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"This is pay back you asshole queen" she bolted in a super Sonic speed into the air. Meng purple eyes changes to red gleaming eyes with a red tattoo of a demonic 666 appearing in her fore head and hand. [DEMON BLOOD ART SKILL ACTIVATED- A DANCE WITH THE DEMONS] She lifts her human size giant black blade and swings it. whirlwind of blades moves into the air. [CARDINAL SKILLS ACTIVATED- EAGLES HORSE PARALYSIS] Tobi bends is body for an attack pose and his hand on top his sword [ GODSPEED- THUNDER LIGHTNING FLASH ] He bolts with lightning strikes. The monster looking at this attack coming for her simotanously begin to regenerate her scales blade quickly. The strikes from the joint attack clash with a boom of bright lights all over her body. A straight bullet ascended into the air thrusting into her skull. Boom A monsterous screams echos from the pain. Tommy stares his eyes and said "And finally, for what you did and all the murders you committed killing close to eight hundred players at once. These is my final attack" Tommy unable to walk at the moment pressed his system tab. [CARDINAL SKILL- ACTIVATED] [ COVENANT OF THE APOSTOLIC CARDINALS] [ELEMENST-SEVEN SWORDS OF GOD UNFOLD LEVEL 2] [CARDINAL TELEPORTATION OF THE SWORDS ACTIVATED] The monster Screaming from various attacks from players on her body, while rapidly regenerating her scales. She looks up and she sees lightning cackling up with blue black glowing portal above her head. Seven gigantic monsterous relic swords descending from the lightdown like statue above her. The sudden light and sword appearing caught the attention of the players to remain still. Suddenly, Tommy sited on the floor disappears and appears descending from the portal of the seven swords. He brings out his red hot saber sword. A red glowing star light along the crest in his hand his seen above the monsters head "The is my revenge attack you Moooonster". Tommy envelop by light holding the red saber sword of light strikes thrusting his saber into air. The female face in the monsters mouth looking up sees a sword thrusting into her face. The volcanic radiating hot saber scorch into her face with flames. Like laser beam, tommy thrust through and kept descending tearing to the side of the queen monsters mouth slicing it's flesh to the ground with green liquid gushing out like water fall from its fountain it pours to ground. The queen Monster echos with a loud monsterous sounds and like a falling towering building she begins to fall with tommy atop of it. She crash landed with a violent boom crasheing against the rocky floor. KABOOMMMMM! Suddenly a key falls out of her mouth. Tommy falls crashing on the floor besides the monsters head still unable to walk. The key falls by his side with the name QUEEN OF HORDE MONSTERS. He picks the key and begins to laugh. "Haha! hahahahah! We wooooon". A large screen displays in front of them. CONGRATULATIONS MONSTERS DEFEATED MONSTER BLADED SCALE ARMOR AWARDED 20,0000 COINS AWARDED. The players could not believe their eyes until they heard tommy laughing out loud raising his hand to the air and said "We woooooooooooooooon!" Suddenly, a voice of multitude of players rang out. "The queen of Monsters is deeeaaaaad!" "Yeeeeeh" the rejoicing and sounds of jubilation echos the air as player fall on their kneel to the floor in relief. Pile of dead bodies littered around the cave and some eaten up. The estimated number of deaths at the cave is 1,456players killed. 506 players remain alive at these section of the maze mean while Tommy's father and a group of players easily defeated the queen Monster due to the strongest players they banded with. Another group was the red players lead by several leaders and of onr the leaders was kingston. They walked out all dressed up in an organized fashion of red long overcoats. Majority of them had red Saber sword with them and few had real steel. They were call the real red players out of All them. Other groups lead by players in blue. Some made it and others killed. A queen of Monster crash down with a violent thud on the ground and a small kid of seven years won the fight. He shifted back to his human form. He has Golden hair like flames with golden eyes, pale skinned on jacket and shorts. He walked with a man who was wearing a red boxers with his fist wrapped in bandage. He has dark straight flowing hair and dark eyes. He is bare chest with no pants on. Besides them was Tommy's father. The trio walked out of the cave with monsterous Monsters laid waste on the ground. Tommy, could not work for hours, the 500 hundred players helped bury the dead in a pile of rocks. They all gather to pray for the them and finally they begin to Walk out of the cave out to the sunny orange temple covered in vines. " They begin to eat together seated in groups. Sam and Mike sat with brokeman's their captain and friend. A wedding was about to take place. Tobi transform his cloth into a cleric suit and stands between two players. He said "Dearly Belove, I Tobi Jerry, the God who splitted seven oceans, we her gathering here for the holy matrimony of mr Hanks and Sandra before the humble witnesses so no player can chase this lady or the man but o don't Know about Juliet her brides maids. Hahaha. I will skipl the formalities and scroll to the best part which we all have been waiting for. "Yes, say it" Destiny a big guy shouted. " You may kiss the briiide" hahahaha The duo who is dress in wedding cloths said " Thank God we alive to see each other I don't know what the future will bring but I love you Sandra" Hanks thrust a wedding ring into her hand and said I love you" the due kissed each other. The players claps their hands. "That's my girl! Catherine shouted grabbing Christabel next to her!. Tommy, Carol watched as the player celebrate a brief moment of life. Broke man begins to lecture a new disciples especially Leo who wanted to be stronger than he was. The evening came to an head with excitement and it was time to leave the maze. "We are done with these section of the maze. It time to kiss this place good by". Tobi kiss the environment good bye by placing his fingers in his lips. Tommy looks at the environment one last time. He is finally able to use his leg to walk again after the reboot. He walked to the front of the maze and inputs the set of code along the queens key scroll on the door. He spins the key and rotates the door and green locks unlock. The team look at him excitedly. He pulls the door and walked into the next stage. The team as well walked behind Tommy and they walked in a dark lonely curly tunnel part looking like a giant cave made of wood. They finally steps out of a door made from a tree and they where surprised. They stood looking at a Jumanji type of jungle, tom step his foot on dark soil and in front of him was a jungle filled with tall green grasses, dark green leafs ,towering trees and a distant temple at a mountain far from them. He could hear the distant water fall and the jungle chirping of birds. The squirrels jumping on large tree branches turn into a bridge. There where large stone pillar bridge and a semi pyramid temple. Large creatures flying. The Jungle was endless, the five hundred players walked and a written sentence pops in the sky. [FINAL HINT FOR STAGE ONE] [HINT: FOR IT EASIER FOR A CARMEL TO PASS THROUGH THE EYE OF A NEEDLE THAN FOR A RICH MAN TO ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN] [STAGE QUEST- THE PINNACLE OF THE PYRAMID OF EGYPT] [ QUEST MISSION : EXTERMINATE THE GOBLIN LORD OF ALL GOBLINS] [EXTERMINATE ALL GOBLINS- NUMBER OF GOBLINS ALIVE- 1500] [NUMBER OF GOBLINS NONE] [MISSION- LEAVE MAZE- 7HRS 20MINUTES REMAINING]
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