Chapter 9: In the heat of the moment

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As soon as we got back to the mansion, Jason headed straight to Blaze who was mid-conversation with Clair, (another pack member who was a brunette version of Marie, though a more classy version. The two of them seemed close) before Jason grabbed his arm and led him inside the building to tell him what had happened. Jane and I went over on to a bench and sat down with Michael, who seemed as quiet as I was. The two of them were holding hands; polite enough not to do the couple thing and make out in front of me, which I was very grateful for, not that I could complain after earlier mind you. Jane asked to look at the three films I had gotten. “Ooo black swan, this one looks good, can we watch this one tonight?” Jane asked, reading the back of it. “Yeah, sure,” I replied. Jason headed back towards us. It seemed that by accepting me to be close to, he had also accepted Jane and Michael too. “Everything ok?” asked Jane when Jason sat down next to me. “Yeah, Blaze is going to look into it, see if we can come up with anything, try to locate their whereabouts,” He replied, taking another film out of my bag on the table. I spit on your grave was the title of the film. As he read the back, I saw him grimace and almost chuck it back onto the table as though it had burned him. “You ok?” I asked. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he left it at that. I had a feeling he was hiding something, but I didn’t push him any further. Later that evening, we all headed to my room to watch Black swan. The rest of the pack had already started watching another film downstairs, so we made do with the small television sitting on top of my drawers. Michael and Jane were already cuddled up together at the head of my bed, so me and Jason made do with lying on top of the covers on the floor. About halfway through the film, Jane went to the toilet, quickly putting it on pause. Jason had left twenty minutes earlier to make a plan with Blaze about what to do with this other pack. Blaze had wanted to keep low and quiet, hoping they weren’t too serious, but it seemed this other pack, (forest wolf they called themselves, which Jason thought was, and I quote ‘f*****g retarded’) were in no hurry to give up. I felt Michael staring at me, but I didn’t look around at him. I stayed as still as possible, hoping that maybe if I didn’t move I would be invisible. I knew that if he tried anything, I’d be powerless to stop him. He was a dominant wolf in the pack and I didn’t want anything to happen that would jeopardise mine and Jane’s friendship, but nor did I want my throat torn out and die a horrible slow death. It seemed my not moving didn’t work, though because I felt Michael on all fours above me suddenly. I hadn’t even heard him move. He put his nose against my neck and inhaled deeply, scenting me and smelling that I was still in heat. s**t. I started to panic and slowly went to ease out from under him. As soon as I tried to get up, he growled a warning for me to stay still. My heart was beating frantically like a trapped thing. Damn, what was Jane doing? Having a s**t? Michael started kissing my neck and biting it in a possessive way. I didn’t dare move because I knew he would hurt me badly if I did, right now he wasn’t Michael, but the wolf. He pressed himself against my rear and started to rub himself up against me. I could feel his erection through his jeans. I tried to scramble away as he went to put his hand down the front of my jeans. I made it as far as the door before he grabbed my arm, spinning me around and pinning me against the door with all his strength and then dropped to his knees to scent me “down there” Jane tried to open the door and shouted, “Oi! What are you two up to in there?” Michael didn’t seem to hear her though as he came back up and put his hand down my trousers again, this time succeeding. “Jane, I think you should get Blaze or something. Your fiancé is umm... well, trying to mate with me,” I replied, hoping so much this wouldn’t make her hate me. I heard Jane shout “s**t” before running down the hall to get someone. Michael tried to kiss me on the lips, and I managed to turn my head away and refused to look at him. Then Jason came crashing through the door like a man possessed, sending us tumbling to the floor and ripping me away from Michael, throwing him against the wall as though he weighed nothing. “Michael, I swear if you ever let your wolf take over like that again, I will f*****g chop your balls off!” Jason roared at him. Michael got back up and challenged Jason. Staring him in the eyes, he started to growl, “That b***h is mine, and you have no right to interfere in who I mate with.” He suddenly grabbed me and pulled me against him possessively; with a strong enough grip that I couldn’t break free. Jane was standing behind Jason looking scared