Things that go Bump in the Night

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    Lurking through the darkness, through the woods, following the scent of fresh blood, darting from tree to tree hiding from it's prey. It's smell was getting stronger, getting closer, the watcher knew he would soon be upon it. Climbing the bare tree to get a better view of his food, wearing all black helping to conceal himself within the branches, waiting to take it by surprise. It was wounded, he could tell. Even though he could smell the blood running through their veins, he could also sense when they were weak. The heart pumps slower, the blood drains quicker and their pulse becomes fainter. His heightened senses never failed him, however, his family were usually close by, ensuring he was safe while he hunted.The steady glow of the moon through the mist gave the dark woods an eerie feeling, the coldness hung still in the air making everything silent. Not that he had to worry about the coldness, he didn't feel it, he was dead after all. Hanging onto a thick branch with one hand, he leans forward, trying to home in on the creatures whereabouts with his hypersensitive hearing, looking through the darkness with his glowing red eyes, giving him enhanced vision; the ability to see at great distances. Hearing the rustling of dried leaves and the c***k of a stick, made it easier for him to pick up where his dinner was. The creature was scared, he could smell the fear as it ran, navigating it's way using it's oversensitive smell and night vision. Hugging tighter to the tree, keeping himself hidden, he gets ready to pounce. Counting himself down from 5, eagerly awaiting its arrival, he leaps off the tree like a lion attacking an antelope, landing on the back of the creature he so badly wanted to taste. The dark, four legged, shaggy creature takes off through the woods at full speed, dodging between trees, following the barely visible trail that snaked through the undergrowth. Clinging onto it's rough fur tightly, squeezing it with his thighs crushing its ribs, hearing the c***k of bones and the cries of agony, it's suffering. he manages to sink his teeth into the neck of the creature, making it howl in distress, hoping help would come. Although trying to shake itself free of this night time flier, pushing through the pain barrier, it couldn't manage it, no matter how much it thrashed or hit him against trees as it ran, it eventually accepted its fate, growing weak, too wounded, the pain too excruciating to carry on. His killer accomplished what he set out to do; draining the blood from the neck of the wild animal. Three others draw nearer, he steps back to let them feed, once he thinks they've had enough he joins them, emptying the blood from the dying creature. With no more blood left to drink, they stand up and watch as the animal they had murdered turns into a young woman. She was completely naked, probably older than they were, with long dark hair that was now covered in dark red blood, her scratched, muddy body was curled up on its side, the bloody puncture wounds visible on her neck glistened in the moonlight. Without a second glance the clan run off through the woods, so fast they were just a blur the naked human eye couldn't see.                                                                           *            *            *     Summer holidays had finished, meaning schools were starting back up again and winter would be fast approaching. Esme sat in her large, bedroom window writing in her diary, her headphones in listening to Elliot Minor's 'still figuring out.' Her long dark wavy hair hung past her shoulders, her blue eyes sparkled with happiness as she thought how perfect her life was. Being a cheerleader and going out with the school's fittest football player, Jett Norris, she couldn't detect any flaw in her life. Jotting down all her happy memories and feelings of yesterday, spending the day with her hot shot boyfriend, she nodded her head and tapped her foot to the beat of the music. Leaning her head back against the surrounding wall of her window, looking outside she notices a moving van pull up outside the neighbouring house. Finding it strange for someone to be moving house at 9 o'clock at night her eyes were hooked, curiosity getting the better of her, intrigued with whom would be moving in. An older man with shaggy dark hair exits the van, his pale white skin illuminates in the moonlight, highlighting his cheekbones, she couldn't see his eyes from so far away, but she did check out his clothes. Black jeans clung to his semi-muscular legs, his black army style boots were tied with white laces at the ankle, a white t-shirt fitted him nicely - not too tight not too baggy - topped off with a trendy black leather jacket that he had turned up at the collar. Esme watched as the man, maybe in his late 30's, strolls over to the front door, while another person appears from the front of the van. Her long golden hair was pulled back tightly, then twisted and coiled into a messy bun, her pale skin reflected the moonlight but her blonde highlighted hair