
2736 Words
Curt pov Her small hand traveled up my belly. Small tingles going all I could feel my pants tighten, didn't seem to bother her though I take deep breaths 'your doing good curt' I would like to just smash my lips on her. I can feel Gabe keeping an eye on me. Studying what she is doing I can't wait till this is in the act of reproduction having him looking at me taking her so far beyond pleasure until she blacks out and continues after she wakes up her small hands on... 'stop it Curt you are exciting all of us' Alex's words chime in my head. The link open to all of us 'she doesn't know what she is curt' Gabes voice sounds to us. I look down and I catch her eyes. They are beautiful. She smiles up at me and I lose it. I kiss her lips and she pulls her hand up to them when I let go. I'm no good at holding back. She keeps her hand on my abs as she takes a step back. 'f**k she is cute' Liam is between Gabes legs who sit in the desk. Cute, she is. Her hand leaving her lips and looking behind her, I can feel the fright in her hand as she no longer sees Liam behind her she freezes. This is bad. I look at Liam who sees her freak out too. "I'm right here Penelope" He says she flinches but does not move. 'She broke?' TJ says through the link. Liam walks to her and grabs her hand. She does not move. Did I break her? She looks at the floor and Liam gets on his knees. He grabs her chin and freezes. Liam pov As I lift her chin I can see her eyes are white. Totally what I freak out about. 'Something is wrong' I say to the others. Cyllic comes over and goes to the floor like me. He puts his hand on her head and chants something. Out of nowhere she drops into his arms and is just there. "what did I do" I hear the hurt in Curts voice. "it's okay my beast" Cyllic says as he grabs Penelope's legs and takes her to the sofa. He placed her on it with all of us going to her. "what she is" He starts and sits by her. Place a hand on her head and rubs his thumb on her forehead. "is in slumber. You just almost woke it up before it was ready" He says and smiles at Curt. Curt releases a big breath and looks at her. "pretty" Alex says behind the back of the sofa. "ours" Says TJ. Him feeling possessive for all of us was a great change, him being the last one to join not so long ago. It made it amazing he was sharing her with all of us. "little" Said Tyrus as he stroked her head. "what was with the eyes" I ask Cyllic he shrugs and gets up. "She needs sleep. And I need this to go away" He points as his pants and I smirk. I would love that too. I think all of us are thinking the same as we look around and the whole room is filled with arousal. She stirs and we get out of the office. "get someone by the door. She wakes up you call" I say to an omega in the hall. He bows and stands by the door. My hand gets grabbed by Alex and I get dragged off. He needs it rough and I don't mind doing it. I see Gabe, TJ and Cyllic walking off and Tyrus and Curt is already almost mating up the wall. Alex and I go to his room. His smell flared at my nose. His eyes turn cat-like and I want him bad. He goes to his knees and looks at me. Puts his forehead at my pants and he can feel my raging hard on. "daddy" He says and I grab him by the shoulders and toss him on the bed. "that's right kitten" King purred out. Sharing with the king is good. We want the same and he gets to be the dominant he wants. Alex's eyes turn completely silver and my cloth burns in a silver flame from my body. I smile because he really had his flames under control. "mine" I say as he sits up from under me. He puts my n****e in his mouth and sucks hard. I grab his chin to make him look at me. "not the thing to suck kitten" I smile down at him. His eyes go to. My hard member is waiting for him. He opens his mouth and his lizard tongue comes out and twirls around my p***s. I groan and let him do his magic. His mouth went down and sucked hard on my glands. Could feel his tongue getting warmer and more rough. The feeling was amazing. His hand goes to my ass and the plug that was still there. I had forgotten all about it. Alex hand finds it. A little confused by it at first but he tugged a bit at it and I c*m over his beautiful face. The blood red hair is now stained with white. "now kitten." I smile at him as I push him down on this back. My member is still hard against his abbs. I look at him. "Where do you want this?" I ask as I place my hand around my penias. He gulpes and points at his abbs. "good kitten" I smile as I pull the plug and place his p***s on my ass. "and this?" I ask with a smirk. His silver eyes going completely black as his arousal takes over "in there daddy" He says and points at my abbs. "Your wish is my greatest pleasure." I thrust my ass down and he starts pumping me as he likes. I love it when he does it fast, his whole body warm. Warmer than me. Grabbing my hips helping me into the rhythm as he is about to c*m I pull him out, jump down and plunge myself into his ass. A loud moan escapes his lips as his c*m flies out onto his stomach. I pull out and c*m over him. "you smell like me now" I smile and he gets up. Not enough. He grabs my ass and shoves me into him again. Penelopes pov I open my eyes. I look around the room and it is deserted but I can smell something that smells good. I get out of the sofa and walk over to the window. It fills the whole wall. It's a door. I slide it open and walk into the yard. Snelling the grass and smells I have never smelled before. It's a good yard and the kids will like it. I walk around on a path made of beautiful colored tiles. Red and black they are placed like fish scales. I walk around for a long time and the sky starts getting darker. I get hungrier. It's magical. "PENELOPE!" I hear a call from behind me. I walk towards the voice and back to the house. I had walked quite a long time, I realized. When I get back into the garden a lot of people are running around and calling my name. A small girl crashed into me. As if I was not even there. She looks up and her eyes go big. "I'm Penelope" I say and she gets up and twists her head weird. "Penelope" A horse with a man's body runs over to us. He grabs my face and tingles erupt from his hands. Mine I look in his eyes, not focusing on mine but looking at my body to see if I was hurt. After a while his front legs bow a bit and I am scooped up into his arms. I am confused. I wrap my arms around his neck and try to not fall down. "Penelope where have you been" Gabe sighs as he touches the arm of the horse holding me. "out" I say and his face turns angry. "out!? You could have been hurt. Or taken or.." Before he continues I got