and pissed off. I was surprised to see that she didn’t look deeply hurt or affected by Michael’s behaviour, but before I could think it through, Jason stormed over and practically ripped me from Michael’s strong grip, yanking my arm so hard I fell to my knees beside him. “Prick you got a fiancé right there,” growled Jason, pressing his forehead against Michael’s in an aggressive and dominant way while pointing to Jane behind him. Michael glanced up at Jane, quickly becoming submissive and began to come back to himself a little, looking at both me and Jane before running out of the room, ashamed of himself I guess. “Right, Josie, me and you are going out for a drink. Give that bastard time to think about what he’s done,” said Jane, then grabbing my arm and yanking me to her bedroom. “Jane, I’m so, so sorry. I don’t know why he did that, I tri—” “Josie, it’s not your fault. Don’t you dare think that what these males do to us is your fault in any way. You’re a submissive wolf and the males like us females to be submissive for them, that way they think they can have their way with us. Don’t worry, I’ll deal with him later. The bastard,” she grumbled, pulling on a gorgeous tight red dress that matched her hair and red lipstick perfectly. She gave me a sparkling, very short, tight black dress. I was surprised it fit, though it was a little tight, as she was so slim and perfect and, well, I had a bit of a belly and wore a size 16 in uk clothes. I didn’t say anything, though, I didn’t think she would be in the mood for any arguments tonight. Luckily, she knew me well enough to hand me a pair of size five flat black sandals instead of heels and sat me on her bed and began applying make-up on me. Once she was finished, I looked in the mirror and gasped, making her smile proudly. I looked pretty for once. My eye shadow was a light grass-green colour, while the powder was a gold bronze and my lip-gloss was a sexy deep pink colour. I looked like a dark, golden goddess rather than my normal plain almost midnight coloured skin. “It’s lovely, but shouldn’t I stay locked in?” I asked her. “You’ll be fine if we bring Jason with us, even outside our pack everyone is terrified of him, they know what he’s capable of. He can watch over you from a distance because tonight is girl’s night.” Jason drove us there, and we entered a club called blue velvet. It was a well-known place that male werewolves seemed to come to-though humans didn’t know this- and upon entering I realised why. All the men here held the scent of wolf, and were gorgeous to look upon, they were all huge and muscular. Any human man would have felt extremely threatened and stood no chance of getting a girl who had the choice of these... hunks, was the best way to describe them, and so there weren’t any human males here. There were a few human females here, who didn’t know exactly what we were, but seemed to sense and enjoy the thrill of being among dangerous men. Jane went over to the lit up bar to get drinks and I went and found us a place to sit and talk. The place was blaring loud music that I recognised as the king’s of Leon. I sat back, relaxing and listening to my favourite band. I gave a small wave to Jason who was stood far enough away we could talk without him overhearing, he didn’t wave back and barely gave a smile, he really hadn’t wanted to come. Jane came back over and handed me a glass of vodka and coke which she had paid for and came and sat down beside me. “So you’re really not mad at me?” I shouted over the music to Jane. “No, I told you it’s my bastard fiancé’s fault. He should have had better control of his wolf than that,” she shouted back, and took a big gulp of her drink. About half an hour later the place was packed with werewolves and human women flirting and dancing with the males seductively. Jane grabbed my arm and dragged a reluctant me to the dance floor. She began to dance, while I just stood there stupidly, feeling out of place and embarrassed. She tried to get me to join in, but I was too shy and sober still. Some of the male wolves around us left their human girls and tried to dance up against me once they got the scent that I was in heat. Being in heat I noticed meant that you didn’t have to be stunning to get a male wolf's attention. It wasn’t too bad here because there were so many people and bodily fluids like sweat, it made the smell of me being in heat barely noticeable unless you were up close. I shook my head shyly at them and went back to the table to wait for Jane, who was already dancing with one of them. I guess she wanted to piss Michael off when she got back with another wolf’s scent on her. I took a sip of my drink as another sexy as hell wolf came and sat down beside me. He had deep chocolate brown eyes with a hint of gold halo around his iris. He was staring at my cleavage when he said, “You’re brave coming in here. You must be a new wolf right?” he