Chapter 6: That time of the month…awkward

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I woke up with my head on Jason’s chest and his arm around my shoulder. I was very happy at that moment and didn’t want to move, but I had to get up if I wanted to meet Jane for breakfast and not eat alone. Slowly, I moved out from Jason and stood up to try to find something to wear. The weather was lovely again, and I was in a very good mood and totally not trying to impress Jason...honest. I decided on a red summer dress that I hadn’t even worn yet. I put on more make-up than I normally did and had my hair in a half-up down style with a French plait instead of a pony-tail to keep it off my face, I had no idea if Jason cared about such things as makeup and pretty dresses if he thought more like a wolf. Looking in the shower-room mirror at myself, I looked like a different person. It was amazing how much your mood could pick up when you made yourself look nice, especially when you were trying to look nice for a hot alpha wolf. After breakfast, Jason came over to us looking so sexy it was hard to believe he had held me last night. I knew the wolves were very affectionate with each other, but I don’t think Jason ever was with anyone other than Blaze and now me, I thought, smiling stupidly to myself like a teenager with a crush. I tried to control myself. I was sure it would all end as soon as he was back in his own room, then he would go back to acting like I didn’t exist. “Hey, just letting you guys know, you’re free to go outside again. The pack has moved on after hearing about us capturing one of their most dominant wolves. I have no doubt they’re going to try something else, but it’s safe to wonder about again for now,” he said. “Well in that case, I want to go for a run in my wolf form. Could you help me change again?” I asked, blushing when he fixed that gaze of his on me, but feeling excited at being a wolf for the second time. “Sure, I’ll help you first then change, and we can run together,” he replied as a statement rather than a question. Arrogant enough to believe that I would want this, he was right of course. I noticed him staring at my cleavage while he spoke, which was normally never on display. I felt a tingle of desire race through me. He must have smelt it because he quickly looked away leaving me to blush, again, which I always seemed to do around him. “Ok, what about you, Jane? Do you want to come?” I asked. I hadn’t seen her in wolf form yet, but I imagined that she would be a dark red like her hair. A few could change to whatever colour they preferred if they concentrated and worked on it enough, though once you chose that colour you were stuck with it. “No, I’ll give it a miss. I’m supposed to be going to town with Michael, but I’m sure you love birds will enjoy yourselves.” she grinned, walking away, leaving me blushing, and before we could say anything. Jason never said a word, just led me to my room and helped me change for the second time since I’d been here. Jason got changed in the shower room after me, leaving the door ajar, so he could get out afterwards. We padded along the hallway together with me trailing behind and out the door heading towards the woods. There we were joined by other wolves, who were all excited. I felt excited myself, being among other wolves as a pack and feeling like I belonged. It was a lovely feeling. We all walked for a while; occasionally some wolves nipping each other playfully or rubbing heads, bodies and muzzles with added licks as they reinforced their scents which bonded us together by smell. There were seven of us all together, and every now, and then I would get a sharp bite near my flank and base of my tail if I so much as dared take over any of them or got too close. Unfortunately for me, I was the omega in the pack. After a little while, we started to run, I mean really run. We ran until our lungs burned and ached, with some of us running up to thirty-five miles per hour. It felt great with the wind gushing into my face, my tongue hanging out and most importantly, having Jason run with us, though he nipped our hind legs or necks if we started to overtake him. He suddenly raced ahead of me and the others, turning left through some trees and jumping on something in the distance. Me and the other wolves raced to catch up to him and saw that he was eating a mole. Some of the other wolves snorted in disgust and started to walk away. I felt a bit sick too, but I sat there and watched him eat it curiously. None of us actually ate what real wolves did like people seemed to think in movies, (we had enough human in us for that at least) but we did still behave mostly like a real wolf pack would, but with Jason having more wolf in him, I suppose he would eat raw meat too. The best parts for him as an alpha wolf, (which he was when Blaze wasn’t running with us) were the internal organs, which I watched him eat as he positioned himself by the rib cage. It was a good thing the rest of us didn’t have to eat kills if we didn’t want to, and a lot of us definitely didn’t because besides it was too small a kill, we would have had to wait for him to eat his piece first while the betas amongst the pack would weave their leader’s authority amongst the rest of us lower ranks before being allowed the leftovers. When he was done, he looked up at me with blood on his snout, licking it away and then came over to me and looked into my eyes. Instantly I lowered my body and looked away from his gaze, (being the most submissive in the whole pack) he narrowed his eyes, blinked slightly and rolled them to one side, the subtlest of signs that said I was able to greet him. My wolf mind took over completely for a moment. I turned my head up to him and began to lick his muzzle. Raising his head up high, he made me stretch to continue my greeting. And then just as I started to reach him he turned his head to the side, making me work harder for his affections, (damn arrogant if you ask