pissed and interrupted "you left me." No more needed to be said as I got out of the arms of the horse. Gabe opens and closes his mouth without sound coming out. I walk over to Curt who has been studying me since the horse came in. "im hungry" I say, trying to pry this uneasiness I had been feeling for myself. His eyes turn soft again. He nods and place a hand on my back. We walk into a big dining room with a massive table with 20 or so chairs. Enough room for more kids Curt placed me in a chair and the rest of my maybe mates came in. They sit in different chairs around me. The horse is no longer a horse but a human looking at me. He has golden dark brown eyes and his hair is the same color. "tyrus" He says and I turn my head, confused as if his deep husky voice was speaking a language I did not understand. "what?" I ask.Trying to focus on something else than the disgusting feeling in the pit of my stomach that had been forming for a while. "my name is Tyrus" He looks at me. His voice was low and husky, sounding sweet, but forced in a way like he did not want me there. "Penelope" I say and he smiles. "I know" I nod and look over at Gabe who is clearly mad at me. He left us. Jesus "you smell like Liam" I say to a man with blood red hair and silver eyes. who was sitting beside me. He stiffened and looked from me to Liam. "that is.." I realize that they all smell like someone else. And it hits me, the feeling I have in my belly, the weird disconnect I feel towards Liam and Gabe, the feeling I had when I got here was almost gone, and I now know why. "You are angry at me for leaving the room. When you all left to have s*x?" I state, angry, hurt, confused and most of all I just want them to deny it, say they all took an afternoon nap or something, but my suspicion was clarified when they all flich and Gabe looked at me more hurt than angry. "guess that is as important I get from being your mate" I say slowly and through a deep breath I had been holding. I look at them all. Pain is filling their eyes. The pain of me finding out that they did in fact not want me here, the pain for them to tell me they would rather have me out and not me being here. I don't know if that is what they are feeling human, but I do feel the hurt along with you "Look, I'm sorry if me being here is ruining your time together." I take a deep breath before continuing, giving them time to interrupt but again I am left disappointed that neither Liam or Gabe explainst to me that I am wrong. Give them one more chance. "I will leave and find my answers elsewhere when I have gotten some food" My mind was more clear now. The pull I had before was slowly weakening as my mind cleared up like the sky after a storm. Something happened when I started touching Liam but I can see now how this is really forming, me being absolutely not what they wanted from their new mate. They have each other as mates and I am in the way. I do not fit into their lives. I feel a tear going down my cheek. Pathetic idiotic pull, better off without it. I smile at her comment. That it is indeed. "No!" I hear a guy shout and slam his hands against the table. I break and hit my thighs. It hurts, I grab my leg instinctively and stand up. All go silent and look at me. The man with red hair beside me tried to take my arm. Guess me being impolite got his panties in a twist. "don't" I say to the red head. as I step back. avoiding his touch. Not knowing where those hands had been last, but I knew on whom they had been on last. Blood going down my leg and wood splinters big and small sticking out of my leg. "TJ! Gabe shouts and the guy who got mad looks confused, hurt and guilty. Gabe comes over to me but I brush him off. Landing on my ass I wince in pain. as I grab my throbbing leg for some pain relief. son of a... " let me help" Gabe said as he tried to grab my arm again, pissing me off when I could clearly smell something on him as well. "don't. Touch. Me!" I could feel my anger and he flinched back, as I was on fire and him touching me would hurt him further, he looked back to the others and hurt once again shattered my heart. "Penelope" Liam gets closer, sitting in a squatting position in front of me but with enough distance to not touch me. "what!? I already said I will go. No need to f*****g hurt me to do it. You were the one who wanted me here. And then you leave to f**k one another." I wince in pain again as I start pulling out wood splinters from my leg, pissed as hell for them doing this s**t when they could have just avoided me at the casino. Liam stands still for a moment as if discussing something in his mind. I wanna go home, I'm done. I don't want to be hurt anymore. I agreed I wanna go home. I kept pulling out splinters as they all just stood there looking at me as if waiting for me to just vanish. We can maybe just do that? " I'm sorry" A voice said. TJ was looking at my leg, completely still like my oldest when he knew he had done something wrong but could do nothing about it, not quite sure if I was the one he was referring to. "for what?" I ask, waiting for him to clarify if he was sorry towards me or for breaking a clearly expensive table. He takes a deep breath. "for hurting you" His voice was small and shaky, like it was forced to sound sincere but not really. "which time" I ask as I stand up. having taken most of the splinters out, but not feeling the pain anymore even with the blood slowly dripping down my leg and soaking up my pants. He was shocked. He looked at the men in the room, to get assistance in figuring out what he really was sorry for. He looked over at Liam, his face not meeting mine, he was embarresed as f**k, and all I could feel was disgust and hurt. "I want to go home" I say and they all tense up, all facing Liam to fix this. "You can't just yet. You need to be seen by a doctor" Liam looks at me with arm streached out as to catch me if I fall, like I was that weak, like I was going to fall for his stupid lies and s**t again. "so you take me to your house. Let me meet my mates, making it sound like the happiest thing that could ever happen to me. Just to dissappear to go and f**k one another. To hurt me so f*****g much I would rather had not even met you all. And now you are telling me you lied to me too." Now I only had one feeling. I turn and leave them all standing there. This fairytale died rather quickly. They don't want us It hurt. It stung as she said those words. They had felt like half my body when I saw them for the first time, the same feeling I had when I held my babies for the first time but now. Now they felt like nothing.
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