Chapter 4: Consequences Be Damned

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I stared down at the plate in front of me. It looked too good to eat, I couldn't destroy such a masterpiece! Imagine all the time and effort put into this little piece of salad! Just looking at it makes me feel bad. Antonio happily took a bite and seemed undisturbed by the extremely fancy food. Hm, I guess he eats like this everyday. The pros of being the King of the mafia I guess. But I need to stop distracting myself and eat my damn food. It wasn't made to be stared at. "Tell me, how long have you worked for Jonathan?" Antonio asked and looked up from his salad. He tilted his head and watched my every move. It caught me off guard. "Three years. He heard me sing at a bar one night, and offered me a better job at his- your restaurant." I said and smiled apologetically for my small mistake. The restaurant is really his, not Jonathan's. He owns every place in this city in some way. "Interesting. It's unfortunate that I didn't find you sooner." he said and smirked at me. The candles on the table threw shades all over his perfect face, giving it a mysterious and kind of a badass look. Why do I always fall for the bad guys? And Antonio really is the baddest of them all. "Oh? Would things have been different if you did?" I asked and slowly ate a small tomato. "Absolutely. Instead of eating on this table, we would be f*****g on it." he said and winked at me. I literally choked on the tomato and nearly suffocated. I stared at him with wide and surprised eyes, and to say he was amused was an understatement. He was chuckling at my strong reaction to his remark. Our conversation had escalated from zero to a hundred real quick. I also felt extremely flustered by all the images he put in my head. Images that would not leave my head for at least a week. "I er.. well it's- um.." I stammered and blushed madly. How the hell do I respond to that? Do I say thank you? No, that's just weird and it's definitely not a compliment of us f*****g on a table. It's a remark, and one he was very sure of. This guy has a bigger ego than Jonathan! And I'm sure I'm only boosting it. "Ah, you think I don't speak the truth?" he said and was only more amused. I didn't say that, not at all! I haven't even said a proper word! "That's not-" I started. "But I do. You will see how persuasive I am." he said and clasped his hands like a true businessman. Gosh, I can practically see his head expanding because of his ego. He's so sure of himself. I don't think I've ever met anyone with such confidence before. But why wouldn't he be confident? Every woman fell at his feet. I would also fall if he continued to touch me the way he does. But seeing his inflated ego also made me irritated. And somewhat challenged. During my time on this planet I've met my fair share of boys with big egos. They're nothing but trouble. But Antonio is, without a doubt, the one who wears it the best. "Is that a challenge?" I managed to say, now completely recovered from my suffocation by the tomato. My daring words sparked something in his eyes. They both surprised and intrigued him. "Would you be willing to challenge me?" he said and threateningly leaned forward on his chair, placing his elbows on the table. The change in his attitude scared me, but I told myself not to falter. I need to show him that I'm no ordinary girl that will obey his every order. Even if I am at his mercy this evening. "I would." I barely whispered and stared at him with determined eyes. I expected him to chuckle, or to smirk and comment on my strong will. But his reaction almost scared me to death. The chair scraped against the floor when he hastily rose and walked around the table with eyes burning with anger. I didn't even manage to react before he grabbed my chair and turned it to him, leaning down and staring at me with dark eyes. My heart was beating rapidly and stopping at the same time. I didn't know how to react. I didn't know what to do. Fear filled my gut, and I realized my mistake. I had become too comfortable in his presence. He had lured me in and used my own boldness as a weapon. I was trapped. No one would know if he killed me here. The personnel would not even raise a brow. Because he owns them. "You don't challenge me, Elena." he said and leaned even closer to my face. If I wasn't trembling with fear I would have loved his closeness. But now the atmosphere around us has changed. And it was all my fault. "Tell me, do you still want to challenge me?" he said and tightened his grip on the armrests on my chair. The fear in me screamed no. Every part of the logical sense of my brain told me to say no. And yet, I knew I couldn't. I feared him, of course I did. I was scared to death. I was scared he would kill me right here. But if I were to die, I want to go down fighting. I refuse to be one of those girls that obey his every command, that he scares into submission. That is not me. And I won't let him change me. "Yes." I breathed out. My short response made him falter for a second. He hadn't expected that answer from me. At every encounter before I had obeyed him, but now I was starting to fight back. Damn, this is my death sentence. We stared at each other. The air was tense. My body was slowly trembling. His hands were almost breaking the wood on my chair. Then suddenly he laughed. It was a shaky laugh, and he lowered his head and continued to laugh. I continued to stare at him, confused and baffled. Was that another trick? Did he just test me? "You truly are one of a kind, Elena. And I happen to adore you very much." he said and looked up again. His eyes were now soft and full of amusement. I felt myself relaxing and exhaling a deep breath. I