asked, meeting my eyes with a sexy smile. He was wearing a pale blue polo shirt and black jeans with Nike trainers. His hair was a deep warm brown, tousled and messy looking. That seemed to be the trend with the weres I realised, before answering, “Yes, how do you know?” and then took another sip of my drink. “Well, you look gorgeous dressed like that, you’re bound to get men’s attention, but on top of that you’re in heat too as well as an omega, so you’re either stupid or new, and you don’t come across as stupid to me,” he replied, sitting back in the leather seat and making himself at home. He had a very deep voice, like Jason, and I melted just a little at it. I spotted Jane on the dance floor, still flirting and dancing with the other wolf before disappearing among the crowd again. I was a little tipsy from the drink and I looked at the guy next to me who still hadn’t given me his name and rested my head on his shoulder. I looked up at him and saw he had his head leaning against the back of the seat head up, with his eyes closed. I admit I was a little drunk and for once in my wimpish life I took my chance and reached up to kiss his full soft lips, again reminding me of Jason. I quickly pulled back with Jason’s image in my mind. I looked over, but thankfully Jason hadn’t seen the kiss because some female had been flirting with him and he was busy trying to get her to leave him alone. We still weren’t together, but I was trying to change that. “Don’t get all shy on me, sweetie,” he whispered, opening his eyes and leaning down to kiss me again. Again I pulled back, and before I could wrap my head around what was happening, he took me into the men’s toilets before I had the chance to protest, ignoring the other two wolves gaping mouths and locking the cubicle behind us. He pushed me up against the door like all the damn wolves kept doing lately and kissed me deeply again. He was sliding his tongue into my mouth and squeezing my breasts over the black dress. I wanted him to stop. I didn’t want to be touched or kissed or anything. I tried pushing against him, but he slipped his hand underneath the dress, and then I finally managed to give him a shove, making him stumble back. I tried to think up some excuse to leave when he looked at me confused, I definitely didn’t do one-night-stands so why the hell I kissed him I don’t know, perhaps it was the excitement of kissing an actual werewolf as i was still getting used to it all. Just then, the door was ripped off its hinges and flung against the wall of the toilets. Jason came in and repeated what he had done to Michael, throwing him against the wall, but with much more force, and stalked over toward him as though he were prey. “What the f**k do you think you’re doing touching one of my wolves,” he growled. He grabbed the nameless wolf and hauled him in the air with a fist in his shirt and punched him hard in the face, breaking his nose. Automatically, I grabbed a hold of my own as if I could somehow feel his pain, and I winced at the brutality of it. The wolf growled dangerously back at him. Holding his bleeding nose, he stood up to meet Jason’s challenge. “She’s mine for the night, so f**k off and leave us alone. I’ll make sure she’s back to you nice and safe tomorrow,” he snarled, shoving past Jason and taking my arm. “I don’t think so. She belongs to me and she’s coming home. Now,” Jason growled, coming over and pulling me away from nameless guy’s grip and putting me behind him protectively. “Hey, you can’t do that. She’s my b***h for the night, and I’m having her. She’s the one who started it all anyway, so let the poor girl do as she pleases,” he yelled at Jason, and started making a start for me again. Jason pushed him hard enough that it made him stumble back a few steps. “You want to know whose b***h she is?” said Jason. The other guy just looked at him warily, waiting to see what he’d do next. I, on the other hand, was getting very pissed off with them calling me a b***h, though I knew it wasn’t in the same way a human calls someone a b***h. Jason turned around to face me. I noticed he hadn’t bothered to make his eyes blue this time. They were his real colour, yellow-gold and dangerously angry. I instantly looked down and away from him. I certainly didn’t want a challenge with him any time soon. Being an omega among the pack had already earned me a hard time from some of the pack for sleeping with an alpha, though i was more than sure that it was just jealousy and nothing to do with our ranking. Jason unzipped himself, letting his soft member hang out. He was still huge even without being erect. I just looked at him, shocked and confused. “I want you to suck on it,” he growled, his eyes almost daring me to refuse. I looked over at the other wolf that was standing there watching me to see what I’d do. I recalled the time when Blaze had mentioned about how I'd be treated if I were with