
4579 Words
    Laying on the floor in her bedroom after flinging herself to the ground, panicking, shaking, her heart pumping so fast she could feel it in her chest. She watches the beam of light from the torch bouncing around her window, her mind completely blank, frozen, no idea what she was supposed to do. Suddenly the glow from the torch disappeared, Esme stayed where she was for some time, ensuring whoever it was had left before taking a peek through the corner of the window. The glow from the streetlight outside the neighbours house was the only light she could see, dimly lighting the front garden, creating shadows across the path. Seeing no one outside, she draws the curtains not wanting to be able to view the outside, or the outside to view her. Laying on her bed a little shaken up, taking hold of her phone she dials the number of the first person she thinks of, Jett.  "Hey babe!" "Jett! There was someone outside, they had a torch and...." After rambling for a bit Jett cuts her off, not really understanding what she was trying to say. "Esme! Calm down! What are you trying to tell me?" "There was a man in next doors garden with a torch, he spotted me looking at him through my window. It scared me." Beginning to sob, an after effect of her fear, Jett tries to calm her down, advising her on how to reduce her anxiety. "OK calm down Esme. Drink some water, put on some music and try and get some sleep. OK? This person still there?" "I don't know, I don't think so. It's too dark." Her sobbing subsiding, her breathing slowing, slightly calmer but still on edge, Jett's breathing on the end of the line comforting. "I have to go Esme. It sounds like he's gone. You'll be fine." Esme felt a little empty by the way he hung up like that, slightly numb, unsure how to react. Dropping her phone onto the bed beside her she just lay there, reminiscing about the time they used to spend hours on the phone talking, Every night they would speak, but now she was lucky to get a text, only really speaking in school or at parties. During the last weekend of the summer holidays, Jett had taken her on a date. Not really a romantic date but a date all the same. He'd taken her to the cinema where they kissed and held hands, nothing more, then took her to Crepe Town, a quirky little dessert place not far from the movie theatre, where she ordered a strawberry milkshake and shared an enormous, beautifully golden waffle, lathered with both milk and white chocolate, topped with a dollop of cold vanilla ice cream. That was the only time she saw him alone the whole summer. Speaking with him on the phone just now there was no goodbye, no I love you, nothing, simply "you'll be fine." Anger built up inside her at the thought of his uncaring tone, distracting her a while from the ordeal she encountered moments ago. Having one last look out of the window, noticing the lights now on in the house next door and a car in the driveway that she recognised as theirs, established a sense of restfulness within her, allowing her to sleep.     ...A pair of dark eyes were staring at her through her second floor bedroom window, his pale face  - almost ghost-like - and slick dark hair created a creepy looking person. Without warning his eyes glowed red, a snarl appeared on his face showing his fang like teeth and the vocalised hiss he made chilled her to the core so much she screamed...     Springing upright in bed, her heart beating rapidly in her chest, breathing heavy she felt glad it was only a dream but somehow it seemed so real. Thinking it was probably related to the disturbing events of the night before playing in her subconscious she shrugged it off knowing that vampires weren't real and it was just her mind twisting the truth. Getting a glass of water from the kitchen, taking a sip, a loud bang resounds through the room making her drop the glass in fright. Smashed pieces of glass were spread around her feet. Dodging the splinters and shards of glass she can see in the dimly lit room, heading for the window to take a peek through the white venetian blinds, at first she sees nothing unusual. About to retract from the window a dark shadow like figure shoots across the window making her look again. Arming herself with a carving knife, trembling, timorously creeping towards the back door, checking it's locked, then sprints through the house to the front door. Feeling somewhat better knowing all the doors are locked she decides it's time to inform her brother. Surely two people dealing with this would be better than one? Charging up the stairs, launching herself through Ben's bedroom door, she lays the knife down on his chest of drawers before shaking him vigorously as he lay asleep in his bed. "Ben! Ben! Wake up! Please wake up!" "What the hell Esme!" Startled by the abrupt wake up call, the darkness blocking out the expression of annoyance on his face, about to ask the reason behind her waking him up in the early hours of the morning, a sudden thump from outside, makes them both bolt