didn't seem to make her face seem as ghostly as her husbands. Styling a tasteful, long-line, camel coloured, teddy coat made her look very chic but comfortable, her shoes were just about visible from under it as she walked elegantly towards the house. Chills run down Esme's arms, like a window was open somewhere blowing a draft of air towards her. A strange feeling washes over her that she can't name. She crosses her arms, her hands holding on to her shoulders, trying to warm herself up, she could see the goosebumps form on her forearms. Moving away from the window, deciding to get into bed to warm herself up, she lay there in silence, thinking about her new neighbours, then realising how odd they looked together. The clothes the man wore represented the look of a biker, whereas she seemed quite classy and graceful, she just didn't see the attraction, they were complete opposites. Knowing they said opposites attract, that's definitely what they were, it brought doubt to her mind, maybe they were merely siblings or cousins. Tirelessly overloading her brain with unanswered questions, determined to uncover the truth she planned to investigate.     BUZZ! BUZZ! BUZZ! Esme's alarm rings out, waking her from her perfect dream, slamming her hand down on her clock to shut it up, she grizzles, not wanting to get up and go to school. Deciding to lay in her huge comfy bed for a little longer before she drags herself out of it, she closes her eyes unable to keep them open. She's asleep. "ESME!" "ESME!" Stirring from her slumber, slowly opening her eyes but it's all a blur, trying to focus on who is overlooking her she gives up, rolls over onto her other side, pulling the covers up over her shoulders to get some extra sleep in her very large, comfortable bed. "Esme! Get up! You're going to be late!" Groaning at the stern but gentle voice, another voice erupts, vibrating through the room, forcing her to spring up in bed, like a jack in the box. "ESME! Get you're ass out of bed now!" Placing two feet on the floor, feeling lethargic she sluggishly drags her feet into the bathroom. Refreshed and more alert after showering, wrapping a towel around her, she heads back to her room, opens her wardrobe to find something to wear on her first day but last year in high school. Choosing a stonewash, denim mini skirt with silver buttons lining the front, a white, fitted, v-neck t-shirt that subtly exposed the cleavage of her large full breasts, outlining her slender figure, a long-line, beige, thick knit cardigan that hung loosely around her body but also keeping her warm, finally she slips on chunky, suede brown, knee high boots. Checking the time, realising she has a few minutes before she leaves, she plugs in her straighteners before applying her make-up, so it will be hot enough by the time she has finished, leaving her hair hanging loosely around her face she quickly curls the ends of her long rich mahogany hair that ends just below her chest. Having one last look in the mirror, her make-up was flawless, her bright blue eyes were accentuated from the natural shades of brown and blackened eyelashes that fanned out evenly above the drawn, dark eyeliner, her cheekbones highlighted with bronzer, perfectly contoured. Feeling ready she throws her large brown bag over her shoulder, picks up her phone, runs down the stairs yelling goodbye to whoever was still in the house then fled out the front door.     Arriving at high school a couple of minutes late, her parking space was still available as everyone knew not to park there due to the sign reserving the space for the cheer captain. Slamming the door shut on her metallic blue Suzuki swift sport hybrid, locking it as she ran up the concrete steps towards the entrance to the enormous stone building, through the now empty corridors. Approaching her classroom she slows down, pulling herself together before she enters the room.  "Miss Winters! How nice of you to join us." A curly haired grey man sat against his dark wooden desk at the front of the almost full class, four empty seats were variously spaced among the students already there. His name was Mr Grady. Looking over his silver metal framed glasses. that were perched on the end of his nose, he awaited her excuse. "Sorry. I can't help it if my bed is too comfortable." Numerous giggles resonated around the room, Mr Grady looked unimpressed by her comment and the impassive look to the pupils as he peered over his glasses made everyone settle down, bringing their attention back to him. "Maybe you should think of ways to make your bed less comfortable Miss Winters, then maybe you will be here on time." Taking what she needed out of her bag in the second row from the front, Mr Grady is interrupted again by a knock on the door. "And who may you be young man?" "Colton Blake, sir." The sound of his voice sent chills down Esme's spine making her look up, seeing a beautiful, 6 foot man before her. For a moment time stood still as she admired him. Standing at the front of the class where she stood moments ago, she was lost in his most attractive feature; his eyes. They stood out from the rest