another pack and figured out pretty quickly that Jason was putting on a front for this wolf to show that our pack was no different, (though of course they were) and that they knew they owned me and weren't afraid to prove it, not that he really needed to go to this extent to prove it mind you. I got down onto my knees, wrapped my hand around him, and looked up at Jason. I could see he was getting impatient, but I felt more than self-conscious about doing all this with someone watching us without my wolf’s being in heat part taking over to help. Jason wrapped my hair around his hand and gently pulled my face towards his groin. I appreciated that he wasn’t letting his anger or his wolf be rough with me. I put my mouth around him softly and began to suck and roll my tongue around his long length and felt him growing much for an act. Gently pulling me back and forth by my hair, Jason began moaning softly, looking down at me, and slowly getting faster and more urgent with his movements and tilted his head back in pleasure. I looked over at the wolf, who was still watching, his arms folded and his nose still bleeding heavily. He looked at me and damn was he angry, no, furious at me, I realised before Jason pulled my face back towards his c**k. He’d expected me to refuse Jason and go to him. I liked Jason too much though, including my wolf, to miss out on being intimate with him. This was the wolf I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I felt him stop moving as he came in my mouth and ordered me to swallow. I did as he asked, lapping it up hungrily like I couldn’t get enough. “Now you know whose b***h she is, I suggest you get out before I finish you off,” he growled at the other wolf while I continued to lick and suck him clean while he stroked my hair delicately. After the wolf, who I found out was one of the “forest wolves”, submissively left; Jason got Jane and told her to come home. “Why did you do that, Jason?” I asked, running to catch up with him up the road. I could still taste him in my mouth, all creamy and sweet, making me grow wet at the memory of how it ended upon my lips. “Because I’m fed up with all the males trying to claim you tonight, besides, that piece of s**t is from our rival pack, and you should be more careful in future, I was only there because Jane came and got me while I was searching for you and told me you disappeared with someone in the toilets. Next time you might not be so lucky,” he argued, not even bothering to look at me. “Why do you care anyway? Did it not occur to you that maybe I want to find myself a mate? I can’t do that if you keep showing up and attacking them. Michael and this guy fair enough, but anyone else in the pack I want to have the choice rather than you make it for me,” I growled at him. I could start to feel the wolf take over slightly. “Well if you don’t keep making stupid mistakes then maybe I won’t have to keep interfering, you shouldn’t have even f*****g come here in the first place,” he snarled back, stopping to turn around and face me. “Jason, I am not your mate, so you shouldn’t care who I decide to mate with, it’s got nothing to do with you!” I screamed back at him. I knew my eyes would be golden-yellow like his right now as I felt my rage coming to the surface and the wolf coming out of her corner when she smelt it. The wolf was me, of course, not some separate entity, but it helped to think of it this way whenever I felt the emotions taking me over. I felt stupid and regretted screaming at him instantly. I had never had a real relationship before, and so I was saying stupid things, probably baiting him, when what I really wanted was for him to admit his feelings for me, I wanted to know if he did have any for me or if the s*x had been nothing but a wolf thing to him. So far all it was doing was pissing him the hell off. Jason looked like he’d just been slapped in the face by my comment, and replied in an angry quiet voice, “You’re right, you’re not.” Before storming off to his parked car and speeding off into the dark. I stood there surprised at how hurt he was by my comment. I never for one minute thought he would ever consider me as a mate, but it looked like, that maybe, I had been wrong. Jane suddenly ran up behind me, putting her hand on my shoulder and breathlessly said, “What...the heck...was that all about.” She took off her high heels and walked beside me, only managing to wobble a little. “Don’t ask,” I growled, and stormed off ahead. I was still really mad at him and just wanted to get inside and hide under my covers. How dare he be angry with me when he had never asked me to be his mate, I thought to myself angrily, but then again, maybe I had just imagined the hurt on his face, after all, I was slightly drunk. Yeah, that must be it, I grumbled to myself, stopping and waiting for a very drunk Jane to catch up.
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