3505 Words

I smile, confused that I am thankful for Dec being part of this messed up relationship and nod into her throat, agreeing with her. 'You’ll support us too yeah? ' 'Of course bro. You sort out whatever it is going on with Bethany. I’ll be here. Virginia needs me, as do you, alright? ' Dec is my rock. Seriously. Virginia’s voice parts our secret conversation, “Can I officially meet Bethany? I’d like to talk to her.” “That’s fine with me, but I should ask her too. It’s not my right to make decisions for her. Virginia, I’m having Bethany and her mother moved into the guest house. I don’t know how much you heard-“ “Her mum has cancer. I heard. I completely understand. They need our support. I get that.” Virginia mumbled into my chest; I feel her reluctance but her understanding as the carin

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