of his manly features mainly because they were enticing. The greyish silvery colour drew you in, dazzling, mysterious, luring you in, intense vibes were shooting out of him straight into her body, feeling both nervous but enraptured by him. Not able to remove her eyes from him walking towards the back of the room to one of the spare seats, feeling someone is watching him, he turns his head, their eyes meet, goosebumps materialise instantly on her arms as he looks back at her. Esme felt it was all happening in slow motion, until he turned his head away, taking his seat at the back. Facing the front trying to understand the reason behind her feelings towards a complete stranger. There was no smiley greeting as they made eye contact, no gesture of any kind from either of them, just a blank stare from him and Esme thought she probably looked at him as if he was a celebrity, star struck. Keeping her eyes focused on the front of the class, the image of him in her head distracted her, those amazing coloured eyes, his slightly unruly, ashy brown, hair, the way his tight fit, black t-s**t accentuated his muscular arms and chest, continuously replayed in her mind. Even though she was tempted to glance over, she didn't, she had a boyfriend, she couldn't be fantasizing about other men. Hearing the buzzer, signifying the end of the lesson, made her heart beat in her chest. Yes it frightened her a little, making her jump, but mainly it was because she was nervous about crossing paths with Colton Blake. Shoving everything from the table into her bag as quickly as she could, keeping her head down she leaves the room. Her chest loosened it's tight grip, her breath normalizing, her speed slowing, the further away from him she got. Spotting her friends in the hallway, relaxation washes over her, smiling as she approaches. "Hey guys! Which one of you has English with Miss Harris next?" Excited faces on her three best friends, hug her one at a time, not paying any attention to what she said Isobel grips her books tightly against her chest, her already large green eyes widen with eagerness, dying to talk about something far more interesting. "There was a new guy in my class just now. He was so dreamy, and apparently, I've heard through the grapevine, he has a twin brother." "There was a new guy in my class too, maybe that's his twin?" Linking arms with Isobel, making her walk and talk as they head to their English lesson, not wanting to be late to another one, waving goodbye to her other two friends, Matt and Frankie, as they went. The next thing she knew, she was on the floor. Hitting something solid, she bounced off, ending up on her backside on the cold, hard, tiled floor. Looking up at what she walked into, the face of Colton Blake stared back at her, an evil smirk spread across his face as he arrogantly walked past her. The vibrations of his voice, although a little vexed, was also accompanied by a chuckle of amusement at her blunder. "Watch where you're walking!" Unable to retaliate with words, she just stares at his handsomeness as he walks around her, gulping from the nervousness of his presence. Isobel holds out her hand, helping her to her feet. "Who was that hottie?" Colour reappearing on her face, finally able to utter some words now he's out of sight. "That was Colton Blake, the new guy from my last class."  "And what happened to you? It's not like you not to have something to say, knocking you down like that." knowing Isobel was right, she had no idea why he had this affect on her, usually quite confident, able to speak her mind, but this guy took away her ability to speak. Hastily Esme walked into class, taking a seat at the back, avoiding any conversation with Isobel that involved him.      The cafeteria was pretty full when Esme and her friends arrived at lunchtime, but after a bit of a wait in the queue, they finally get some food. Heading to a table full of cheerleaders and football players, they join them. Jett spotted her as she approached, getting up from his seat, he plants a kiss on her lips once she'd put her tray of food down on the table. Wrapping her arms around his neck, smiling at him when he told her he missed her, replying with an I missed you too. Sitting together laughing about the shenanigans of the last party they attended, chatting about the upcoming party at Jett's house to celebrate his 18th birthday. Esme planned to give herself to him that night. They'd been together for over a year now and although he had been very patient and understanding when it came to her virginity, she felt the time was right. She loved him, he made her happy, that was what she wanted to feel about someone she had s*x with. He didn't know it yet, she'd kept it from everyone, planned it in secret so he couldn't accidentally overhear a conversation regarding her erotic surprise. Laughing at something Matt had just said, Esme looks up at the same time 4 muscular boys entered the cafeteria, one being Colton Blake. Their whole table went silent as their attention turned on these four very attractive, mysterious boys. One looked younger though, maybe 15, but you