Chapter 3

1151 Words
Amara hobbled on one foot cursing herself. She should have paid more attention to what she was doing instead of tripping over on the large rock outside and hurting her ankle. But she had also caught a glimpse of the infamous Alpha Damien who was her supposed step brother. Had he heard her cry out in pain? All she knew was that there had been a man standing in the window looking out of where she had heard his bedroom was and he was the most stunning man she'd ever seen, her mouth going completely dry at the small glimpse she got of him. His hair was a light auburn brown and he had piercing dark eyes, almost black in the light. He'd been clad simply in jeans and a white shirt but even she had been able to see how toned and fit he was, his skin almost a golden brown as well. She'd glanced up after hurting herself and stopped for a moment to look at him, swearing he was watching her just as intently. If this was her stepbrother then why was he keeping his distance. She felt a moment of pity as she came inside, the Beta having already checked she was ok as she hobbled to a chair and put her foot up, another omega instructed to grab her some ice which she held on the slightly swollen part of her ankle. Amara wanted to cry. How was she going to finish her duties now that she was injured? There was so much still to do and none of the other omegas so much as dared to befriend her, simply because she was the stepsister of the Alpha, something that she couldn't exactly help. She moved the ankle experimentally and gasped at the pain running through her leg. It wasn't broken, not if she could move it but it was possibly a sprain. Damnit she thought again, grateful that she at least didn't have to climb stairs to get to her room, maybe she could just bandage it up in the meantime? Beta Johnathon came hustling in and came over to her as she looked over and bit her lip. He was handsome even she could admit that but her thoughts kept straying back to the man in the window, her cheeks flushing as Johnathon reached over and ever so gently moved her foot as she gasped and winced at the pain. "I don't think it's broken" Johnathon said highly relieved. He had no doubt that Damien would be pissed if it was, as it was the man had gotten concerned the second he'd heard Amara cry out. "I'm mind-linking Dr Sarah" Johnathon told her "I want her to check this ankle out. Stay here until she gets here will you" he exhaled and Amara opened her mouth to protest. "I can't" she said weakly "I still have my chores to complete before bed." "Amara look at me" Johnathon said sternly "you are not moving until the doctor comes and examines you. Your chores will still be there when you recover." Amara sighed but nodded. To be fair even the prospect of standing back up and hobbling again was filling her with dread. Why had she insisted she'd be alright when it was clear she wasn't. It seemed like hours before the doctor came rushing in, the woman's hair dishevelled and her blue eyes cold and filled with contempt as she eyed Amara off as though she was a piece of trash or something highly offensive to her person. "You called me here to look over a filthy omega" Dr Sarah snapped full of disgust and Johnathon gave a low growl, warning the woman "she's Alpha Damien's stepsister and has injured her ankle. You will examine her whether you want to or not" Johnathon glowered "or should I inform the Alpha that you refused to treat her?" That made Dr Sarah stop in her tracks before she mumbled something under her breath and began to rifle through her medical bag. "Fine" she said sourly and Amara gave a small grimace as the dr manipulated her foot and ankle, feeling it with harsh and rough fingers along the swollen part and using her small tool to check her reflexes. "She's sprained it" Dr Sarah said abruptly as though Amara wasn't even in the room with them "all she needs to do is rest it and elevate it with some ice for the next few days" she sneered "guess she's going to be even more useless to you now." She strode out of the room, Amara in tears as Johnathon saw the doctor out and then came back looking serious. "Amara I'm taking you to your bed" he said quietly looking a bit guilty "you'll need to rest up and see how you go." "But the other omegas will hate me for it" Amara pointed out, her chin wavering as she fought back tears. She didn't need any more bullying or silent treatment than she was already getting. Johnathon gathered her up silently as she stiffened in his arms, expertly manoeuvring her around to the omega rooms and into her own which merely consisted of an old dresser for her clothes, a single bed with torn and tattered blanket and a small locket that belonged to her mother which she had managed to salvage before being moved to the pack. He was highly aware of Amara being bullied and tormented by the other omegas but there wasn't much he could do. Despite ordering them to back off he couldn't very well be there every hour of everyday and most like Amara were still waiting for their wolves. Even so they still contained the scent that was particular to an omega and their wolves would be runts, small and of little use to the pack. Even Amara who'd been of a higher regards in the pack with the mother and father she'd had reeked of Omega status and it was with a heavy heart that Johnathon had to order her to start her duties in this pack, highly aware that she was more important than she thought she was. He laid her on the bed and elevated her foot to rest it on her pillow, giving her a small smile as she lay back on the bed unable to protest any longer and grateful for the assistance he'd lent her. "Stay" he repeated "I'll get one of the other omegas to bring you food" he told her and she nodded slowly as he backed out of the room. Great thought Amara with a groan, she couldn't wait for the omegas to find out she was injured and that they would have to cover her duties. If she thought her situation with them was bad before, she knew instinctively it was about to get a hell of a lot worse.
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