1085 Words
The goblin champion laughing lifts his giant spike bats made from wood into the air. The wooden bat descends bringing it down at Mike however mike red demonic eyes gleaming like a possessed human lifts his sword gently into the air as if he was playing suddenly his sword swings in speed slicing the bat to the goblin arms splinting into two. The goblin champion screams. Mike walks further towards him. He lifts his sword swinging in a ascending strike slicing the giant goblin into two equal parts from his position. He begins to walk in between the sliced goblin as the Goblin' parted In to two falling on the ground.. Two goblin champions watching the death of their goblin champion gritted their teeths together and ran towards mike. They simotanously swing bringing their sword down however a swing from Mike clash with their sword. The goblin champions swings wildly however mike standing in the same position clashing his sword against the two goblins in defense without panting or breaking a sweat. A third goblin champion ran behind mike swinging his sword bringing it down at Mike. Broke man and destiny walked to the scene catching up with Mike finally and the third goblin. They swiftly swing simotanously clashing with the sword of the third giant goblin champion behind mike. The goblin champion gritted his teeth in anger. Brokeman and destiny held thier sword firmly facing the third goblin champion who seems a lot stronger in strength. "Let's end this quickly and get back to the team and regroup with a plan". "Yes captain" shouted Destiny. Destiny and brokeman stands behind mike facing the third goblin while mike facing the opposite direction fighting against two goblins. The goblin champion screaming looking at his splitted arm gritting his teeth staring at mike. He lifts his leg up to the air and thrust it down aiming at Mike. Mike looking possessed lifts his face up glaring with his red eyes. He lifts his sword and swung the air swiftly accompanied by a red flash light. The giant foot of the goblin champion thrusting down at him suddenly sliced into two with blood gushing out like fountain from the foot pouring down at Mike. Mike covered in red wet blood still looking still and possessed swings his sword horizontally and vertically in the air. The Goblin giant slicing chopped into several pieces crashing to the ground. The other goblin champion thud his foot in front of mike. He swings horizontally hoping to end mike however mike swings his sword ascending the air. CLASH The swords of mike and the goblin champion clashed together However the goblin's swords divided into two. Mike sword ascending up the air and the goblin champion splinted horizontally to his face. Pisss Torrents of blood splatters into the air. Mike swings down and continues his journey towards the forest. "Mike,miiiike!" The duo called while still struggling with the third champion goblin. "How did he become so strong?" Question Destiny looking back at Mike. "I don't know but it is a good thing we have him by our side however we don't have that time to keep looking if we want to catch up to him". The duo looking front and the goblin champion swords descending with force clashing on the ground. The duo jump's into the air separately to the sides. Brokrman stretched his hand and flame burns out into the air at the face of Goblin. The goblin screams with fire burning his face simotanously, destiny went in for the kill. Destiny ducks down and swings his sword vertically. The Goblin champions leg was sliced of from his body. Falling to the side, Broke man thrusting his sword into the air directly into the face of the goblin. The destiny screams jumping into the air, he brings his sword down slicing the goblins head off rolling to the ground. Finally the champion Goblin is dead. They panted catching their breath. Destiny roam his eyes towards mike but Mike was walking slowly like some zombie meters away from them. "What is wrong with him? Can't he wait for us even when we fought for him" Complain Destiny. "Let's quickly catch up to him ok". The duo begin to run towards mike calling him. "Mike!mike" but Mike kept walking like some zombie with out answering or turning his head towards them. Destiny feeling agitated runs towards mike. He grabs mike by the shoulder and turns his body to face Destiny however he is shocked to see Mike in such a state. Destiny about to speak when suddenly Mike's sword moves in the air swiftly slicing Destiny's body. Broke man walking towards them from behind calls. "Destiny! What's wrong?" Brokeman eyes widenes when he sees Destiny coughs out blood and his body splitting and splattering several torrents of blood into the air. His body slides down piece by piece dismembered from various parts of his body falling to the ground. Mike holding a b****y sword looking at broke man. "Deeeestiny!" Brokeman shouted. He swiftly draws out his sword from his sheaths. "You are going to pay for that....." Brokeman while speaking drawing out his sword from his sheath suddenly sees mike lunch and lunged towards him. Mike's sword swinging into the air vertically at broke man and brokeman swings back turning his full body to the side of the incoming sword from Mike in defense however the force accompanied by Mike's swing lifts brokeman into mid air. Brokeman Shocked with his eyes widenes as his body moved in force mid air crashing into a tree violently. His apprentices he has be mentoring never had such strength.what must have cause is sudden increase in power. He thought Boom The tree sounded with brokemans back crashing against the tree. He manages to get up to his feet. Surprised to see that he flew meters away from Mike, his mouth coughs out blood. Brokeman noticed he couldn't feel his left arm. He roams his eyes towards his arm and his eyes in shock. His Left arms were sliced of from his body. Blood l*****g and pouring out. His brain suddenly remembers the jolt of sharp pain running in his veins towards his head. He screams out in pain. "Kyyyyaaaaah!" Crashing his body against the Tree. He feels weak and his eyes looking at Mike. "Mike why? What's wrong with you?" He questions trying to bear sharp pain however mike begins to walk towards him looking like dead zombie player.
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