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Nothing sucks more than not having a voice of your own, Regina thought miserably. Left to her, these past two days would've been dealt with differently. She would've made sure Jade was punished for the crime she had committed. Deep within her, however, she was wondering how one's heart could be strong enough to kill just for a silly thing. If their parents hadn't been accused of treason and murdered for a crime they most likely didn't commit, of course Regina was sure they didn't commit the crime they were accused of. However, she had no way of proving it. Her father had been a lower-ranked scholar of their kingdom, hence, the reason why despite everything and his denial to participating in the failed coup, he and their mother never made it. They died. While the real mastermind, whom Regina was sure had been the real culprit behind the coup and her parents' death, remained alive. Enjoying their death, while sending away their children as a tribute to another Kingdom to participate in the so-called hunt. What this hunt was particularly all about, Regina had no idea. And so did most of the girls in house Farlan. The only thing making her and sister’s stay there bearable was the three square meals they got fed daily. Her precisely, for the past two days since the girls were under punishment. Although, trying to recuperate while trying to figure out why they had been brought to Dumburton and what exactly the hunt was all about, seems to be two hard tasks to accomplish at the same time. That didn't stop Regina from remembering the man from the woods from time to time. It seemed as though he had become an obsession. She kept leaning towards the fact that she only remembers him because of her hatred towards him. But even she now found it quite disturbing that no matter what, she always finds her thoughts going back to him from time to time. She had only caught a look of his dark billowing hair and his angular structured face. But she had been wondering all this time what his eye color had been, or the exact shape of his lips and his scent in particular. Cussing herself for ever thinking about the man who could have saved her from all this, but chose not to, Regina pulled tightly at her hair and narrowed her eyes at her reflection. She looked worse than she had looked when they arrived. However, she wasn't about to dwell on that. Madam Gisella had announced that they all gather in the large hall. The same hall they had used when the king had visited. She had not seen her sister since she had woken up and had been wondering where Valeria had run off to. Regardless though, she was all alone in the room. It was a small room, fit for only one person if the world had been a better place. However, four of them share the room with two beds put together to be shared by two girls each. Since most of them never came with anything except the clothes on their body when they arrived, the room was pretty empty except for the large mirror. Regina had noticed that only a handful of the girls had changed from the clothes she had first seen them with. Most of them, including her sister, still drag around with their faint, dirt-filled clothes all around. She had been lucky enough to get a change because when she had arrived, her dress had been torn by Sir Merian. The white dress they all wore when the king visited had been taken back, however, they were given the same dress that morning and asked to dress in them. Realizing that it was time already to be in the hall, Regina tugged at the dress a little to feel a little more comfortable around her chest. It was tight and it made her so uncomfortable. Knowing that wherever Valeria was, she must have gotten ready to go to the hall already, Regina stepped out of their room. For the first time since their arrival, this was the only time she had taken a good look at their prison. Regina soon realized the house was cold, damp, and dark. Outside, before she had stepped in two days ago, it was warmer and lighter than within its walls. Despite it being a two-storied building, it still looked shabby and poorly looked after. Or perhaps, it was mainly to keep women like her caged up in it. The windows were very small openings with wooden shutters that were closed at night or in bad weather, just like it had been back home with their houses. The small size of the windows allowed those inside to see out but kept outsiders from looking in. The house has a thatched roof, which was something that can easily be destroyed by anyone. Sighing, Regina stepped into the large hall which was already filled with the women inhabiting house Farlan. Most of these women only knew each other after being brought here. The women had each come from either one of the four smaller kingdoms that always pay tribute to the Kingdom of Dumburton as an empire. She let her gaze sweep around, searching for Valeria and Skyler.  She couldn't find them, instead, her eyes caught up with Jade's, who smiled, nodded her head and raised her hand in mock salutation towards Regina. Regina simply sighed, found a chair and sat like most of the girls did. Her treacherous eyes kept going back and forth towards Jade and her little gang, who were sitting directly across her. A moment later Jade whispered something to the girls and they all burst out laughing before she stood up and walked up to Regina. "You're up." she simply said, sliding into the seat beside Regina. "I suppose you had a nice sleep, didn't you?" She asked, a smirk lingering at the edge of her lips. Regina choked on her breath, cussing and cussing herself over and over again for being afraid of Jade. She wasn't one to get afraid easily. Heck, she wasn't one to let her fear show. But here she was, shaking in her wits, afraid that Jade might do something to her. But who in her right senses wouldn't be afraid of Jade? "What do you want?" Her voice was faint and it quivered a little at the end. Yet again, she cursed herself. "And why did you drop a blade close to me two days ago?" She asked the question she had been itching to ask. All these days she had wondered why Jade had dropped that blade beside her and why she had told her to watch her back. It wasn't as though Jade really cared about her. The deafening silence from Jade made Regina turn to look at her. However, she flinched at the intensity in Jade's eyes. "I see. Perhaps I have created a rough reputation for myself here." There was sadness in her voice as she spoke, but it was quickly masked. "But it was much needed here if  I needed to survive." That simple statement seemed to pique Regina's interest even more. Although she was still afraid, she decided to just be herself and face Jade straight up. After all, she wouldn't dare try to kill her as she did to Fiona, right? Although no one took an action about it. "Listen," Jade began, cutting off her thoughts. "I know you don't trust me. Heck, I wouldn't blame you if you find me disgusting. However, I want you to know that I didn't kill Fiona just..." "All rise for Madam Gisella!" A loud booming voice filled the large hall and that stopped Jade from saying whatever it was she wanted to. Without waiting, she stood up, refusing to meet Regina's curious gaze. Madam Gisella