still wasn't sure if this had been a test, or if he simply changed his mind. "Why did you change your mind?" I asked breathlessly. "Not many have the courage to stand up to me. I need someone who doesn't fear me." he admitted with a wry smile. Not fear him? I fear him. I know of his temper and methods. Not fearing him would be foolish. "But I do fear you." I admitted. "You think you do. But if you truly feared me, you would have said no instead of yes." he explained and stood straight. I guess there's some logic to his argument. But I still fear him, no matter what he says. "So, it was a test?" I said and raised an eyebrow, placing my hands in my lap. A warm chuckle left his lips as he scratched his neck. It made him look like a guilty child. Was he sorry for testing me? "I must admit, yes. I'm sorry for scaring you, but I needed to know where I have you." he said and smiled apologetically. Okay, where did all his ego go?  I slightly narrowed my eyes at him. Was that a real apology? I really had no idea anymore. The way his moods change drives me crazy. "Asking would have been nice." I huffed and crossed my arms. The way he threatened me before was not okay. He can't just threaten me whenever he wants to know where I stand. That's not how this ‘relationship’ works. "Forgive me. Please. I'll make it up to you." he apologized and smiled sadly at me. Does that mean he's sorry for what he did?  "I believe this dinner is also for making it up to me." I countered and smiled at him. The air around us was relaxed again, and seeing him so calm made me happy. "Then I need to figure out something special next time." he said and gave me a slight nod. Next time? He wishes to see me again, then. I must admit I want to see him again as well. The goal of this dinner was originally to tell him to stay the hell away from me. But I can't anymore. I feel myself falling for him. "That you do." I chuckled and looked down. A comfortable silence fell between us and I wondered what would happen next. "Dance with me." he suddenly said to break the silence. I met his eyes and my mouth formed an O. Dance with him? "There's no music." I said and raised an eyebrow. Antonio rolled his eyes and smiled, before snapping his fingers. How is that going to help? But to my surprise, music started to play. Where did that come from? Is someone watching us? But when I heard the song I couldn't help but to stare at him in surprise. Million Reasons by Lady Gaga filled the air. Antonio waited for my reaction like a child waited for his presents on Christmas. I could only chuckle at his choice of music. "Dance with me?" he asked again and reached out an open hand towards me. "I'd love to." I said and took his warm hand. We walked away from the table, and when he placed an arm around my waist I felt the air leave my lungs. No matter how he upset me I still craved his touch and closeness. He's like an addictive drug. Our dance was calm and not something spectacular. We just slowly danced to the music and stared at each other. Just seeing him like this made me forget all about who he truly was. It's dangerous to forget, but it's only for one night. Reality can hit me later. "You know that this is really weird, right?" I asked and smiled at him. Antonio tilted his head. "No I don't. Why do you think it's weird?" he asked me back. I saw the confusion and worry in his eyes. "Well, you're the mafia and I'm just a singer. Don't you think that's kind of weird?" I said. I at least think it's kind of weird. But not in a bad way! It's just a very strange mix. The King of the mafia and a simple singer. Who'd have thought? But I shouldn't get ahead of myself. "Just a singer? Is that how you see yourself?" he asked and started to massage my lower back. I loved the way his hands moved across my back. "How else can I see myself? I am a singer." I said, now he's making me confused. "What about beautiful? Intelligent? Bold? Brave?" he said and pulled me closer. His words flattered me and I blushed. Did he really think that about me? He finds me beautiful? I couldn't help but to think how romantic this whole ordeal was. We were dancing on a rooftop, with a glowing city as view, and a warm summer breeze warming us. The music symbolized our first meeting and I felt somewhat nostalgic about that. No one had ever done anything so romantic for me before. The dates I've had before were just a simple dinner and some conversation. I've never actually danced on a date. "Okay, flatterer. Trying to get on my good side?" I joked and laughed. But he didn't laugh with me and only smiled. "I'm already on your good side, and I do mean what I said." he said. Ah, there's that ego. It wasn't as big as before, but I still shouldn't boost it. I believe his head will explode if I do. "Thank you, really. No one has ever called me beautiful before, or intelligent, or bold or brave." I said and smiled at him. Antonio slowly shook his head. "Then they are all fools. I have never met anyone like you before." he admitted and looked at me like I was the reason to live. I didn't know how to think straight anymore. But honestly, I don't care anymore. I don't care if he's dangerous. There's no way I can give him up now. And he better not give me up either. "I can say the same." I said, making him chuckle. It's true, there's only one mafia King. Being with him, inviting him in like this will give me consequences in the future. But consequences be damned. Suddenly he twirled me around in a pirouette, taking me by surprise and I almost fell because of it. When he pulled me closer again I was just about to apologize, but he never gave me the chance. Because he captured my lips in a passionate kiss.
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