1095 Words
"Tommy over here. I found a passage". Esther shouted raising her hands. Esther had not eaten any fruit so the tree monsters was not interested in her. The sentient seems to be afraid of the tree monster and won't go near it and so she used the opportunity to searched for an entrance. The duo looking at Esther calling them started to run towards her on top a large stone stair case close to the front temple. Esther used that opportunity to look at the Tree Monster with her system. She sees level four boss monster with two Mp by the side. The monster HP was infinite. The tree monster swings his spike bat across the stairs horizontally in other to swing away the running duo however Tobi flew into the sky with his wings and Tommy slides down laying flat on the cobble floor dodging the bat swing which swings with sounded swoop. They ran meeting up with Esther. GET BACK HERE.. THE TREE MONSTER SCREAMS WITH A MONSTEROUS VOICE. The trio entered into a narrow gray passage alley with large tall stone walls covered in vines by the left and right running.The tree Monster pursued the duo but couldn't fit in to the alley due to is massive size. He stretched forth his tree branches and it's gray roots grew out long vines like snakes chasing after them. The horde of Monsters sentient begins to chase after the trio. Climbing the walls above them and behind them, with the sounds of monsterous spider feet Thundered through the passage alleys the monster chased them. Suddenly the gray walls covered in vines and leafs begin to shoot out thorn spikes thrusting into the air like pointing arrows. The trio dodges the vine thorn spikes while turning a corner in the stone maze however it pierced through a monsters chasing after them. Suddenly thousand of vines begin to rise up moving like snakes thrusting their vines thorns through the air chasing after them jolting out large gray hands slamming the walls trying to squash them against the hall walls however they duck below. The amount of force generated from the slams of the vines c***k the large square stone walls. The walls of the maze themselves began to shape shift changing wall positions through out the maze. The sound of a moving stone doors and walls creaking in the air. An open part way with no vines ahead but the walls in front of the trio begin to close in. The stone wall below started ascending up and the stone wall from the cloud above begin to descend closing down vertically aiming to the middle quickly. The Trio Rushed in into the passage with the closing walls descending down on them. Suddenly , a large story tall sentient creature lands behind them simultaneously clawing the air aching to slice their head however it missed. The monster begin to chased after them and the trio continues to run through the stone walls still rising up like an elevator with stone above descending down on them quickly to squash them. "Run fast as you can. That's a knight A rank warrior class Monster chasing after us" Shouted Tommy. "I am more concerned about the walls trying to squash us closing on us" Said Tobi increasing his speed. They ran bending their bodies as the walls kept closing down swiftly. The monster unrelating chased after his goal as a lion would simultaneously the stone wall crashing down with a violent THUD! The trio fall to the ground crawling out swiftly like an alligator by the skin of the teeth and the monster pursued them with it's head jointing out however the walls swiftly ascending and descending horizontally finally crashed together with vines jolting out after them. They squashed trapping the monster's body. The monster screaming calling the others and Esther's face flush red angrily. She brandish her sword and said in anger. "For the F*uck sake. Shut the f*uck up". She strikes bringing down her sword dividing the head into two. [YOU HAVE KILLED A LIVING BEING] [YOU HAVE RECEIVED THE FIRST KILL ACHIEVEMENT KILLING A RANK ROOK MONSTERS] [YOU HAVE OBTAINED 200 COINS AS AN ADDITIONAL REWARD] Another cylindrical container falls out with a name [KEY-.ROOK] Tommy picks the cylindrical container and observe it and suddenly his eyes widenes. He remember watching his father and mother shared a passion for chess game. he said "This ..... This arrangement is like the same arrangement in a game of chess like the hint in the beginning said. I think I figured out what these key means" They begin to breath heavily but had no time to relax or spear as the walls side ways by their left and right begin to close on them They hear another loud sounds of the walls closing slanted-ly a distance in front of them. Monsters with green eyes screaming above the Walls climbing down again. "We don't have time. Lets leave" Said tommy and the trio begins to run. Kaboommmmm! The sentient monsters crash down behind them with the walls closing on them. The creature screams with a monsterous sound simultaneously lunging on the lonely road after the trio. The trio running through the now narrow part with the walls closing and the monster's body could not fit the narrow part. It begins to climb the walls side way running after them. The trio slides into the slanted closing stone walls . The monster dash after them but luckily they come out of the slanted part and the walls finally closed with a loud thud and dust from the stone wall. They run from that part of the maze for some minutes with no vines. "It seems we have left the range of the tree monster" distant monsterous sound still echos. "What do we do?" Asked Tobi " It seems the Monsters are organized like soldiers Ants in some sort of chess pieces. They have the workers which is like pawns in a chess piece and the soldier monsters like ants are larger, stronger and have powerful mandibles that work like pincers to fight off predators threatening the colony. That is effectively their only job. Workers, meanwhile, have smaller bodies and mandibles more suited for grabbing and moving things. I observed the creature we killed in the beginning and it's almost the same." "I don't understand explain better" Said Tobi "I thought you said you were the captain. Why am I doing the explanation?" Tom looks at Tobi with a smirk in his lips.
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