could tell he was going to be just as enticing as the other three. Esme couldn't take her eyes away from Colton as they walked to an empty table to sit down - seemingly in slow motion. Looking in her direction, making eye contact, an electrical charge shoots down her spine leaving a nervous feeling in her stomach, after smirking at her he turned back to his friends. Everyone around the table gossiped about the mysteriously handsome men, the boys envious of the way the girls spoke about them. You could clearly tell who the twins were, they were identical, definitely hard to identify which one was which. Their dark brown, almost black, short hair made their blue eyes shine in the cafeteria lights, you could see them from the other side of the room, their large muscular build would make any guy back down from a fight, one wore all black. Black ripped jeans and a black cotton t-shirt that had the word 'wolf' in white cursive writing across the front while the other wore a plain, royal blue t-shirt and indigo straight legged jeans. The younger boy, although he was almost as tall, wasn't quite as ripped as the others. There was a resemblance to Colton, maybe his brother, no one around the table knew his name but she did find out the twins were Hunter and Zeke.      Looking over at her three closest friends, all of them staring dreamily at them, these boys seemed to emit sexiness. Eyeing everyone around the cafeteria, at least one person from every table was captivated. Observing Isobel first, or as her friends called her, Izzy, studying her face as she gazed at them, her dark blue eyes were dilated, almost black looking, twizzling a chunky strand of her thick blonde hair, highlighted with golden hues in the light, her flushed skin made Esme aware they made her hot under the collar. Silently giggling to herself, she moved on to Matt, his hazel eyes also transfixed on their alluring s*x appeal. Matt was gay, he'd known from an early age, coming out to his parents when he was 11 was the best thing he ever did. They were so supportive, enabling him to be very open about his sexuality, not caring what others thought because his family and closest friends were all that mattered to him. His dyed ash blonde hair was slicked to one side, exposing his shaved head, his light coloured eyebrows held a silver piercing along with his tongue. Turning 18 in a couple of months, he'd already drawn up his tattoo he planned to get with his birthday money. Next was Frankie. She extruded s*x appeal. her long dark brown hair she always swept over to one side almost like her side parting was further down the side of her head, her immaculately plucked eyebrows were neatly placed above her dark smokey eye shadow, illuminating her bright blue eyes. Looking a little more at ease than the others, laying back into her chair chewing gum, playing with a few strands of hair, staring at them with more interest than adoration.     Insecurity and paranoia got the better of Jett, moving from his seat by his football friends placing himself next to Esme, putting an arm around her shoulders, like he was marking his territory, threatened by them. Glancing over at the four of them sitting around the table, watching girls approach them, flirt with them, they weren't interested, they knew the appeal they had to the opposite s*x, you could tell by the looks on their smug faces. Suddenly they stand up, noise and chatter dyed down to almost nothing as everyone's eyes were on them as they left the room, they seemed to be used to it, they didn't batter an eyelid. Out of sight, the cafeteria erupted with noise, reverberating around the room, you could feel the excitement in the air, but also agitation, mainly from the men in the room. Esme sniggered at all the commotion as she rose to her feet, followed by Jett who had decided he was going to walk her to her next lesson, making it so obvious he was unnerved, trying to keep her close.      As the end of the day approached, hanging on tenterhooks for the bell to sound, everyone in Esme's class was impatiently watching the clock. Hearing the first buzz, the rampage begins, the sound of chairs scraping along the floor, the noisy chatter of everyone walking out of the room down the corridors, the now crowded corridors made it difficult to exit quickly. Esme was glad to reach her car without being trampled on. Throwing her bag into the back seat, she stuck around for her friends, turning up the music in her car as she waited. Keeping her eyes on the exit, she immediately recognised the four boys making their way down the steps to the car park. Peering in her rear view mirror, observing them, watching to see where they are headed, stopping by a black, 2016 plate, Skoda Kodiaq, with tinted windows, making them seem even more mysterious. Turning away as the doors to her car open, Jett and Isobel enter. "Where's Matt and Frankie?" "Frankie brought her car with her so she's giving Matt a ride home," Isobel notifies her from the back seat.  