upright. Leaping straight for the window, peering through the curtains, Ben studies the back garden while Esme fills him in on the occurrences throughout the night. Eyeing the garden carefully, he spots the back gate was open and notices the wind was picking up by the increased swaying of the trees. "It's just the gate blowing in the wind Esme. There's no need to be scared. I'll go out and close it then maybe you'll be able to get some sleep. You have school in the morning." A slight irritated tone in his voice told Esme he wasn't going to believe in her theory of someone being out there stalking the night. Putting on his thick navy dressing gown and slippers, she follows him downstairs to the back door, wanting to make sure he returned from the garden safely. Wanting to be reassured no one was out there preying on their house. The wind was definitely picking up, misty rain now making visibility poor, Ben was difficult to spot as he ran out into the garden to close the heavy wooden gate, losing sight of him the further up the garden he went. Anxiously awaiting his return to the house, expecting him to only take a short while, Esme's anxiety increases when after a few minutes he has not come back. "Ben?" "Ben!" "Ben! You're scaring me now!" Wrapping her arms around herself, instantaneously shivering, freezing, panic, fear setting in. Her breathing heavier, her eyes widen, shaking her head in disbelief as she shrinks away. "BOO!" Screaming, her immediate reaction was a full blown punch to the face, hitting him square in the nose. The scares she'd lived through tonight had already put her on edge and that was the icing on the cake. Her nerves couldn't take anymore and she retaliated. Blood gushed out of Ben's nose, his first response was "OW!" Then he began laughing. "You're a f*****g i***t Ben! You deserved that!" Moving out of the doorway, Esme grabbed a pack of frozen peas, slamming it onto his nose, producing tears from his eyes and a yelp from the pain. Leaving a trail of blood behind him from the backdoor to the kitchen table, Esme mops it up, cleans up the broken glass, then sits in front of him, looking at him with a look of disgust without saying a word, stubbornly refusing to apologise, especially when he knew what would happen playing a prank like that. If he hadn't done that he wouldn't have a broken, bloody nose right now. Once the bleeding had stopped she checked him over before going back to bed, hoping to get at least another hours kip before she had to get up for school. At least all the commotion of Ben's probably broken nose made her focus on something else.     Esme felt like she'd just managed to fall asleep when her alarm sounded out for her to get up. Groaning and mumbling to herself about not wanting to get up, with her eyes closed she places her feet on the ground, convincing herself to go to school, deciding a shower is needed as this seemed to always provide her with a bit more energy. After a bit of a groggy start to the day she finally feels decent enough to attempt high school. Since Ben was still sleeping she left the house quietly. locking the door behind her. Parking in her own designated parking space in the school car park, she checks out her make-up in the sun visor mirror before stepping out of the car.  "Esme!" Closing the car door, she looks around to see Isobel jogging towards her with a smile spread across her face. Parts of her golden curls protruded from her yellow hooded raincoat, sheltering her from the faint drizzle of rain, the type you can't hear or really feel but somehow you end up soaked to the bone. Linking arms, they run together through the rain, up the steps into the school building. unloading her books into her locker next to Isobel's, talking about her night of terror, however suddenly freezes on the spot when she spots Colton Blake and his rabble strutting through the corridor. They've only been here two minutes and they act like they own the place. Already her legs turn jelly-like, the hairs on the back of her neck stand up with nervousness, gulping as she watches them head in her direction. Isobel follows her line of vision, after noticing Esme had stopped talking in mid conversation and was now gazing into the distance. "What is with you and these guys? Why do they make you act so weird?" Isobel waved her hand in front of Esme's face trying to break the trance she was in, but it wasn't until Jett came up behind her, covering her eyes to surprise her, that broke the spell she was under. Flinching slightly at his touch, the recognisable scent from Jett made her aware of who it was. Smiling in realisation she turns around to wrap her arms around his neck and places a soft kiss on his lips, at the exact same time Colton and his companions walk past, then just like a whirlwind Jett was gone. Startled with his abrupt departure, making her think about their relationship again, she turns to talk to Isobel. Telling her about her doubts and concerns when it comes to Jett, the way he spoke to her on the phone when she was petrified someone was going to break into her house, and all he could say was "you'll be fine."  "You should talk to Jett. You're not going to find the answers by talking to me!" Stunned by the abruptness of her advice, no idea what to say in return, not that she had to say anything, Isobel picked up her pace and left Esme for dust as she meandered through the hallway.      Lunchtime came, Esme felt like she'd been at school a lot longer than she had, the day was so tedious and sluggish. Meeting up with the usual lunchtime crowd, at the same cafeteria table they always sat, Jett hadn't arrived yet and neither had Isobel. She couldn't understand why she was so sharp with her this morning and hoped she wasn't now avoiding her. Halfway through her lunch Jett appears, sitting with his football buddies to eat his food, the only acknowledgement of Esme was a wry smile and a nod of the head. At the end of the summer holidays Esme couldn't think of any flaw in her life until now. Now she felt lonely, like everything she once knew was a distant memory, a dream, a lie. Quickly finishing her lunch she left the cafeteria, feeling disappointed Jett hadn't followed her, maybe he hadn't noticed. Holding back the tears, heading speedily towards the washroom, her head down trying not to let anyone see the tears filling up in her eyes that were now blurring her vision, trying not to blink, not wanting to let the tears flow just yet, she bumps into none other that Colton. Eventually blinking, not being able to hold her stare any longer, looking up at the person she collided into, her tears escape her eyes and began to roll down her face. Colton wasn't sure what to do. First of all he smirked at her clumsiness but then noticing she was crying his expression changed. A little shock and sadness filled his face, about to say something Esme hastily moved around him and sped off down the hallway. Making it into the washroom, locking herself in one of the cubicles after checking the room was empty, she broke down. Sobbing into her hands as she sits upon the toilet seat she didn't hear the main door to the bathroom opening. Knock! Knock! Knock! Silencing herself after gasping in surprise, taking a deep breath to steady her voice, sternly she tells them, "Leave me alone!" Listening out for the door to close behind them she exits the cubicle, washing her hands in the sink then looking up in the mirror, she jumps. Colton was leaning up against the wall, his arms folded, a smile spread on his face finding amusement in her reaction at finding him there. "This is the girls bathroom in case you didn't know!" "I'm aware." "Then why are you here?" "You were upset. Why are you upset?" Eyeing him curiously, turning to face him, she wasn't sure what to make of his sudden concern. "Why do you care?" "I don't." "Then why ask?" Sighing, he pushes himself off the wall and walks towards her. Stepping back slightly, her back now against the sink, placing her hands on the basin either side of her to steady herself as he approaches, Closer and closer until his body is almost against hers. His eyes shift from side to side as if he's trying to read her, like he's confused by her and trying to figure her out. "I don't know. Who are you?" Gulping nervously at their closeness she couldn't help but stare at his beautiful face. His grey eyes staring straight back at her, alluring, protecting, safe but mysterious. Finally finding her voice she stutters, "E...E...Esme." "Well, Esme, if you're Ok I will leave." He's gone, leaving a trail of his sweet, aromatic scent behind him. Feeling able to breathe again, she composes herself before exiting the bathroom. Her troubles forgotten for the time being, now all she could think about was him. His eyes looking straight into her soul, the feeling of nervousness but excitement from him standing so close. Those feelings stayed with her the rest of the day, she couldn't focus on anything else. How could someone distract her this much? The butterflies in her stomach were growing more intense the more she thought about him and once she was home laying on her bed she realised she didn't feel any of that for Jett anymore. She wasn't even sure she ever did. It was merely attraction that made her want Jett, she found him good-looking but there was no real chemistry there.     