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Millie's POV St. Liliths Hospital Room 4 Redmon, Illinois,USA May 18, 2524 AD Five days later, after the Mateship snap:  Waking up from blackness to peer at a blinding light over me. I blinked a few times and heard the chatter of voices. "Where am I?" I asked, soon sitting up, seeing my assistant Serena jump from her chair and rush to me. "Lady Starlyn! Oh, thank the Gods and Goddesses, you are awake!" Serena yelled, coming to my side. Serena had been my assistant since I became the Lady of the manor, helping me move in, and as Luis let me take over a few of the businesses that I had a knack for after some years into our marriage. Serena followed me to run the business and had become my loyal personal assistant. Serena was the only one who I had trusted to help me pull off my plan, when I felt Luis betray me and, much to my pleasure, Serena had been there every step of the way. The Starlyn Family was the second largest Colony in the United States so pretty much everyone adored them leaving me with just Serena and my lawyers to get me out of this sham of a marriage. "Serena? Where am I?" I asked, still hazy, though I started remembering slowly as Serena got close to me, filling me in. "You fainted after rejecting Lord Starlyn; you have been out for five days."Serena said as she reached to hold my hand. I looked around, finally feeling how dry my throat was. "The baby?" I asked for worried I had risked its health, sighing in relief when I felt a kick in my stomach and saw my large bump was there. Serena touched her hand on my stomach as she smiled and pushed back a red curl behind her ear as she spoke. "The twins are fine." Serena whispered lowly. I cursed as I could not mind-link this conversation. The colony's mind-link have due to it being Vampires usually ended the moment you left the comment causing what I was now feeling which was a nasty head-ache. Serenas words soon though caused me to freeze in my bed. I looked at her, shocked, yet I had only been to a few appointments in secret with one of the doctors there who swore to secrecy to keep Luis off my trail. "Twins?" I asked in shock. Serena nodded with glee, and her energetic happiness filled my nose with the scent of peppermint. "Yes, my Lady, healthy twins. The doctors said they did not see the other one until now because it had been hiding behind the other child." Serena said excitedly her wild curly red hair tickling my nose. I told everyone who did know, even one close doctor, that I did not want to know the gender until they were born. With everything occurring with the twins, I had to move quickly. Luis still being Alpha could command me as I did not have access to the Luna command anymore. Though my own title from the Faye sect I came from would allow me to resist somewhat. "Serena, did which doctor found this out and did you manage to get to my father?" I asked as I tried to focus on the plan we made six months ago and now worried if a Doctor was about to spill the beans of our plan. I had approached Serena at the Starylyn Estates head office, One of Luis's businesses I practically saved from bankruptcy. I called Serena an hour earlier than when we opened up for business. Telling her what happened as I managed to get to her three days after Luis's infedility At first, I was sure that since Luis's uncle Oskar had turned Serena into a vampire decades ago, she would side with his family. However, she was more than eager to help, explaining that her maker was the more liberal, free-will-loving vampire and felt everyone should be held to justice in Vampire colonies, even the elder kinds of vampire. This relieved me as I informed her of all the details, even printed off a copy of my and Luis's contract and had her arrange meetings with my retained lawyers, the only gift I had left from my Father in this realm to help me along. Managing to weasel in a few new accommodations, giving me some of the projects and companies I had built or was CEO of at the time of marriage, since he had broken mate-laws. The most significant part of this was if Serena could get to the Faye realm to contact my Father, a Chieftan of the Wood nymphs/dryads and Woodland Faye in the Moonstone Grove territory hidden in the Juniper Packlands of werewolves bordering on some of the other colonies' domains. Due to Faye laws, most Fayes were not permitted in the human/shifter realms unless it was Midsummer's Eve. This meant that when I signed my marriage contract, due to my ancestry, I was forbidden to go back to my Father's realm to visit, and I was only permitted one magical call via Mirror Com a month during the full moon. I did agree to help my father and mother out of a situation young Faye had caused. However, if I was going to get back any of my finances and retain what I had started, I needed my Father's help and influence. I looked at Serena; she seemed to have gone quiet as she glanced around before speaking calmly. "Yes, I made it for him, and it took a bit of magic to send me back out, but your father says, please hold off on making any huge moves until the mid-summer full moon. Also it was just Doctor Edgars the one you have been seeing and she promised not to tell as always." Serena said. I sighed in relief, realizing that it was only a month and a half away. I looked at Serena and held her hand. "And what about the firm and the technology company?" I asked, as I had forced apprenticeships at the law firm my soon-to-be former husband owned and wanted to ensure a fair education for everyone would continue. The technology company Starlyn Co. but I called StarFae Industries as its original name when I came up with the venture, was my brainchild to help create new technology and bind it with magic to assist older people or people with disabilities to have a better quality of life. Serena nodded and smiled. "I gave your father everything; he was calling the lawyers he had on retainer and told me to remind you to call them again sometime this week and to listen to their advice." Serena said smiling. I felt relief again as I had managed to call the lawyers on retainer who were permitted to stay in the realm to be my representative around the second day of me finding our Luis was cheating. They had started the process, yet upon meeting with them, they stated that it was best to contact my Father's original team about how much was at stake. I had sent everything to Serena and told her where the access point to the grove was, hoping she could make it out in time. "Thank you, Serena...I understand after all this if you wish to be released from your bindings to me." I told her; most vampires only took jobs due to their maker's wishes or being bound to a family out of servitude to their makers. "Why would I want that? I am bound to you, my Lady." Serena said her emerald eyes looking to me with concern and hurt. I smiled at Serena, who looked at me like she would cry. "I know, but this may get messy and drawn out; I do not want to see you get hurt, especially by Luis." I said, aware that technically, even though Serena had been bound to me for my protection and to assist me, her orders still came from the Starlyn bloodline, who could reprimand her for being disloyal to anyone from her maker's heritage. Serena laughed and patted my hand her bracelet jingling. "My lady, when my maker made me bound to you, he always said follow your lead first over the Lord's bloodline." Serena said, I looked to the woman in her green button-up shirt and jeans, examining her, though I saw no hint of Serena joking. Shocked that her maker would give me this authority. Briefly, my mind wondered why, though as the doctors came in, I was disrupted by the wondering thoughts and returned to my mission of making it out of this marriage with my money and children intact. I was on edge as the Doctor that came in was not Doctor Edgars but Doctor Lacrew. Though he seemed to get the hint we wanted this on the downlow and began my discharge papers. I was curious as to why he too would follow suit in me escaping this Colony growing more curious of the situation as usually Lunas or people who tried to leave their post was chased down. "Though my Lady, I did pick up some tabloids, it seems someone has leaked out about the divorce, and since I came here, I brought them, there are old photos of you and Lord Oskar, assuming you may have had an affair with my maker and, leaving Luis for him." Serena said as she let go of my hand and dug into her purse handing me the tabloids. Looking at the front cover was of me during my Luna ceremony and an old photo of Lord Oskar in the background. The headline reading "From one Elder to Another?" I sighed and flipped through the tabloids. I knew if I was to make it out of this and retain all my assets for myself and my children, I would have to play this smart thinking of who could of already leaked this out so soon.
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