

high-tech world

AMERICAN Is popularly known for it's animation, and games. DAVID MARK a game inventor created a virtual reality game that took the world by storm. Every monster and every quest completed given in Gold coins equal to a million which is transfer to the bank.

GAME9INE Mobile potable ear Gear company. Game 9INE brings the virtual world into reality. you can see cartoon characters walking on the street, faires etc

April 2024. The company release the first game

The story line of these was that the king of Eurupia has a daughter who was spirited away into the demon lord's world. The king's orders his knights, guilds and all Military to defeat the demon lord and bring back his daughter. His daughter was never found and the demon lord was killed however that demon lord was the son of Satan.

No 2024 The version 2 of the game story is that Lucifer's and his army returns for revenge his son on Eurupia.

The game promise to be streamed live around the world.

Tommy Ryan, son of billionaire Tech lost his wealth and everything in a car accident planned by his uncle. He saw the face of the killer and he must avenge his mother's death. Crippled and the only way out of their situation his surgery and the game. He enters the game with his father,Eric, his best friend Jerry Tobi along millions of players. They soon discovered that the army of Satan in the game where real demons from hell who has taken the form of Npc and Monster game Characters any body who dies with in the game. Their soul is lost forever.

The players must get twelve keys defeating twelve over powered demons with their actual demonic powers to get out of the death game.

