Day Month Year

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Curt pov It had been a few days since Penelope disappeared. We had been in contact with the Hotel about her name and information, but she apparently just came out of nowhere just like the way she disappeared. Alex had left for the Dragon realm to cool down his anger, when he got angry it was bad, all he wanted was to go to her, apologize, get on his knees and pleading for her to come home to us, but only knowing two things about her made that almost impossible. “I think I know now, but you are going to be sooo surprised” Gabe came into the office where we all were working, smile on his face and all giddy. A piece of paper in one hand and Alex in the other. Alex trotted behind him looking defeated. He went over to Tyrus as he sat on top of his lap and burried himself into his neck. TJ came over to me and swung his legs over mine on the couch to feel a little better. “So I went and got the security footage from the night she checked in, and found the Taxidriver. When I found out that it was Tilly who was her driver, it was 10 times easier to get information. She told me that she had picked her up at the airport and that she had pulled off the carryon sticker from her bag after she got in. She gave me the sticker. after promising her she could get it back, as you know Tilly is a hoarder by nature. I found the plane and the seat.” Gabe took in a deep breath and smiled. “Her name is Penelope Hansen. not sure if i'm saying that right. And get this, she is 29 years old and lives in Denmark just outside a town called Herning.” That came as a surprise for all of us, I had only thought she was maybe 20 but 29 and I knew I was the one who put her age the highest. She looked more like a child, more so than TJ did and that says a lot. He looked like a bait child, even being one a few times for the Hunters when children had disappeared from all species, to catch the bastartd who had taken them. “so we are going to Denmark” Liam exhaled. No one moved. “That's a good Idea? just showing up out of nowhere and pulling her home?” I ask, they look at me confused, like I had been the one to chase her out of here and drive her away from us. “Look, I miss her too, dont get me wrong. I want her back just as much as you all, not only to be inside her but also to keep her safe. But she can clearly get her sweet cute ass out of here without our help.” Tyrus looked to the floor remembering her leaving again. I stroked TJs legs to keep him calm, as I had felt him tense up, and to keep myself calm for that matter. “but we know where she is” TJ said to me, almost pleading like he did when he was in heat and he could not just have one of us but all of us standing ready to be taken. His face was close enough for me to kiss. I cupped his face and kissed his nose. “Yes, and I would like it to stay like that, her NOT disappearing on us again.” They all knew what I meant. We could track her like we did Alex if we had marked her, but none of us got the chance, so she could just up and leave again if that was what she wanted. Nothing really stopped her, and we had no assostiates id Denmark, and no way of finding her if she left. “So who goes?” TJ asked, he knew he was not a candidtate as his temper was that of a firecracker. one with a very short fuse. “I think, Gabe, Curt or Tyrus” TJ said after a while, looking down knowing that he was still a major reason to why she had left. “MINE!” Liam yelled, or more like King got the controll on this one. “I will go” He stood up from his chair, King was possesive and wanted his mate home. the trust breaking broke King more than Liam, we had not heard from him before now, and I was not up for the confrontasion of saying no to the King. Liam and Alex went to him to calm him down. Noting s****l, we all agreed to wait untill she was with us again, and not care if she chose one over the other, as long as she accepted one whe would eventually accept all of us. “You were the one who hurt her the most, bad choice” I said, as much as I loved the man, he was possesive as f**k, more than any of us, so if he went and King got out, he would mark her on the spot and ruin any chance we had to make it right with her. Tyrus pov I sat there as they all yelled at one another. feeling an overwhealming desire to put them all in their place, setting up rules that clearly had to be made by now. “I'll go” I said and got up, ready to just leave. No one seemed realized I had said it other than Curt, he smiled at me and got up. “you'll do good my stud” I grinned at him, those grass green eyes was stunning and glittering with pride, and that pride was directed towards me. He was one amayzing being, as shitty as his personality was when he didn't respect or care for others, as good it was when he did care. “go” he said and i picked up the paper with her information and took it to the portal. I took the portal to Norway and entered the pack there. Penelope