Chapter7 What are You?

1157 Words
Rose slept all the way home, eventually when she woke up, she stared out her car window to see that they were parked right outside her grandpa’s home. She sat up straight only to find Joseph looking at her, a big smile plastered on his face. “Gosh, I did not just sleep!” she exclaimed. “You snore too!” Joseph had to tease her, worried she might go back to feeling sad. “No, I don’t.” “You do too,” he replied looking straight into her eyes, his voice thick with emotions. Rose was confused by what she saw in his eyes, she could not handle the depth of what she saw and her first instinct was to run. What she saw scared her, it threatened to engulf her soul and her body. “Thank you for today and for bringing me home,” she said her hand going to the door handle. “I think you owe me more than a thank you,” he said a smile that did not reach his eyes, plastered on his mouth in a cold expression. He looked dangerous but sexy at the same time and Rose could not help but tease him. “How do you want me to pay?” she said in a thick, sultry voice, her finger drawing lazy circles on his chest as she leaned towards him. Her honeysuckle scent that was tinged with a hint of jasmine hit his nostrils making him want to take her there and then. Suddenly, Joseph grabbed her hand, narrowed his eyes and threatened her, “You don’t want to try that with me here, do you?” Immediately he said those words, Rose leaned back in her seat and gathered her hair which was a mess revealing a pearly white neck and the protruding vein where his mark would be placed. “Let them see, wouldn’t it be an honor for them to be relatives of the mighty Joseph Stone?” she asked, her voice tinged with sarcasm. “Rose, I will be looking out for your counter attacks, but before then,” he said lifting up her chin lightly, his eyes automatically going to her pearly white neckline and the soft spot that would carry his mark, “I have a small gift for you.” Rose’s eyes moved on instinct to his mouth, her line of thought disrupted by his unwillingness to indulge in her sarcasm. His hand went to the nape of her neck to pull her towards him. His lips finally touched hers and she felt like a spark had been ignited within her. Hungrily she pulled him in, impatient with his feathery kisses. She wanted his tongue deep in her mouth, his arms crushing her against him and her body molded to his like a second skin.   Rose stilled at the same time as when Joseph wanted to end this heated moment between them because he had heard soft footsteps approaching. He opened his eyes in time just to see her plaster a smile he was now learning to be a mask that hid her thoughts and feelings. He realized that she had heard the footsteps as well and was amazed. ‘Good hearing for a human’ Rose leaned into Joseph to touch her forehead to his and asked, “was that the gift?” “Get out of the car,” Joseph smiled conspiratorially stealing a glance at the approaching figure of a petite blond who seemed mad as hell after witnessing their sensual moment. “Oh no, the mighty Joseph Stone abandons me at my hour of need,” she said imitating a hurt look, her eyes wide. “She looks scary,” he said shivering then burst out into a musical laugh when Rose pretended to shiver as well. She turned to leave and then seemed to remember something. “Coward!” she said banging the car door unnecessarily. “Rose Leonora Gunn, how audacious you are! Is he the reason why you are rejecting Henry?” Miranda Gunn said in a high pitched voice. She was her father’s only sister and Sharon’s mum. She was a spoilt old hag that could never keep a job or a man. Miranda hated Rose and had it been up to her, she would have gotten rid of the brat; as she used to say, a long time ago. “Hello to you too aunt, and no, I don’t understand what you are talking about.” “Insolent!” she said stealing a furtive glance at Joseph who was curiously watching things unfold, waiting to see how she would deal with it all. “- I thought you rejected Henry deliberately to reject our choice of husband for you but look… in two hours you have caught another unsuspecting male. Aren’t you ashamed of w*****g yourself around town?”  “Well, I’m sorry this- or rather what you saw hurt your eyes but I believe it’s none of your business who I see.” “What a nerve! And you dare to show up with a man here, behaving like a wanton nymphomaniac in your grandfather’s presence?” “Uh-duh, am not a child. Furthermore…” she said pointing at Sharon who was walking towards them in the arms of her husband David, “…she is your business not me. Now if you’ll excuse me…” She said and made to walk past her but her aunt grabbed her hand and spun her around. Rose instinctively retaliated by slapping her hard across the cheek causing the woman to scream. Miranda was shocked by the girl’s behavior; in the past, she would not defend or retaliate no matter how much they hurt her. She realized she may have pushed this too far but she was curious to know if Isabella’s plan had succeeded or not. “How dare you hit me? No wonder, you deserve everything coming to you.” She said then realized her mistake. “I can do more than hit but I don’t want to dirty my hands, especially now that I know you are in cahoots with Isabella. Soon, you’ll all pay for everything, just wait and see.” Rose said, her voice breaking with emotions, pained to suddenly realize that everything her family went through was caused by jealous close family members. “What are you talking about? How can you accuse me of your father’s negligence? Don’t include me in your father’s mistakes.” Miranda said trying to distance herself from her slip up but it was too late. Rose was no fool, she had already connected the dots. The only thing that her explanation managed, was to aggravate the hatred and pain she felt where her father was concerned. She did not know how but Miranda’s mention of her father caused her to turn on her and hit her squarely on her jaw.
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