The submissive (chapter 5)

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The forest was absolutely huge! Trees were everywhere, dirt, grass, flowers, and bugs. We saw one or two deer on our journey, and finally when my feet felt they would collapse under me we stopped at a small cabin. “This is where I go on my assignments from time to time, I stash food, water and stuff in case I need to rest. My assignments usually have me passing by here most of the time. Come on.” He opened the wooden door and stepped inside. I quickly followed and shut the door just as a light drizzle of rain started, talk about luck! The strong smell of wood along with burnt wood filled my nose and it was kind of nice, reminding me of childhood camps. There was a fire place with logs in the right wall which explained the smell of old burnt wood, and I watched as Zane lit it up casting a warm and cosy glow to the room. There was one brown, scruffy looking sofa chair in the centre of the room on top of a big old red and patterned rug. The floor and walls were wooden of course, and I made my way through the small door at the end. It felt amazing to be able to walk freely, not being controlled and no beatings if I upset anyone, I'd almost forgotten what it was like and I breathed a sigh of relief. I found myself in a tiny kitchen with sink, fridge, and a microwave and a small light table to eat at. There was only one more door to go through and I followed it till I was in a cramped hall. Opening the door in front of me I looked in to find a bath inside and a toilet and sink. Closing that I walked three paces and opened the last door alongside it. I saw a single bed with a thin sheet on top of yet another huge rug with only a small cabinet beside it and not much else. I backed out and quietly closed the door. Turning I smacked right into Zane’s huge chest and couldn't help breathing in his gorgeous scent before quickly pulling back. “You have fun touring the place?” He asked teasingly, I nodded and his expression changed to sadness, we both knew I'd been locked up in that cellar for weeks at a time and that I genuinely had enjoyed myself was only to be expected. Without another word he placed a gentle hand on my back and guided me back to the kitchen before pointing to a small chair at the table. “You need to eat.” He left no room for questions and got to work. Putting a plate in front of me he sat opposite with his own. It was tinned spaghetti, sausages, mash and gammon. I looked at the odd choices and smiled to myself, what a sweet man, he obviously caught my smile and must have taken it the wrong way because he became defensive, “I only got five minutes to stock up here before rushing back, when I got a call from Kenny-that was alpha- saying Jeremy held a knife to you.” He glared at me as he ate and I slunk back and slid down in my seat so low, I was practically under the table. The old human me would have known that he was just annoyed and not been worried by he’s behaviour, but in the world of werewolves I'd learned to become afraid of even looking at someone the wrong way, or making so much as a hairbreadth of contact. I wasn't sure if Zane would ever lash out at me if I angered him, but he hadn't so far and I was used to it anyway, so I whispered so quietly that only his wolf hearing would have let him pick up on it, “I just thought that it was very sweet, that was all, you've been very kind to me.” I blushed as I spoke and was glad he couldn't see my cheeks hidden halfway under the table. “Oh, right,” he mumbled, and I found it endearing and kind of sexy seeing him blush and look uncomfortable.Clearly he hadn't had a compliment like that before. Once he'd gotten himself under control he turned to me, the intensity of his gaze making me unable to meet his face, I wouldn't dare look in his eyes, that was a big no no. “Sarah, I want you to know, that no matter what, under any circumstance, I will never, I repeat, I will NEVER, hit you, do you understand?” I nodded meekly as I slowly slid up my seat again. We ate the rest of dinner in silence and then he took our plates and washed them. He turned around to see me sprawled on the table half asleep. I couldn't help it, I was always exhausted because of the beatings and the uncomfortable cold nights trying to sleep on the concrete floor with no covers. “Let's get you to bed.” He led the way to the single bedroom and stood by the doorway. “But this is your room?” I asked questioningly, would he share with me? I thought excitedly, yes a bit sad I know. “I know, you can rest here, il sleep on the chair, usually do anyway.” My heart sank, disappointed but I walked past him, even the very slight feel of his body making contact against my arm sending shivers through me, gosh I was sad! He shut the door and for the first time, I excitedly took my clothes off until I was in just my underwear, grey granny pants and a white bra that was going to be grey soon I'm afraid. I hadn't been able to remove them for sleep because of the cold before, now, in just underwear I jumped in the bed and slid under the duvet. Mmmm, this was luxurious, I snuggled in further and pulled the covers up to my chin, I was ecstatic and so damn comfy that it took only minutes to drop off. I had one of my usual night terrors of the abuse I suffered and screamed in my sleep as they hit me and laughed, I screamed and kicked out, felt myself fall from bed and hit the floor hard but in my dream it was them throwing me down. Hands grabbed me and woke me up and I screamed, usually I'd get beaten for waking them and I couldn't help flailing like a mad woman, screaming and kicking until my attacker shook me, shouting at me to calm down. I couldn't, they would kill me, I just knew it and so my hand struck the side of his face and I kicked out desperately. He managed to wrestle me-I knew it was a he because the sheer strength and muscles-and ended up behind me, hugging me to him with my arms pinned under his and my legs trapped as he wrapped his over on top. “Ssshhh, you’re having a nightmare, it's me, Zane, we’re at my cabin remember?” Slowly my memory came rushing back and even slower yet, I turned my head to look back up at him. “I'm ok now, thank you.” I whispered, secretly hoping he'd never let me go. “Do you have nightmares often?” He whispered back, still not letting go. “Yes. Usually I'll wake up one of them and they'd be really mad and beat me. I'd wake from dreaming about it, to find it suddenly happening, sorry.” A slight flutter of butterflies stirred in my tummy as I felt him squeeze me slightly, “don't be sorry, get