Chapter8 He looks familiar

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Several things happened simultaneously; David and Sharon who had been standing behind Miranda, rushed forward and accosted Rose, throwing her onto the ground. Before she hit the ground, Joseph had grabbed David and thrown him across the freshly mowed lawn. Sharon grabbed that opportunity to reach for Rose. “You b***h, how dare you hit my mother?” she went to slap her but Rose was quicker. She grabbed Sharon’s hand before she could hit her. “Oh, I can do that and more.” Rose replied in a clipped vice wanting nothing more than to hit her but holding herself back. “You should have died…” she started to say but her mother screamed her name in a warning to her. Joseph caught on quickly and grabbed both of her hands looking into her eyes. “What exactly is that supposed to mean?” “Who are you to meddle in the affairs of our family? Do you have an idea who my grandfather is? Get out of here before I make you and your family disappear completely!” Rose winced at Sharon’s full-of-air bravado, clearly she was the one who had no idea whom she was talking to. “Are you sure you want my family out of the city?” Joseph asked, his voice clipped. His murderous look was boring into Sharon’s wide eyes as slowly she realized whom she was talking to. ‘He looks familiar, where have I seen him?’ Immediately the name Stone Corporation flashed in her mind – ‘goodness gracious, its Joseph Stone the billionaire!’ The realization was enough to make Sharon blabber as she tried to rectify the mess she had just created. She had never had the opportunity to meet Joseph and even when the tabloids plastered naked Rose accusing her of trying to seduce the billionaire bachelor, she had been jealous wishing it was her. “I’m sorry about the confusion, my name is Sharon Gunn. How do you know this one?” she asked pointing towards Rose like an insignificant being that was not worth the attention. Joseph noticed this, dropping Sharon’s hand like it had the plague to grab Rose at the waist, pressing her against him in a protective way. “This one here is my woman!” he announced smiling affectionately to Rose who got into character knowing very well that he was doing this for her sake. She smiled back at him affectionately, turning into him and standing on her toes to kiss him on his mouth. Joseph grabbed her and kissed her back until there was no one else in the world except them and the sensations from their intimate moment. “Ahem, what a nice man! No wonder you have been begging your grandfather to set you up with a bind dates.” Miranda always ever the opportunist had just found the loop hole she needed to ruin this for Rose. “Mr. Stone here is already taken but as shameless as you are, you have no problem parading your promiscuous self to the world.” She paused to see if her words had any effect on the tangled couple and smiled when she saw Joseph still. “Are you trying to break them apart by any chance?” No one had the chance to reply because at that moment a voice interjected, breaking Joseph and Rose apart. “What’s going on here?” he asked in a stern voice as the patriarch of the family but as soon as he realized the man standing beside Rose, all his stern façade disappeared into thin air. “Mr. Stone, what a nice surprise to see you here.” “Ethan, “Joseph nodded slightly to acknowledge her grandfather but diverted all his attention on Rose. “Dad, can you believe the nerve of this girl! She embarrassed us with Henry and now she is trying to weasel her way between Mr. stone and Isabella…” Miranda, leave us!” The old man aware of something between Rose and Joseph, wanted nothing more than to get rid of his dramatic daughter. He was already calculating on how to capitalize on this new found fortune that had just landed in his driveway. Too bad it was Rose but who cared, the Stone corporation billions were within his sight. “But dad…” “I said leave! You too, follow your mother…” his eyes then landed on David who was groaning from pain, “…make sure you leave with him too…and for heaven’s sake, get him to a doctor or something.” He said with finality leaving Miranda with no room to argue then turned to his butler to asking him to help with David.  Once the commotion was settled with the exit of Miranda and David, Sharon pretended to leave as well but when she got near Rose and Joseph, she pretended to twist her ankle. “Ouch!” she fell right into Joseph’s arms but he dropped her immediately to the ground without as so much as a second glance. “Argh, it hurts.” Rose was smiling wickedly seeing how futile Sharon’s efforts were fast turning out to be an embarrassment both to her and everyone present. No one paid her any attention, she stood by herself, all the pain she was faking forgotten as she tried to salvage her dignity. She was furious, her mind going in circles as she tried to find ways to make sure that Joseph would hate Rose. Joseph had not forgotten the mention of his fiancé’s name, he wondered what she had to do with all the commotion and everything that had happened to Rose what day. He would not leave until he got to the bottom of it.  “I don’t believe you replied to my question earlier; how did you know what happened today?” All the color drained from Sharon’s face.
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