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The America sky, looking like a blue emerald with the angle of the midsummer sun seems like a huge fireball hung on top of this emerald. using the sun positions, one could estimate the time. People in the city was busy not with a normal day to day activities as one would expect but In side Cars and vehicles travelling the road, passengers on an airplane ascending, flying to the vast part of freedom and homes where all glued to their phones or ear gears covering their faces from one end to another. Some who where watching cried with their faces full of tears and others heart broken but one thing the city shared in common is that there where no smiles in their faces. They were shocked and tainted in fear for what is coming next. Suddenly, every citizens of America and the whole world begins to Walk out from their houses, some looking their phone lift their eyes looking at the window tainted in fear. Millions of people looking at the sky. and suddenly the sky around the city begins to c***k up. Rain falling in some countries paused mid way in the air with Green flaming lines In square Shapes like several doors mounted over the sky begins to appear across the earth. ",Oh no, it's truly happening!" A woman puts her hands over her mouth. " We have to escape mama" a young boy pulls a woman falling on her knees in dispair. "Where can we run to, who will save us. It's happening all over the world. It supposed to be just a game. How come its happening over the world. Has the god of gods abadon us" suddenly her voice sounded louder with an echo across the sky ,"Whoooo will saaaave uuuus". The American military and countries joint military already united under one flag over the world begins to move around the world with heavy military vehicles, war ships, cars and all they could muster all faced in one direction. " Will this be enough! I think we are already doom. Maybe our holy hope is those kids now. Embrace your selves soldiers. We are in the worst case scenario ever of our lives that's if we survive. How can we not kill and don't get killed at the same time is the question. Soldiers, my final words to you now is try to stay alive". A commanding soldier announced In an instant, the America city sky changes into gloomy darkish red clouds enveloping the sunny sky. Stormy wind came out of the sky and a great cloud of fire enveloping it flashing continually. Whirlwind blows violently and the tree trucks spoke in agony and the sky darken dotting with a several burning black portals like burning doors and from these doors were corrosive mist and dark smokes. THUD! A large sound is heard as it violently shook across the city. All of humanity turn their faces at that direction and their eyes widened in shock and despair. THUD! A giant blackish 100 feet humanoid foot thud, shaking the earth violently, crashing the city buildings to rumbles as it shook the earth from the burning door portals destroying buildings that looking like small boxes before it. Instantly, a humanoid colossal towering dark image begins to emerge from a dark corrosive smoking mist with pair of gleaming ruby bright eyes. Humans looking at a dark towering figure slowly emerging from the smoke mist quiver in despair. The awakeners, the flame awakener 800 feet tall. The city skyscraper at the coast of America are small compared to it. Its body is made of black and bright yellow red flames and its flames flowing down its body like lava water. It has dark legs and humanoid arms, horns jotting out like santa clause reindeer with six red glowing eyes and teeth of decayed human skull accompanied by dark corrosive steamy smoke jotting out of his mouth. It glares at the city in front it as the night flame awakener could be seen in a distance. It hovered several dozen meters above ground ,watering the city with lava plasma flooding the ground. Everything beneath its feet as it move very slowly is scorched from earth, destroyed and not even the rubbles or roads remained. Just black pits of scorched earth. ROOOOOAAAOAAAAAAR! more loud roaring sounds rang out as the flame awakener got closer. Soon it hovered in front of the city of America which were tiny before its massiveness. A large group of people and robotic mecha could be seen standing in front of it. They were preparing to sacrifice their lives to buy time for ordinary citizens to escape. Somewhere from the government ,some were police men, some normal citizens and kings and for others it is their home city either way. They were brave men and women putting their lives and differences on the line for the citizens of America to escape however their hope soon turn to more despair as other awakeners emerging from the mist. The silver lightning awakener 800meter tall appears from the corrosive smoke with lightning jotting out of his body with its reindeer horns sparkling lightning. '’It’s the end of the world '' a man falls down to his knees as he cried out. THIS DAY WE WATCHED ON OUR PHONES AS A NORMAL GAME HAPPENED IN REALITY BEFORE OUR VERY EYES. IT SUPPOSED TO BE A VIRTUAL GAME OF ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE YOUTH HOWEVER THAT GAME BECAME THE APOCALYPSE OF REALITY WITH HUMANITY FACED WITH A BLINK OF EXTINCTION FROM THE FIRST BORN HUMANS OF HELL. Several awakeners with elemental powers shook the earth from the burning portal. A large dragon roaring from the burning portal flying fast past the city, The dragon covered in the light of his own fire, dead scales shifted spreading it's wings through the dark clouds, scales eclipsing the in the sun with the massive size of him. Scary looking, regal gigantic bird with ginormous bat-like wings and heads like huge lizards clustered with horns and impregnable scales having long bard tails like armored horses, and sharp-clawed teeth that can rip one apart and chew bones. Out from his mouth open, hell of flames came out of it spitting out volcanic fire that devoured a whole city, a strick of fire burning in between the street buildings. It's body is around 200 meters long and like a huge fighter jet. It is black with pair of seven sharp red eyes looking upon the human street where we hid, hiding a silver of killing intent. “BOOM” The black dragon that was already super fast suddenly increased its speed exponentially, reaching an appealing speed. At the same time an extremely high pitched sound with red flame erupted from its mouth. The frightening shock wave which could be seen to the n***d eyes spread rapidly downwards as an ear piercing howl suddenly arose. A thunderous sound. The thunderous sound was great and deafening as hunters covers their ears. Large pieces of window glasses in neighboring street let out a sound ,lots of glass cracks open and lots of glasses falls from the high sky. Death came out of from the strip of flame with smokes of burning flesh of men. The dragon landed in the street spreading fire and death everywhere across the street looking for men. AND WE ARE JUST AVERAGE TEENAGERS BUT WE SUDDENLY BECAME THE LAST HOPE OF HUMANITY HOWEVER THAT HOPE WILL DASH TO DESPAIR BECAUSE WE THE ACCLAIM LAST HOPE OF HUMANITY DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT AND HOW WR SHOULD SAVE MANKIND. WE ARE AT A LOSS AS WELL BECAUSE THE ENEMIES WHO THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO FIGHT WITH IS KNOWN AS THE UNDEAD. THEY WERE PART OF OUR FAMILY, FRIENDS, HUSBANDS AND WIVES. SOME WERE PLAYERS IN THE GAME TURNED TO MINDLESS HUMANS USED AS A WEAPON TO ATTACK HUMANITY HOWEVER THEIR SOULS ARE STILL ALIVE STOCK SOMEWHERE IF WE CAN ONLY REACH THEM YET THEIR BODIES AND UNDEAD FACES STANDS BEFORE US READY TO KILL HUMAITY. IF WE BURN THEIR BODIES THEN THEIR SOULS IS LOST FOR EVER AND IF WE DON'T DO ANYTHING. THE REMAINING 30% OF HUMANITY STILL ALIVE OUT OF 70% LOST TO THE UNDEAD WILL PERISH BY THEM THE QUESTIONS IS HOW CAN WE FIGHT TO SAVE HUMANITY FROM EXTINCTION. WHO CAN WE FIGHT NOT TO KILL AND DON'T BE KILLED. A group of young Teenagers gleaming in armor carrying gigantic swords and Light red sabers created by the military across their shoulders walking towards the Dragon and a mass of the undead Players walking like zombies towards them. Suddenly a whirlwind rushes forward and the reptilian black monster having the head of a lizard with scales over it, a body of a dragon with bat wings and two talon claws on his hands and feet swiftly descends before them on a stone bridge blocking their path to glory. The youths pose for an attack. An American Korea youth dressed in red samurai mecha armor from his neck down to his boots. He is pale skin with a straight face. He has a pair of angular blue eyes and afro hair walked out posing for an attack. He stretches his hand reaching for a katanna sword by his side and said to the youth With white flowing hair and blue gleaming eyes beside him. "TOM, it seems we have an obstacle in our way. Let's finish this partner and save the world that's if we can. We don't have anymore time" Tom eyes gleaming as he reached for his giant sword behind his back. He thrust the sword into the ground and the sword splits into seven large gigantic pentagon swords instantly surrounding the monster. The monster looking at the giant swords above his head roars erupting a colossal fire from his mouth that makes his body small from the flame at the duo. They bolted swiftly dodging the incoming flames. The large sword suddenly begins to rotate with wind in midair around the monster thrusting to the ground violently. Tom appears from one of his swords and brought down his giant sword at it. The monster turns his face to look at is left and Tom in front of him swinging and slicing off his arms. Rooooar! The monster roars and turns his face to look in front of him. He sees Tobi dashing his foot, bending his body posing for an attack holding an unsheathed sword by his handle. The sword instantly begins to glow bright white light in his sheath and wind begins to swirl around him accompanied by lightning and Tobi commanded. [CARDINAL SKILL OF THE APOSTOLIC COVENANT- SEVEN FOLD 1 THUNDER LIGHTNING FLASH] his sword was surrounded with bright light as lightning cackled up around his body. Tobi bolting with Lightning jolting out of his body. The monster roars as he sees the incoming attack with bright light about the sword. He unsheathed his sword accompanied by share amount of force swinging into the air aiming for the dragons head. The dragon looks at him and roars and Tobi said "GOD SPEED" A FLASH OF STEEL. ...... HOW DID IT THE APOCALYPSE BEGAN. IT BEGAN WITH A SIMPLE GAME.

Dreame-Editor's pick


Island of Enchantment


Redemption of War God


The Mysterious Wealthy Son-in-Law


God of War Dad


A Life Ashore


The Ultimate Son-in-law


The Billionaire's Wife


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