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The results... Wow! Just frickin wow! It's like God was on our side. Twin one: Alpha genes. Father: Holden Riley. 99.99999766666% Twin two: Father: Dean Law. 98.77777775275% Yes, yes, yes!!!! I put the paper down and look into the concerned faces of my mates. "Welcome to fatherhood you two." I murmur, with a smirk on my face. Dean and Holden's faces change instantly, their eyes wide and huge smiles on their faces. "Both of us?" Holden asks. "I'm gonna be a daddy?" Dean questions incredulously. I nod. "Yep. Both of you." The atmosphere in the room changes from tense to exited in seconds. Both of them jump up on the bed. "I'M GONNA BE A DADDY!" Dean shouts out at the top of his lungs, making me giggle. "MY FUTURE ALPHA!!" Holden screams. Before long, they're both cuddled up to me, kissing all over my bump. It's like the cutest thing I have ever witnessed. I grab my phone and snap a picture. My two mates showing their sons love. Wasn't life just perfect? By 3am, the three of us had decided on names. None of us could sleep. Baby one: Alpha - Deacon Colt Riley. Baby two: Declan Jackson Law. Perfect. I drift off into exhausted slumber. I have work in a few hours and I'm gonna be paying for not sleeping all day! ~*~ I'm sat at my desk, a sandwich and a bottle of ice tea for lunch. I'm too tired to go out, so I just sit here. "Miss Knight! Can you come here please?" Mr Fray calls from his office. I sigh, put down my sandwich and forced myself up and off to he office. "Yes sir?" I ask, forcing a smile. "Come. Sit." He murmurs, as if bored. I used to really like my boss but recently, he's turned into a t**t with a stick up his ass! I sit down on a chair opposite his desk. "How can I help you sir?" "I have to let you go." I didn't expect that! Never in a million years. "What! Why?!" I gasp. "One of our main clients doesn't want you on the work staff. I'm sorry but I have to go with ways of boosting our profits and if that means letting you go, that's what I have to do." He states honestly. I am shocked. "Who?" I whisper. "Normally I wouldn't say, but the client is holding a grudge, so I have to ensure you're safe too. It's a Mercedes Loughton." My jaw drops. That b***h! It's the b***h that verbally abused me then was kicked out of the pack. "Right. Ok. Well, my partner won't be happy about this. Seeing as he's your biggest client. But hey, you gotta do it." I stand and walk out of the office. "Wwwwait!" Mr Fray shouts, running out after me, who was walking like a penguin. 25 weeks gone! "Yes sir?" I ask sweetly. "You're dating our biggest client?" I nod innocently, and rub my belly. "Oh yes." I smile. Mr Fray's eyes widen. "The babies? They're his?" I shrug. "What does it matter? I got fired. Not much you can do." I grab a box from the side and start clearing out my desk, while on speakerphone, I call Holden. "Hey baby. What's wrong? You're meant to be working!" He answers. "I got fired." "You f*****g what?" He shouts. Mr Fray is standing there watching, he flinches at Holden's tone. "Hey! Mr! Calm it. You'll scare the babies!" Holden takes a few deep breaths. "I know you don't need to work, but you loved your job! That's not fair! Arghhh, I might take my money elsewhere." "Just leave it Holden. It's not important. The important reason is why I was fired." "Go on..." Holden murmurs curiously. "Mercedes." Is all I say. Holden started shouting out various profanities. "That f*****g b***h! This is pay back! I knew she wouldn't go down easy! How dare she wreck your career prospects! That's a new low!" I sigh. "Just let her, babe. She's not gonna get you back, so she'll give up soon enough. She's just acting like a sore loser for something that she never had a chance to win!" I've finished packing up. "Can someone collect me? I've got this box of stuff and my back is killing me!" "Yeah of course baby. Just wait out front alright?" I grab the box and head outside, feeling slightly relieved that I'm work free. I have a pack and two men that'll provide for the babies and I. Both Holden and Dean are billionaires. It sounds as though I'm a gold digger but that's not the case. I always wanted to be a stay at home mum if and when I had children and with the financial stability, it'll mean I can fulfil my role. I place the box on a bench outside the building, and sit down. I don't know why I'm not angry with Mercedes for getting me fired. I'm not even pissed off with Mr Fray. I see a flashy car pull up outside the building, and Mercedes hops out with a smirk on her face. I just smirk back. "Awww, get fired did you?" She asks with fake sympathy. I grin. "Yup, whoever got me fired did me a favour. Now I can be the stay at home mum and spend all my time with my mates." Mercedes' face falls and she stomps inside with a look to kill. I giggle to myself, and wait for Holden or whoever he sent. ~*~ Dean is taking a shower, Holden is downstairs in his office and I'm laying on the bed reading my pregnancy book. I'm reading up on labour and delivery. It sounds kinda disgusting. Plugs, shows, waters, blood and mucus. Yuck! Dean's phone starts ringing loudly. I don't know whether to answer it. "Lizzie! Can you answer my phone!" He calls from the bathroom. I grab it and press the answer button. "Hello?" "Good evening, could I speak with a Mr Law? "I'm sorry, he's indisposed at the moment. Who's calling please?" "Oh, it's Jamie Franklin, the realtor. I wanted to let him know that his offer on the house as been accepted!" I squeak. "Really? We're getting it?" I am excited! "Yes ma'am." "Oh wow! Thank you for letting us know!" Dean chose then to walk out of the bathroom, dressed in nothing but a towel around his waist. Yum. "Who is it?" He asks. I grin. "The realtor." "Oh!" And he holds his hand out for the phone. I pass it over. After a short conversation, Dean has arranged to meet and sign the paperwork and transfer the money over. I can't believe it! We got the house! A beautiful, Victorian style mansion, wooden beams and a giant garden. My dream house! It's as though everything is coming together! My life is almost complete. Just 5 more weeks!
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