Dropping Isobel off first she heads to Jett's house, well mansion. It was beautifully massive. Kissing him goodbye in the front seat of the car, her mind wanders to Colton, shocked she was thinking of him while kissing her boyfriend, the person she loved, she pulls away. Hiding her shock well. She tells Jett she'll see him tomorrow then speeds out of his overly large driveway. Pulling up to her house, she creeps her car up the driveway, distracted by the new neighbours, intrigued to know more about them, peering over curiously at who the people were that pulled up in a gorgeous black mustang. Tapping the front of the car into the garage door, wakens her from her stare, shocked she let herself bump her beautiful car, she hurriedly gets out to check the damage. "Hey! Your car OK?" Looking around for the deep voice she just heard, noticing a young man, maybe 19, running across the garden next door towards her. "I think so. I didn't realise I was so close." Lying a little as she didn't want to come across as some sort of creepy stalker. "Maybe you need to get your eyes checked." The man laughs at her misfortune, she merely smirks back at him, starting off the introductions. "I'm Esme by the way. You moving in?" Looking at where she aimed her nod he then smiles. "Yeah and my family. I'm Damon." The contrast in his features was amazing, his gelled black hair, made his skin seem so pale, almost white, his brown eyes were soft but sad making him seem quite innocent and his clothing made him come across as a little old fashioned. Behind him in the background Esme notices a few other people in the garden next door, looking over at them a little concerned, then one of the women calls out his name. "I have to go. Hope your car's OK. Be seeing you."     Reversing her car back a bit to check the damage, feeling better there was only a slight scratch, she locks it up and heads in the house. Seemingly quiet, looking throughout the house for any signs of life, discovering no one was home she headed to the kitchen. Pouring herself a glass of water, wondering where everyone was, as she took a sip there was a knock on the door. Putting down her glass she answers it, her brother Benjamin stood there smiling with a huge bag over his shoulder. "Hey little sis!" Embracing him in a tight hug, having not seen him for the last year, travelling the world seemed to be an excellent opportunity for him at the time but she did miss him. Benjamin was 27, technically he still lived at home, he had no abode to call his own, he didn't see the point if he was going to be travelling the world. Holding him by the arms, taking a good look at him, ensuring he wasn't a figment of her imagination, allowing all the details of him standing there to lock firmly in her head. His dark messy blonde hair,  his glittery green eyes showing excitement to be there, his tall, slim build looked healthy, she eagerly awaited to listen to his voyaging tales. "Are you going to let me in or continue to stand there staring at me?" Realising they were still standing on the doorstep, finding it amusing she laughed, moving from the doorway to let him inside. Disappearing upstairs, putting his belongings into his bedroom, Esme boiled the kettle, fervently awaiting to see her parents reaction to him being home. She wondered if they knew. Hearing an alert from her phone placed in her skirt pocket, taking a look at who it was from she sees it's Dad letting her know they wouldn't be home tonight due to their meeting running later than expected and they didn't want to be caught in the rush hour traffic. Without the traffic it would have taken them 5 hours to drive home anyway. Letting him know she received his message, they were both overbearing worriers, she takes the two cups of coffee into the enormous sitting room, placing them on the expensive oak coffee table. Sitting down in one of the huge elegant sofas, patiently she waits for Ben to materialise in front of her, keen on talking with him. Esme had an older sister too, Lacey, she was 24, living in university dorms, accomplishing her last year studying Journalism. After high school, choosing her career path was difficult, with no idea what she wanted to do, taking a break from studying was what she needed to figure it out. Working in many different positions, testing the waters so to speak, eventually leading her to loving the work life of a journalist. Nearly finishing her coffee, Ben eventually emerged from his room, taking a seat opposite Esme. Talking for at least 3 hours, Esme begins to feel sleepy, wishing her brother goodnight she saunters up to her room. Changing into her pyjamas, something catches her eye out of the window, looking through it she sees a bright light from a torch flickering around in the darkness. Not being able to identify the person, it was just a black silhouette, she wonders whether she should phone the police. Deciding to observe a little longer, figuring out what they were planning on doing, holding her phone in her hand ready to dial 999 if he or she broke in. Unexpectedly the beam from the torch shone directly in her window, happening so quick she knew the moment she darted out of sight they had seen her.
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