Chapter 7: Naughty Naughty

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Later in the night I woke up to the feel of Jason pressed tightly up behind me, letting me know how happy he was being there. “Jason, what are you doing?” I whispered when he started gently kissing my neck and sending desire pulsing through my body. I was so shocked and so was my wolf, as we knew that no Alpha was supposed to mate with an omega, but perhaps it was a little more flexible being a werewolf. “I want you,” He growled possessively. His dominant side taking over. Turning me to face him, he pressed his lips against mine, and slid his tongue into my mouth, rolling it teasingly and bringing mine to life as I started to respond and tasted every inch of him that I could while I had this chance. Suddenly, b**m entered my mind as I allowed the dominant wolf to have his way with me while myself the submissive had no say in this, completely and willingly giving myself to him, suddenly feeling eager to please him in any way that I could. Pressing his rock-hard erection against the front of me, I could feel just how big he was. We stayed kissing like that for a while before he slid his hand down the front of my not-very sexy knickers, I’m afraid, and began to rub me gently back and forth, making me wet and sliding his fingers inside of me. A soft cry escaped from my lips, making him growl deeply and climb on top of me. Removing my bottoms and his jeans, he pulled his boxers down, releasing his very hard and big erection that looked as though it were aching for release as it dripped pre-c*m for me. It scared me a little at first as I was quite tight, but he slid it inside easily and shocking for me, it was painless, nothing but pure ecstasy as he pushed himself slowly deep inside of me. Moaning and growling at my tightness, he began to thrust deeply and desperately into me. I grabbed his perfectly sculpted arse and pushed him deeper, making him move faster and thrust even harder. The feel of his perfectly ripped and sculpted body under my fingers was divine as I easily slid my hands up and down his torso and muscled arms that were now dripping with sweat. I used the sweat as though it were an erotic oil while I sensuously smoothed my way down his body as he continued to mount me. His head was tilted back, eyes closed in pleasure, while the moonlight from my window softly glowed upon him, making him almost luminous as he glistened above me beautifully. A scream tore from my throat as I was suddenly overtaken by the pleasure, and climaxed just before he came deep inside of me and collapsed. Waking up the next morning, I looked up at the wolf whose arms I was laying in sighing happily as I remembered last night, but the happiness didn’t last long before I panicked and realised we hadn’t used any protection and worse still, he had probably only wanted me because I was in heat. I wasn’t the best-looking girl in the world, just the plain one who usually goes unnoticed among a crowd. I didn’t say anything to him about it, I didn’t want to ruin this moment, and I just prayed that I wouldn’t be pregnant. Whoever says you can’t get pregnant first time round is lying. I sat eating my breakfast in the hall with Jane and Jason sitting at my sides protectively while all the male eyes were watching me. I only ate half of it. I just didn’t feel comfortable with half the hall staring at me while I ate. Usually, the females would go home when it was that time of the month, but I couldn’t because of the rival pack and being so new, so for now, I was stuck here. The only reason they stayed away was because Jason was by my side and Blaze was at the far end of the hall keeping an eye on them all too. Usually, we have to m-shift to the wolf’s mind and senses, but sometimes it happened of its own accord. Jason had told me that it always switched when a female was in heat, though they weren’t entirely sure why. “I wanted to say that I’m really sorry about how I behaved last night.” Jason whispered into my ear so that Jane wouldn’t overhear. “Why are you whispering? Won’t everyone be able to smell what we’ve done?” I whispered back while Jane gave us odd looks. Jason plastered on a fake smile at her before replying, “Yes usually, but not while a female’s in heat because bloods the strongest scent for us.” He raised an eyebrow at me knowingly. “In heat?” I said, confused, and then it hit me that I was among werewolves now, so naturally his wolf would assume I was in heat. “Oh right. I get it,” I smiled at him shyly and felt like a complete prat. “It’s not like me. I normally have better control than that, but it’s been so long. Four years since I last mated and you smelt so good. I just couldn’t help myself.” It was the first time I saw Jason blush, and damn if it wasn’t the cutest thing I’d seen. “It’s ok, but I don’t want to get into the habit of being like Marie, so unless you plan on being my mate you can’t touch me again,” I said jokingly. Jason looked deep into my eyes at that last bit, so intent and serious I had to look away. “Hey, what are you two whispering about? Is there something you want to share with me?” Asked Jane, grinning like she already knew. I blushed while Jason quickly answered, “No, nothing for you to worry about.” Jason waited for me outside the toilet while I changed quickly. Jane had already gone out with Michael again. I wish I had a guy to do that with, I thought, grumbling and bitching to myself, (definitely PMS) then a thought came into my head. Being in heat I thought I’d have better success at seducing Jason than Marie did, besides, I was doing it because I wanted him as a mate. Marie was doing it just for fun. I decided to experiment with this new information, although the normal human would probably find us disgusting, but we were no longer just human. Opening the door, I saw Jason leaning against the wall looking towards the hall, where I noticed Marie was waving and batting her eyes at him. He ignored her and dismissed her waves with a sneer of contempt, and turned to look at me as I came over to him. “Jason, I need a hug, my tummy is really hurting,” I said, giving him my best puppy dog eyes and looking up at him, though not directly into his eyes. I just prayed he didn’t give me that same look of contempt. I was very grateful for my five-foot