Hearing the front door opening, knowing it was her parents she got out of bed to greet them. Having not seen them for a few days due to work related matters, she was looking forward to seeing them, especially the reaction on their faces when they see Ben is back home. Excited screaming rang through the house, as Esme skipped down the stairs, along with delighted chatter, welcoming him home. It felt lovely having him here, all that was missing was her sister Lacey and they would be a full family again. Deciding to sit down with them, nattering about Ben's trip, Esme's last year in school and what changes, if any, was she going to make to the cheer squad. Eyeing up her parents as they sat there, the love and happiness she felt when they were around was natural. Comforting. Her Mum was very elegant looking; her shoulder length, dark hair was up in a tight bun near the top of her head, her expensive, gold, pendent earrings hang close to her shoulders, her Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses were pulled up on top of her head, the beautiful, long Burberry, brown coat she wore - not having had the chance to remove it yet - made her look classically chic. Her Dad was also a very stylish gent, obviously fashioned by his wife, but she had good taste and he liked the clothes she picked out for him. Even though people thought of them as these exclusive, highbrow, wealthy citizens of society they were actually the most down to earth people you could meet. They brought fun everywhere they went, never let anything get in the way of family life and their love for their children was undeniable. After a long chat with the two of them, and Ben, she decides to hit the hay. The lack of sleep catching up to her. Stepping foot into her bedroom the first thing she does is draw the curtains, before she sees anything else lurking in next door's garden. Laying in bed, picking up her phone, checking to see if Jett had messaged but seeing nothing, she decides to get comfy. Feeling shattered from the night before, she fell asleep almost instantly. The same dream replayed, well more a nightmare, the man at her window with the fangs, little did she know this was going to carry on until her 18th birthday.     School the next morning wasn't the same as it usually was. Isobel didn't meet her at the lockers, in fact she didn't see her the whole day. Esme did manage to see Jett at lunchtime, even though he didn't sit by her and only spoke to her about football and cheer practice after school later. Walking to her first class after lunch with Matt he could tell something was wrong. "OK spill. What's up?" "Oh just everything Matt. I wouldn't know where to start." "Well if you want to talk about it you know where I am." Hugging one another in the corridor before they head into class. Esme's sadness and exhaustion, due to the lack of sleep from the nightmares, was now becoming heavy, so much so that it was starting to work it's way into her school life and people were beginning to notice. Lifting her head up as she gets near the back of the classroom, she freezes on the spot as she looks straight into the eyes of the mysterious Colton. Trying to ignore him, sitting down in her seat, focusing on the lesson ahead though all the while feeling totally uncomfortable, constantly feeling like his eyes were on her. Looking in his direction, she notices him watching her, studying her, never turning away. Colton focused his attention on her through the whole lesson and she was beginning to feel a little creeped out by this guy. The bell rings out at the end of the lesson, gathering her things up she briskly leaves the room, heading straight for the buildings exit, forgetting all about cheer practice. Feeling as if someone is following her, she turns her head as she walks spotting Colton behind her, eyes focused on her as if he's angry with her about something and wants answers. Picking up pace, leaving the building, arriving at her car, unlocking it before she arrives hoping to get a quick getaway. Still following her, she opens her car door, jumps into her seat, pulling the door shut Colton grabs hold of it before it closes completely. Letting out a gasp in shock that he managed to catch the door in time. "What do you want Colton? You're scaring me! Why are you following me?" "You need to come with us." "Us? What do you mean us?" After saying this she feels as if there are more eyes on her and as she looks around she sees Hunter, Zeke and James standing around her car as if they are going to stop her leaving. It scared her, there was no way she was just going to get in their car and leave with them. "I'm not going anywhere with you!"  Colton sighs, getting a little annoyed she is not doing what he tells her to do. He nods in the direction of the twins, signalling them to proceed with the next part of the plan. Zeke and Hunter get into her car. Zeke in the back seat, Hunter in the front passenger seat, Esme screams at them to get out but they don't pay attention to her orders. "Follow me!" Colton walks away, Esme stays seated thinking she's refused to follow him until Zeke speaks up from the back seat. "Drive!" "Where?" "Follow Colton's car." Panic was setting in, they wouldn't hurt her right? The fear was overwhelming, her whole body felt shaky, she tried so hard to mask it hoping they wouldn't detect it. Doing as they asked she followed behind Colton's black Skonda, the silence between the three of them in her car gave her time to try to calm her mind, to enable her to come up with some sort of plan to escape. She needed to feel prepared for whatever situation she was getting into. A short ten minute drive was all it took for them to arrive at their destination. Looking