pov It had been roughly a week since I got home. The voice in my head was mostly quiet after bringing us home, she was exhausted, using her unknown power to take us home. without really knowing what she was doing. I was surprised when she actually got us home with the zoom thing. But after that she had been mostly quiet. She had whinned from time to time. I used my time to clean my farm, it calmed me alot, to just clean without 3 terrorist undoing it along the way. I had also used my time to collect myself and figure out what I was going to do now. I had wanted to find out what I was but after the fiasco of the whole mate thing I had been rather depressed. Maybe finding out what we were, me and my voice in my head, even if I loved her alot and wanted her to stay, it would be good to have a conversation to what we were as a whole instead if splitting us in two. It was early morning and I was taking my bath when the voice woke up. mine she said low and it confused me, she went back to sleep and i didnt think more off it, maybe she had just had a dream of our children it was the same word she used when she saw them and it warmed me inside. I went into the kitchen, just to get breakfast and my heart was about to jump out of my chest. In my kitchen stood Tyrus. The horse. “Hi georgeus” He said with a smile on his face. What the f**k was he doing here? “how did you get in?” I asked as I walked back into my bedroom to get clothed, not fully naked but only wearing a big T-shirt and panties, I came to the conclusion that, that was not what I wanted to look like with this confrontasion. I could hear him move around the kitchen. “The door was open” He stated and once again getting a heart attack from the fact that he now stood in the door to my bedroom. I had luckely gotten my bra on and was struggeling with a pair of sweatpants and a little warmer shirt. “No need to wear more” He said and smiled. What the hell was wrong with him? Maybe they lost something and think we took it? “Look i didn't steal anything from you,” I said. thinking that it was a good conclusion she had come up with, as I walked past him into the kitchen to make coffee, “Yes you did” He said still smiling and following me around like a puppy, waiting to get fed. I thought he was the horse “You stole our hearts” Vomit everywhere if I had eaten before that comment. Jesus christ. could he have been even more cringy? “Cant steal anything i never saw or had in the first place” I said, remembering all the stupid pick plines i had heard over the years. “Coffee?” He looked hurt and confused. but nodded at the last thing. I gave him a cup and placed cream and sugar on the table for him to take from. We sat down at the kitchen island and drank the coffee in silence when he broke it. “Who are the kids?” He asked, he looked at the family fotos around the livingroom. “my kids” I stated. a little on edge for some reason. Waiting for a reaction. “Nephews and niece?” He asked and I knew he would not believe it even if I told him the truth. I got up went to the book shelf and got out their baby books with keepsakes and pictures of them growing up. “My kids” I said as i opened up the books of the first page with me having just birthed them, He looked and studied them with eyes bigger than teacups and looked at me, with unshead tears in his eyes. “your kids” he stated, short of breath, and ran a finger over the pictures, as if stronking a newborn infant. A tear landing on the pictures. he continued to say your kids over and over as he looked through the books of my children growing up. we sat there for about 2 hours as his phone rang. It was on the table, vibrating and grabbing his attention from the books. he flung his head up and looked at it, then at me. He took a deep breath and wiped the stray tear from his cheek and dismissed the call. “No gonna answer? or tell them?” I could guess who was calling. He looked at me confused and I pointed at the books. He shook his head. “Not yet. Their dad?” He asked, breathing ragged, i shrug my shoulders and went out into the entrance. He followed me as if he could feel his answer was somewhere else, I stopped at a wall with a masive tree i had painted, it had clouds in the back and flowers by the floor with pictures all over. I point at the clouds and he looked up. “Thats their dad” I said, i folded my arms and took a deep breath, remembering his touch on my body. “Why is he up in the sky?” I smiled a bit, and waited for him to figure it out, it took a while then his head snapped toward me, and the seriousness in his eyes was back, from the goofy s**t he had pulleds at me earlier. “How long?” he asked and i pointed at the gray part of the cloud. he stepped closer to the wall and read out loud. “8.02.93 - 5.12.22” “day, month year” I say back at him. he looked at me again, almost crying again kind og cute. “2 years?” I smile sad and walk back to my coffee.
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