The submissive (chapter 4

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Zane got me to his car and then gently laid me across the backseats before jumping in front and driving us to god knows where. When he stopped the car, I managed to sit up and cried out in agony at my cracked rib. Zane jumped out and opened the door by my head, “what the hell are you trying to do,” he snapped and then leaned in, gently scooping me up into his arms again. “Sorry, wanted to see where we are.” He snorted his response, “where the hell do you think, I'm taking you to hospital.” The huge white building indeed let me know that we were at the hospital. Walking up to the receptionist he asked, no, actually he demanded, “she needs to see someone right now.” Luckily the dark haired women he spoke to seemed to have a crush on him, and I guess it helped that his voice was deep and husky, because she blushed brightly, nodded and told him where to go. I didn't blame her. When we reached a door, a doctor came out and ushered us in. Zane carefully sat me on the examination bed as the doctor asked, “so what seems to be the problem?” Obviously we couldn't tell him the truth, and the lie slid easily of Zane’s tongue, “she was attacked by a gang, I think they broke some bones and if I hadn't gotten there in time I don't know what would have happened.” Concern filled the old doctors face as he came over to look at me. I tried not to wrinkle my nose at the smell of strong disinfectant, chemicals and hidden beneath that, death. “What broke my dear?” Too nervous to speak I pointed to my arm, my two fingers and the right side of my ribcage. He prodded my rib and the pain he produced made me gasp as black dots danced before my eyes. The pain must have been getting to me as the adrenaline wore of, because the next thing I knew I fell back and my head slammed onto the bed before blackness took over. When my eyes opened, I had to cover them from the glaring bright lights as I came to. “What?” I mumbled before being interrupted, “sshh, just rest, the doctor fixed you up as best he could, now you need to heal. Il help you with that once we’re out of here,” Zane’s voice rumbled softly beside me. Looking around, I noticed I was lying in a room full of other patients, thankfully they were all mostly sleeping. “Can we go?” I whispered, I was already a nervous wreck and I couldn't bear the thought of having to stay in this room full of strangers. “Sure.” He smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes. The doctor after much argument, very reluctantly let us go and so, borrowing a wheelchair Zane made me sit down and wheeled me to the car and helped me in before wheeling it back. He started up the silver sedan and headed off in the opposite direction of the pack. The bundle of nerves, that had me feeling nauseous at the thought of going back calmed a little as I asked meekly, “where are we going?” I watched as Zane gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. Had I angered him? “I'm not taking you back there, it's too dangerous for you.” What? Could it really be happening? Could my fantasy of being saved really be coming true? I wondered if the rest of the fantasy would come true, and that he'd take me as a mate too, but I quickly dismissed that thought, it was too laughable, I wasn't pretty and of course, I was an omega, it just wasn't going to happen. Ever. We drove for at least an hour before we pulled into a forest and parked up. “Where are we?” I asked quietly. Looking around all I could see were rows upon rows of trees, stretched out for miles and I could smell the strong scent of pine, oak, grass and dirt. “I've called in a favour from an old friend.” I looked at him blankly until sighing, he turned in his seat to look at me face to face rather than through the rear view mirror. “His an alpha from another pack, I've done a few jobs for him in the past. His names Darryl, and his at least seventy years old now, but his still the toughest wolf in his pack and his agreed to allow us to join it,” the look of fear must shown on my face, because he quickly added, “don't worry, his an honourable man. You've heard of Blaze’s pack right?” I nodded as I remembered the omega Josie and her story of becoming mated to the dangerous Jason guy. “Well, Darryl and his pack are very similar, no minds broken in his pack and all balanced and kept in line with firm discipline, nobody will hurt you there.” Climbing out of the passenger seat, Zane came around and opened my door. He gently took my arm, and helped me climb out before making me sit on the floor. To say I was confused would be an understatement, and it must have shown on my face. “Relax Sarah, I'm just going to help you shift a few times, it will heal you up.” Listening to his instructions, I closed my eyes and called the wolf to me, I felt her waking up and in my minds eyes I imagined what she looked like, amber and white fur with green eyes. Slowly I felt her gently wrap around my mind as wolf and human took over in a balanced mix of the two. It was quick and easy and before I knew it I was in my wolf form. It had been months since I'd been allowed to shift and I'd missed it terribly, but as soon as I'd shifted, Zane was telling me to shift back again. My clothes disappeared in wolf form and reappeared when I was human again, the others couldn't do it and all they could come up was that it must have been because my mother had been a witch before she'd passed away. They didn't say it in such nice terms as I just had, but I did think that was the only explanation for it. On the third and final shift, I tried to call back my human shape, but my mind drew up a blank, my nose became distracted by the smells of the forest. Instinct took over and I could feel the last of my humanity slipping away, I struggled at first but then I realised that all the pain and abuse and the memories, they all started to slip away with it. I'd trotted about ten paces, my nose snuffling in the dirt as I followed the trail and scent of deer, before a man stood in front of me. He had dark blue eyes, black short tousled hair, a sculpted face with high cheekbones and somehow he felt familiar, but I couldn't place the memory. I tried to slip past him where he blocked the entrance to the deep part of the forest and folded his arms. I growled and snapped my teeth in warning and before I knew what was happening, he snapped out a muscular arm and grabbing me by the scruff of my neck, pinned me onto the floor, my white furred belly on display while he gripped tightly around my throat. Leaning in he growled by my ear, “I'm alpha here, not you, shift back wolf.” Terror gripped me and I yipped and whined as a thin trail of urine left my body. I was an omega, I knew that, I had only been trying to warn him but it wasn't wise to do such a thing to an alpha, even if this alpha was human, I understood by his smell and threat that he was extremely dangerous. When he let me go, I stayed on my back for a few seconds to show my submissiveness before slowly rolling onto my belly and standing on all four paws. Oddly, I understood his words and with that, a small piece of humanity returned, I remembered him now, his name was Zane, he had a wolf shape too and I had a human shape I could change too. Focusing, I pictured that human me, with long straight ginger hair, light green eyes, freckles, black rimmed glasses and an emaciated body. Once back, I stood up on shaky legs and dusted myself down. The pain was gone, my broken fingers were no longer broken, in fact everything had healed. “What happened?” I whispered, fear still coursing through me from his dominance. He was leaning against a tree, arms folded as he answered, “shifting like that, although risky, heals you up fast, you almost lost yourself to the wolf, I don't think we will be doing that again. Come on.” He led us ino the thick of the forest, but all I could think about on the way, was the humiliation that I'd wet myself in front of him, practically on him almost! My face burned and felt as though it were glowing bright crimson. I just hoped no one would mention it and it could somehow be forgotten. Nope, no such luck, apparently my face WAS glowing crimson, because he softly said, “don't worry about it, that was a completely normal reaction from a submissive wolf to her alpha.” We walked a few paces as leaves crunched underfoot before I spoke up, “she saw you as her alpha? Not just a random alpha?” He nodded, “yes, although all humanity was gone briefly, she recognised my scent, even though she couldn't remember and when she was dominated she assumed I must have been her alpha at some point.” I nodded in understanding as we walked on in silence.
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