around at where they have taken her she spots a rundown barn surrounded by grassy fields and extremely tall trees, basically in the middle of nowhere. There seemed to be no nearby houses, no one that would hear her scream for help and this agitated her. She had to hope for there to be something around that she could use as a weapon. Colton's car came to a stop, parking behind him she doesn't move from her seat, seeing Colton and James step our of the car in front made her stomach drop, scared of what was going to happen next. Colton opens the car door for her to get out but she doesn't budge. Hunter and Zeke exited the car and stood with James in front of her car bonnet. Refusing to even acknowledge Colton, staring straight ahead, her mind playing out many different scenarios until his voice interrupted them. "Get out." "I'm not getting out of this car Colton! Not until you tell me why you brought me here!" Shrugging his shoulders as if to say 'we'll do it the hard way,' he manages to unbuckle her seat belt and pull her out of the car, it seemed none of her efforts to stop him made a difference. She thrashed, punched, clawed and kicked at him with all her might but in the end he won. Placing her feet on the ground he pushes her on the back, telling her to walk on. Three of them walked behind as Colton led them into the barn. The red painted barn was peeling, revealing the light brown coloured wood underneath, the arched thatched roof looked intact from the outside but as they walked through the double, wooden, gated doors you could tell there was some damage to it from the wet patches on the floor where the rain has managed to leak through the gaps. Luckily the rain had stopped for the time being but left everything wet and muddy, her shoes now wrecked from walking across the swamp like footpath up to the barn. The sky was still grey, overcast, like the rain has filled up the clouds but hasn't managed to burst through yet. Colton stops, turning to look at Esme with his arms folded and a serious look on his face. The rest of the group had formed a circle around her, locking her in the middle, unable to escape. "Are you going to tell me what this is about and why you have kidnapped me?" Colton drops his arms by his sides, clenched fists, his face screwed up in anger at her attitude towards him. He wasn't used to being spoken to this way by a girl, it irritated him, angered him. Creeping closer to her, towering over her, he places a curled index finger under her chin to lift her head up, making her look him directly in the eye. His eyes squint as if she's something different, something extraordinary that he can't understand. "Have you been having dreams lately?" "What sort of question is that Colton? Couldn't you have asked me that at school?" Folding her arms in annoyance, Esme started to believe this was all a joke, all some sort of sick prank, however looking into his eyes, somehow made her feel safe, made her relax slightly, it was like she knew he wasn't going to hurt her even though his demeanor came across like he would. It was like she could see directly into his soul by looking through his eyes. They seemed sad but kind, she wondered what he had seen in his life to make him this sad and angry. "Just answer the question Esme!" "Fine yes I have dreams. Everyone has dreams!" "Dreams about Vampires? Werewolves? Witches? What do you dream about?" "That sort of thing isn't a dream they sound more like a nightmare." "Tell me damn it! Is it the same dream every night?" "I dream about a man in my bedroom window, with dark hair, a pale face and fangs, I suppose you would say it was a vampire. But Vampires aren't real! It's the same nightmare every night and I'm sick of it! I'm exhausted!" "Hmm." "Is that all you have to say after dragging me out here and demanding to hear about my dreams? Colton this is all very weird and I would like to leave now!" Zeke, Hunter and James look at Colton, nodding at him as if he's talking to them and they're answering him. Esme gulped nervously, silent, wondering what was going to happen next. "OK. You may leave!" Shocked he was letting her go, she didn't wait to be told twice, legging it to her car she jumps in and drives away before he changed his mind. The whole thing was bizarre, mysterious, puzzling, but right now she just wanted to get home. She'd missed cheer practice thanks to them, in her panic she'd run to her car to escape, forgetting all about practice after school. It wasn't a good look, the head cheerleader missing practice. She was supposed to direct them, give them orders, teach them new routines, she just hoped they would forgive her, but what would she tell them? There was no way they were going to believe that she was kidnapped by Colton and his friends and how was she supposed to act around him now? Her plan was to avoid him wherever possible and to never again make eye contact with him or give him any opportunity to be alone with her again.
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