Entry 54

1334 Words
Unknown date I was beginning to wish that I had my Juryoko blades and a second later they were in my hands with the straps with the knives around my chest. I looked at them confused. “Thanks Thoth,” I said. I knew it was that invisible fucker, I actually could not remember if I had met him yet or not. Whatever the case I quickly threw two knives out at the closest screaming creature. It dropped. Sara screamed when one of them lashed out at them. I grabbed her and pulled the knives back to me using the magnetic field of my arm band that had returned to my arm when I thought about it. I grabbed both of the knives and at the same time put Sara on my back with my free hand. “Hold on,” I said. I felt her cradle my neck and back and I flung some knives at the f****d-up monstrosities as they came towards us. If I thought those half-inklor things that had attacked me lord knows how long ago were bad these things were even worst. They had bulges of insect mandibles coming out of their faces. Some of them had bulging compound eyes coming out of their face when the other one was a regular one. Some had extra arms coming out of their sides, or extra legs coming out of them. Some of them looked to have their arms a strange mixture of a hand and an insect leg. Thin like an insect leg the ends with hands. Some had this melting quality to them, at least to their skin. It was like some had some melting skin on top of giant bug things. The Giant bug things were hard to describe. The reminded me of a mantis. They had bent front arms, I guess you could call them, huge bulbous eyes and mandibles. They were making this horrible clicking yet speaking noise. “Reeeee…..” some of them screamed. “Krishna!” I said I threw knives at some of the creatures as they tried getting closer to me. I knocked back at least four of them this way. I pulled the Juryoko knives back to me and started to run for it. “Do you remember where you saw the shelter?” I asked. “I think it was that way!” Sara said as she pointed north. “Alright I’m trusting you,” I said.  Sara looked at the creatures as we ran. “They seemed to have a consciousness to them still like that girl.” Sara said. “These must have not been turned fully to the screaming ones I saw earlier. They all looked like they were girls, all around my age, and they all looked to me pleading!” Sara looked like she felt confused “Why did these ones exist?” She had asked. “I don’t know,” I said as I ducked under one of the attacking ones “Please….” One of them said as it tried grabbing to Sara. Sara on an instinct like me had ducked down. I ran away from the horde and I saw that thing fall to its knees and started crying horribly. The others around this thing turned towards us and started to go towards us. Sara grabbed onto my back as we continued to run down the street she kept looking around of the black ones and every other type of insect that she could think of. Sara describe breathlessly that she was starting to really worry her was the fact that she had not seen any fully her people around anywhere well before she met me at least. Clearly there had to be some more around she said. I really did not know how I was going to explain to her what was going on. I was not totally sure what was going on. I knew that this was not exactly what it was looking like it was. The apparency was the fact that this was an invasion. An invasion by the Zhiran. The f*****g Zhiran of all things. I knew it when I saw those things a moment ago. It was the f*****g Zhiran, the things that we only knew about through legends and tales that the Fakirs themselves had brought to us. Everything about those bug things that I remember hearing about from the rumors from the Fakirs that got from the Inklors were exactly what the hell these things were. Giant Bug mantis things. Complete with bent hands, giant bulbous eyes and f*****g mandibles. And with all the ships floating around. The massive moon thing floating around. It looked like an invasion. And that was the thing that was bothering me as I ran with Sara on my back. She was clutching to me as tightly as her small body would allow her. She was clutching for dear life. I didn’t have to think it was like that, it was like that. I looked around and saw the ships flying around. I saw the bug things flying around. I saw the bug armored people flying around. That was what was bothering me. The ones pretending to be bugs. Like the Gold one. Like the black ones. Like the red ones. There were people pretending to be bugs. Just like Horse that attacked me earlier was wearing armor like a giant beetle. What, the f**k did Hanuman call them? Nephilim. What was the deal that was going on here? There was the fake invasion on top of some of these Nephilim guys going around buzzing and pretending they were bugs? That was very suspicious. Why were they doing that? Where the f**k were we anyways? I looked up the sky trying to gauge it. That was useless I knew because the smoldering wreckages of the buildings around us whiffing smoke and flames into the air. I tried to look haphazardly as I could with one damn good eye now, at the buildings trying to figure out where I was. Albadios came to mind, but I didn’t think that that was the case. I saw that moon ship thing again. I wondered where the hell it came from and how it was not throwing the gravity off of everything. Probably because it was a ship and not a planet, yet it looked oddly familiar, oddly like something I had seen before. From the book? Maybe. That damned book, did I see this in that damn thing? My eye throbbed when I thought the damn book “Krishna!” I said. “How did you get that anyways?” Sara asked noticing me grimace and she must have known that it was because of the f*****g jagged scar down my right eye that burned like s**t and throbbed like it had never throbbed before. What did I have first degree burns on my eye maybe? Sure, as hell felt like it. I remember it was the Falcon who had slashed me, but I was in a particular position, on top of a ship? One of the ships zipping around maybe? “Wish I knew,” I said. “However, I got it, it must have been recently.”    My memory was still scattered and dispersed. I only saw flashes of stuff. That moon ship thing was of some sort of importance and I knew it, somehow it was key to whatever the hell was going on. So was that Locust thing, but the memory of why these things were key but I knew that they were. My eye began to burn again as we finally reached a clearing. Sara started tugging on me nervously after I looked around a corner trying to see if there were anymore of those bug things or any more of the bug armor wearing freaks. “What is it?” I asked. “Don’t make any sudden movements,” a voice said I turned around knowing full well who would have gotten the drop on me. First, I saw the barrel of an L1C (a laser 1 cannon, though it should really be called a pistol). Pointing at my face, I wondered for half a second if I could take the gun, without Sara on my back probability would be 200 % with her it was 50-50. Then I saw my face on the reflection of a helmet of a Sea Lion. More of my memories started to come to me then.
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