2101 Words

(Lizzie POV) My slumber comes to a halt and my consciousness returns to me, as a noise reverberates from my phone. I reach over to the nightstand and grab it. The brightness of the screen blinds me momentarily and I check my notification to see that I've received a message from Holden. "Good morning, angel, I apologize for waking you up because knowing you, you are probably reading this right now. Anyways, go back to sleep and be well-rested for me because I have something special planned just for the two of us tonight. Meet me at 6 at your favorite restaurant. ;) I look forward to seeing you, beautiful. As always, I love you. XOXO, Holden. Oh, God! He's taking me out to eat. My inner wolf jumps and cheers in excitement, whipping out her pom poms, all of a sudden becoming a cheerlead

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