look on his face. "What is your name? And don't play games anymore. Just answer my question." Regina knew now wasn't the time to play another game or try to show off she wasn't scarred of them all. So, she answered. "Regina. Regina Serban Cronox." "Now, My Lady," he moved forward, swept some hair away from Regina's face and caressed it carefully before pulling his hand away. "I'll see you soon." "Of course, My Lord," she curtsied, then walked away as quickly as possible. Ash's gaze were still on her. He only looked away after she had rounded the corner and turned to one of his men. "Get me the pass for the hunt. And get my name added to the list of hunters, Rob." "Yes, My Lord." "I'm going to make you mine. Whatever it takes, Regina."
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