2473 Words

(Dean POV) Ricky has been detained by the police after I beat several shades of s**t out of him. 'Self defence' as the police stated. Good for me! I would've stayed and watched over that beautiful woman I want in my life, but she was ok; after sobbing to an officer, she fell asleep in her bed. I tucked her in, kissed her forehead before leaving. Annabell.. Nannie.. I have to try and do something to make her feel safe and happy again. A few questions span through my mind all morning while I worked, Where were her family? Did they care? Did Annabell have any friends? Was it her relationship that has turned that beautiful woman into a recluse? I will have to bring her back to the present and mend her relationships if that is the case. But what about Lizzie? Everybody needs compa

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