height right then, which added to my vulnerability and resulted in him wrapping his arms round my waist very gently and protectively. I realised he was trying to keep control of his wolf by being gentle, barely touching at all, and hoping it would work. That wasn’t what I wanted though, so wrapping my arms around his neck, I pushed myself up against him. Instantly I felt him harden against me as I parted my legs and pressed myself against it. “Josie, please, you’re pushing my limits. I can control myself, but I’m not invincible,” He breathed against my neck, a hint of a growl in his voice proving how close he was to losing himself. “I don’t want you to control yourself. I want you to take me like a b***h in heat,” I growled back. Seems that it wasn’t only the males it affected. That was it for him, he growled and pinned me hard against the wall, pressing himself against me and making it almost painful. He started kissing me down my neck, licking and biting. I noticed Marie as she looked on, seething with jealousy before losing myself completely to his touches. Jason kept on kissing his way down my neck, trailing his lips softly across my skin. Putting his hand up my flowery dress, he grabbed my arse and pulled me in against his hard erection. Everyone was watching in shock more at Jason’s sudden show of personality and with an omega than what we were actually doing I think, but I was so turned on I didn’t try to stop him. Couldn’t. I suddenly had an idea that I thought his wolf would like. Turning to face the wall, I put my hands against it and bent over for him. He growled again, this time no trace of human left inside, and I watched as he unzipped himself and forced his huge erection out the gap. Holding onto his erection with one hand, he lifted my skirt up with the other, and entered my wet aching centre from behind. This time he wasn’t as gentle with me. He thrust as hard and as fast as he could holding my hips in place tightly with those big manly hands of his that I loved, and I suddenly couldn’t hold it anymore as my orgasm spilled over me and I came screaming, pushing myself against him, forcing him in deeper and bringing a growl from his throat as he let me have my way with his hard c**k. As I came back to myself panting, Jason was still thrusting while I looked around at the shocked room and turned bright red with embarrassment as my humanness returned. The males were leering at me and making lewd comments about getting a turn, making me go even redder if that were possible. I was beginning to get sore and tried to pull away from Jason, but Jason wasn’t there anymore, just his wolf as he growled a warning for me to keep still. I stood up straight pulling him out and turned around to face him, but before I could move he slammed his hands either side of the wall, pinning me in, so I couldn’t escape. Staring into my eyes, he growled a soft warning. I think my heart stopped with fear as I stared into those yellow almost golden wolf eyes, but there was still a flutter of desire having him dominate me and smelling both of these, he pushed up against me and slid back inside. He lifted me off the ground, making me wrap my legs around his waist as he began to thrust into me hard and furious against the wall. I think his wolf was punishing me, I wasn’t sure, and even though I was very sore by now I still couldn’t help that flutter of desire every now again as he thrust deeply. Somehow through the pain he made me come a second time as I felt his warm release deep inside of me, and finally, he gently put me down on my feet where I collapsed onto the floor. “Josie, are you ok?” He asked, slowly coming back to himself. I realised I had tears and tried to get up before collapsing again. “No, my legs are numb, and I feel like somebody’s scrubbed me with sandpaper down there.” I winced as the throbbing started. Jason gently lifted me up and cradled me to his chest. His guilt hit me like a ton of bricks as he held me close. “It’s not your fault, Jason. You did try to warn me,” I laughed weakly. Marie was suddenly beside us and whispered, “Serves you right, dirty b***h. Messing with my wolf.” But she didn’t whisper quietly enough because Jason growled menacingly, “I’ll deal with you later, and I am not your wolf.” He laid me gently onto the bed and kept repeating how sorry he was before running off quickly to get some ice. “Josie, I am so incredibly sorry,” he said, coming back in and handing me the bag of ice, which I put between my legs. As soon as it touched the soreness, it felt like I had just put burning coal against it before simmering into a dull ache. “Jason, if you say sorry one more time, I will slap you with this bag of ice.” He smiled at that. “It’s my fault anyway. You warned me and I ignored you, besides, I still enjoyed it and I would do it again.” I smiled, looking into those gorgeous eyes as he bent down beside me. I must have been exploring and staring at them for at least five minutes before realising he was an alpha wolf and quickly turned my face away. “Josie, you don’t need to look away from me. I trust you and certainly like you. You’re no threat to me,” He said, turning me back to face him and kissing me on the forehead. Jason didn’t leave me the whole day, not even for the loo, and we sat watching films on the little TV he had brought up to my room. He had his arms wrapped around me in a fiercely protective way, and I was beginning to sweat, but I didn’t want to move away just yet. By the third film though, I’d had enough. I was bored and restless now, and I made it quite obvious by fidgeting and moaning. “Oh my God, what is the matter with you?” Jason huffed in frustration and withdrew himself from me. “I am dying of boredom, that’s what. I might be a little sore, but I’m not crippled!” I snapped. Ok, I was a bit more than a little sore, and it was making me cranky. “Ok, you should have said. Do you want to go for a drive somewhere?” he asked, “We can bring Jane and Michael if you want.” “I didn’t even know you could drive. I don’t even think I’ve seen you leave this place?” I replied as I stood up. Instantly I felt the throbbing. “I haven’t used my car in four years. I only used it for my fiancé,” He said, walking out the door before I could ask any more questions.
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