some sleep, I won't leave you.” He laid me down and pressed up behind me, nothing s****l unfortunately, just a wolf comforting another with their presence, but I felt safer than I had in years and drifted off. Next morning I turned and saw Zane sleeping beside me. He was still wearing a tight white t-shirt that strained against his muscles, jeans and socks. I watched him sleeping, he was so incredibly beautiful that sadness filled me up, he'd never be mine, I'd never be good enough. In my misery he woke up and I almost jumped when he turned and grinned at me staring at him. I'd never seen him grin before and it was gorgeous. Blushing and mortified at being caught, I grabbed my clothes realising I was still half naked, blushing even more and raced out of the room and down to the bathroom. I yanked on my clothes annoyed with myself for the over dramatic reaction, obvious much! When I was done, I quietly opened the door to the smell and sound of frying bacon and eggs. Tummy rumbling like crazy, I crept into the kitchen and slunk into a chair as I watched the back of Zane buttering bread on the counter. Once done and not realising I was there, he shouted for me, I didn't answer and waited for him to notice me. Grumbling to himself he turned and shouted, “f**k me!” And jumped so hard I couldn't stop the giggle that escaped from my lips. “Don't bloody do that to me woman!” He snapped, but the slight smirk on his face showed he wasn't really mad. As we sat at the table eating, I finally asked the question that had been burning upon my mind. “Zane, why did you decide after all these years to finally do something?” I liked him a lot, and he'd fed me over the years, but I wanted to know why he'd waited so long. His eyes filled with pain and guilt and for the first time, he looked away from me, eyes downcast. “I'm so sorry Sarah, I didn't know what to do, I didn't know how awful it really was as I'm always away on assignments all day long, I thought the bruises were from the woman, maybe a bit of bullying, I didn't for one second think it was the males too. I knew an omega in the pack always had a rough life, I just thought that was the way of things for packs until I heard about Blaze’s omega, if I'd known just how horrific the abuse was I'd have whipped you out years ago, there's no excuse but I am so incredibly sorry.” I nodded. It was true he hadn't ever seen me get beaten before, the others were fearful of him and so hid it most of the time. He was only ever back nights usually and by then I was left alone. He'd been a werewolf most of his life and so all he'd known was hardship and trials. Fighting, dominance Among one another and bullying was all part of the rivalry to be top dog even among females. As we cleared up I couldn't help my outburst, “can we run in wolf form for a bit?” He smiled and answered, “whatever you want, it's your life now, always remember that.” My wolf form was a mix of red and white, whilst Zane’s was a mix of grey, silver, and black. We padded along taking in all the smells surrounding us, earth, trees, plants, animals. Then Zane pounced on me making us roll across the floor, he bit my side lightly and playfully and I gleefully joined in the game. It was amazing, and after a while we got to hiding from one another and pouncing out from nowhere. Ten minutes passed and he still hadn't found me, I chuckled to myself and it came out a yip, I slammed my paws over my snout and waited for him to pass. Another five minutes passed and then I felt a pair of hands grab the scruff of my neck and throw me across the open air until I hit a tree with a piercing yelp. It was Jeremy the psycho and he hadn't come alone, Mick was beside him, a stocky man with a bald head and almost as brutal as Jeremy. Jeremy walked over until he stood above me where I submissively placed my paws over my face. “I've missed you Sarah, why did you run away?” He crooned and stroked my back as he bent down, the smell of strong aftershave overpowering. He was wearing jogging shorts of all things and a grey t-shirt, they were dressed so similar they could have been twins if it weren't for mick’s bald head and hooked nose. I whimpered to his response and he laughed, “don't worry my sweet, I've missed you too, we've come to take you home.” Terror filled me and without thinking I snapped my jaws at his outstretched hand, he snapped it back into himself and gave me a look of pure menace and madness. He kicked me in my side hard and then again, I realised he was trying to break my rib again and I rolled to my back showing my belly in submissiveness, maybe he'd calm down. Nope, he stamped on my belly and mick watched on laughing. When I rolled onto my winded stomach, Mick stamped down on my paws while Jeremy kicked me in the side of my head making me dizzy and almost black out. I heard rushing footsteps and thought it was more of the pack, but as I turned my head Zane came rushing towards us grabbing Jeremy and slamming a fist into his face. He laid into him like a madman, kicking so hard I heard more then two ribs snapping, and even then he didn't stop, he wrapped a hand around Jeremy's throat and hauled him up, then without warning he tore his throat out with his bare hands! I lay there shocked to the core as Jeremy landed dead at my paws, eyes open and unseeing in a look of shock. I looked up to see Zane grab Mick before he ran and twisted his head so hard it was facing backward when he collapsed. Afterward, he ran over to me and bent by my side, “you ok?” He asked gently. Now I knew why everybody feared him. I nodded meekly and shifted back. He picked me up and carried me back to the cabin, even though I was quite capable of walking, but I wasn’t going to argue. I inhaled his scent deeply and closed my eyes, relishing in it and the closeness of him. “You enjoying me?” His deep voice rumbled. I snapped my eyes open and saw him watching me, how bloody embarrassing! “Ummm, yes, sorry,” I mumbled, kind of hoping he wouldn't hear me properly. “Thats alright darling, you enjoy me all you want.” He replied grinning as we reached the cabin. Did he just really say that? My stomach did somersaults, and I felt slightly giddy. He sat me on the sofa chair, rushed off and then returned with a small medical kit. I tried not to blush, or grow faint as he delicately brushed my hair away from my face. I watched mesmerised as he grabbed a disinfectant wipe, and gently wiped the small gash on the side of my head. When he placed a small plaster upon it my heart sank as he pulled away and stood up.
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