strode in, head held high. She was dressed in a cotton steampunk dress. Regina, for the first time ever, let her eyes access the woman before her. She wasn't that old and had long dark hair. She always puts on heavy makeup around her eyes, which pronounces her kind of cold caring attitude towards people. She stood high above everyone, smiling faintly at them, all before she settled on the chair that had been purposely kept for her. As soon as she waved her hand Jade quickly walked away without waiting one bit. It was strange, Regina thought, and for a moment she thought she had seen a flash of fear in her eyes before she left. "Good day to you all. I trust you all have been treated fairly. Although, that is to be expected since you are national treasures." Madam Gisella paused, another slow taunting smile at the edge of her lips. "Remember, your participation in this hunt proves your loyalty towards our kingdom. Any resistance from you of any kind warrants a severe punishment." she emphasized the word punishment. "I will not tolerate any sort of misbehavior from any of you." "But Jade wasn't punished when she blatantly killed someone in front of us all." Valeria's voice filled the room. Regina's heart missed a beat. She had been wondering where her sister had been all this while, only for her to speak up at such an unfavorable time. Even for Regina who has a strong heart and had always been brave, there are moments she knew she shouldn't mess with. And right now, was that moment. A simple snap of Madam Gisella's fingers and Valeria was brought before her. She still had that taunting smile on her face. "I suppose I do not need to tell any of you what I decide to do with the happenings in this house. I am your guardian, and I decide whom to punish and why. I believe Jade has paid enough for her crime and I do not need to clarify that with any of you. Do I make myself clear?" The smile had vanished completely from her face and now she had a deep scowl that somehow shows her old age that had been hidden by her heavy makeup. Valeria needed no one to tell her it was her cue to apologize and leave. So, she did the exact thing and quickly went back to her seat. Regina's mind was a complete mess. She wanted desperately to know what Jade had wanted to say. And it seems that something is amiss with the happenings after this little show from Madam Gisella and Valeria. Regina knew that something was up, but what that is, she couldn't say.  "Remember, it is a huge honor for you to serve this empire by participating in the hunt. And even more of an honor when you make it out and find your price." Madam Gisella's voice filled the room yet again. "Starting from today, you girls will be trained for the hunt which is going to take place in the next three days. Prepare yourselves to run as fast as you can, because that will determine your success in this hunt. You can all leave." She didn't wait for anything more as she stood up and strode away. But when she came to where Jade stood she paused for a moment, stared at her briefly then shook her head and left. Something is definitely up, Regina thought as she quickly made her way towards Jade, who simply waved her fingers slowly in an attempt to tell her not to come after her. She simply nodded, walked towards Valeria, and dragged her away. * Carefully, Eduardo drew his cloak tightly over his head and dragged the face cover he had tied behind his ears over his nose, leaving only his eyes visible in case anyone finds him. Besides, what were the chances that anyone would? It was so late already. Then, he nodded at Arman and they rode off down the village. He had this grim thought that today's work would be much more hectic than all other days. If he wants to make his citizens happy at all, going the extra mile wouldn't hurt. Besides, what better way to pacify his people than this way? He's still struggling with the internal conflict between his two factions of ministers and had to pretend as though he's still the foolish man his grandmother thought him to be. Slowly and gradually he's going to teach them all a lesson when the right time comes. For now, there are still some things he needs to put in place before his final plan sets in. "Are you sure this is right? Is it okay to raid the Prime minister's warehouse?" Arman asked carefully, signaling far ahead of him by shooting an arrow. "I suppose so." Eduardo replied grimly, tightening his hold on the reins of his horse. "If the Prime minister has the guts to steal from the people in broad daylight, I suppose we can do more at night with ten elite guards with us." Eduardo replied calmly. "Where is he?" A few shuffling and a few moments later one of the guards came forward with another man trailing behind him. "My Liege." the man quickly bowed down, as soon as he saw Eduardo. "Thank you for..." "Do you swear your loyalty? Would you fight to the death when being captured? Would you endure anything thrown at you without mentioning my name? Can I trust you?" He threw out the questions all at once, without waiting for the man to say anything. The man looked up, fixed his eyes directly into Eduardo's and nodded. "I'll lay my life down for you, My Liege." Eduardo simply stretched his hands towards the man and when the man captured it, he squeezed it tightly then nodded. A few moments later the man was dressed in dark closes and a mask. Just like the ten guards did. "Remember, your part is only to distract the guards at the Prime minister's house since you aren't trained yet," Arman explained. "Yes, Commander." "You can leave." he nodded towards the rest of the guards and they sat on their horses watching as the men finished the last touches of their preparation. "Why are you doing this? You shouldn't trust him. What if he exposes us?" "He won't," Eduardo cut him off quickly, his eyes still on the guards. "If anything he'll respect and love me more for this. While fighting this man two days ago I saw fire as strong as yours. Speaking to him yesterday and opening up the real me, made me realize I made the right choice by deciding to speak with him. He'll do anything for his family. And anything yet again to anyone he chooses to believe. And he believed me." "I still find it uncomfortable that he chose to help us in our quest of raiding the ministers houses after only three days. Anything can go wrong, My Liege. You need to stop this!" "And watch my people continue to suffer?" His voice was harsh, rough. And anyone could tell how he was struggling to control his emotions. "I'm just an imposter emperor , who needs to use tricks like this to help my people until I'm brave enough to stand up for them thoroughly." He paused, looking everywhere but Arman's side. "I believe you above anyone understands my dilemma. We just have to keep this up until the Empress and consort selection after the hunt. I'll make my first move then." "If the Queen Dowager finds out about this..." "Grandmother will only find out about this when one of you decides to betray me, Arman." He paused, then turned to look at Arman briefly before turning away. "Are you ready?" "Yes, My Liege." And together, with the guards trailing behind them, they rode into the night.
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