1836 Words

(Annabell POV) I can't believe he was watching us at the park! That's the creepiest thing ever! No matter what the security did, we couldn't find the idiotic OCD fugitive! Now, I'm on edge. I can't help but worry that Jason is out there, watching my every move from outside my house! After leaving Dean at the park, I came home; one body guard in my living room, the other stood on the edge of my front lawn. If anybody walked past, it was obvious who he was and what he was doing. I lay, soaking in my giant corner spa bath, bubbles enveloping me, the room filled with a fog of hot steam. My music plays out loud, and I sing along with Seal- Kiss from a rose; a beautiful and captivating song. "..There is so much a man can tell you So much he can say You remain my power, my pleasure, m

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