2370 Words

(Annabell POV) Silence. Awkward, hear-a-pin-drop silence. My gaze hasn’t left Dean’s since we spoke those mind boggling words. Despite the severity of those words, I don’t regret voicing them. I don’t take them back. They’re out there now- we both uttered them. We both want the same thing, so why the hell is this so damn uncomfortable? Grow a pair Nannie! Open your mouth and talk! “Dean-“I whisper. “Shhh… I know it wasn’t romantic… how either of us had ever planned a proposal. Please let me try again? Would you do that?” Dean clasps my hands in his, holding them tightly, as if praying. I nod shyly, with a smile playing on my lips. Taking a deep shaky breath, he lets go of my hands and gently lowers himself. I attempt to protest, to stop him from causing unneeded pain from his in

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