me) whereupon I had been taught by some of the others he would usually walk off afterwards, but this time he licked my nose in appreciation for accepting his wolfish ways and ran off to join the others who were play fighting. Everybody knew Jason was an alpha simply by his rich scent from feasting on the best quality foods of a kill, the wolf in us subconsciously recognising this most obvious trait among a pack. Later that evening, Jason sat with me on the sofa to watch some cheesy horror film, scream I think it was, while the others were sat in chairs or on the floor waiting for the adverts to finish. “Jason, if you don’t mind me asking, how come you have yellow, golden eyes?” I asked him curiously. Not turning his gaze away from the screen, he answered, “I’m not sure, I think it’s because my wolf is more part of me than my human side, though I can change them to blue if I want, which would be my natural colour if I was like Blaze and the rest of you.” “Don’t change them. I think they look really cool.” I said, which in turn made him look at me, one eyebrow raised. Then he gave a huge grin and put his arm around my shoulders, giving me butterflies. ”So how come it’s even possible for us to change?” “I honestly don’t know. Maybe the answers lie in the Native American culture and stories? Maybe God gave us the ability, thought us savage humans could learn something from the animal? Maybe the first werewolf was bitten by a real wolf and got infected, which turned into some kind of deformity, a way for the body to try to make itself survive? Or maybe they were experimented on by scientists back in the day when they liked to mix human DNA with animal? There are so many reasons why. Pick one,” He grinned before turning back to look at the plasma screen. “One last question. What makes a good Alpha?” I was really interested in it all and couldn’t help going on and on. Smiling at me as though I were a child constantly asking ‘why’ he answered, “An Alpha has to be strong, fair, and assertive with his pack. If his too aggressive or nasty, his no good and the pack will reject him and choose another leader. It’s usually the same for real wolves, too.” The film had just begun when Marie came over and sat right on Jason’s lap, wrapping an arm around his neck, and giving me a triumphant look. “What the f**k are you doing?” he growled, not at all human in that moment. I don’t even think I had ever heard him swear before. His deep menacing growl made me shiver with fear and his energy threatened to suffocate me. “I just wanted to see how you are, that’s all. I haven’t seen you for a few days,” she replied, sulking like a little girl and sliding onto the floor next to his legs submissively, all the while keeping her head down. Our hierarchy in the pack wasn’t so important to us when we were in human form, but every now and then someone would forget that it was still the same for Jason, and today that person was Marie. “I’m trying to watch a film with Josie and for you to jump on me like that is just disrespectful when I have company,” he snarled. Damn, he really did not like her and I felt very happy about that. “I’m sorry, please don’t punish me,” she replied. She gave him the full puppy dog look. I felt like slapping that fake look right off her face. I knew it was wrong of me, but I couldn’t help seeing her all over what I thought of as mine, and that thought shocked me because it was my wolf’s thought. Besides, she deserved it, or so I told myself. “It’s alright, don’t worry, just don’t let it happen again,” he answered more softly this time as she showed him the correct respect. I realised then that he had a soft spot for weaker wolves while in human form at least, and she was using it to her advantage as she lay by his feet hugging one of his legs like a small child. After the film had finished, I went to use the loo and realised it was that time of the month. At about the moment I realised I suddenly felt the dull ache that always accompanied it. Panicking, I looked around and thankfully found some sanitary towels in the small cupboard. As I came out the toilet, Jane was standing there. She suddenly grabbed me by the arm and almost threw me into my room before locking the door behind us. “What are you doing?” I said, shocked, rubbing my arm where she had almost branded it. “Saving your arse. Josie, you’re living with werewolves at the moment and you’ve just started your period. I know that because I can smell, it which will mean that the males will too. If they get near you, they will want to mate with you. They will force you if you try to resist, especially as you’re an omega,” she answered, looking slightly scared. “Oh, I didn’t know. Sorry.” I replied, blushing with the thought of everybody smelling it. “It’s not your fault you can’t help it, and I should have warned you when you first came here. Just wait here a minute ok, and I’ll be back,” She said, rushing out the door before slamming it behind her and telling me to lock it. A few minutes later, she was back knocking on the door. Unlocking it, I let her in, followed by Jason who closed it behind him. “What’s wrong, Why did you drag me in here for? I was actually enjoying that—“ He came over to me and started sniffing, making me turn crimson with embarrassment, “Oh,” he said standing back. “Ok. Go back out and don’t say anything to anyone except Blaze and let him know I’m staying with her tonight, so he doesn’t need to worry.” “Hold on, how come Jason is allowed near me?” I asked them. “Because I’m an Alpha wolf regardless of the pack structure. I can control myself a lot better. The only other person is Blaze, so apart from us two, just stay away from the rest.” He got into the bed next to me, still fully clothed and didn’t try to hug me this time, keeping a long distance between us. It stung a little, almost bringing me to tears, even though he wasn’t mine. I felt stupid with my reaction and hoped it was PMS.
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