~Chapter 2~

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~Brian~ From the moment he saw the young woman, sitting alone and looking so lost and sad, his heart was stolen. She is a werewolf like him, which has left him wondering if that's how he is supposed to feel after finding his mate. He wants to believe she is his mate. Why is his heart fluttering like this, otherwise? He has never had a mate before, but the chances of him finding one has always been very slim. He lives in the city filled with more humans than anything. There were very few werewolves in Georgetown. True, he lives with a family of werewolves that he has served for a long time, but that did nothing to improve his chances of finding a mate. He has always been a man of few words, keeping all his personal business to himself, and is surprised to see how talking to the troubled young woman comes so naturally. All the more reason to believe that she is his. He has to make sure he doesn't lose her. He will keep stalking her, protect her, be there for her. For all the innocent looks, she has a sharp tongue and an attitude that would scare a less determined man, but he finds that even more appealing. Before they got off the plane, he offered to help her with her luggage, which consisted of three large carry-on bags and a hand bag, but she declined his offer politely, making it clear that she has no intention of being in his company. He watches her as she books a taxi and asks the driver to help her load her luggage in while telling him where she needed to go. He watches as she gets into the back of the taxi, then as it drives away, a small smile curling his lips upward. ~Ruth~ After spending a lot of time researching online trying to learn as much as she can about the city she is soon going to call home, she has been excited to see it that she could hardly wait to leave home, and the fact that Sebastian possibly lives in one of the houses she is looking at added to the thrill of it. She looks outside the window, admiring the colorful nature of the place, even though it is night. She can see everything clearly, having excellent werewolf vision. The view is soothing, making her forget everything for a while and allowing herself to dream a little. But she is suddenly brought back to reality when the car stops moving with such force that she jerks forward violently in her seat. Frowning at the driver, she is about to ask him what had happened when the man gets out, walks around the car to the side where Ruth sits, then asks her to open the door. Confused at his behavior but somehow reassured that he must know what he is doing, Ruth does as she is told. A big mistake. As soon as the door opens, she is dragged out of the car and thrown onto the pavement so roughly that she bruises her knees and elbows. Heart pounding in fear, she turns to look at the taxi driver, only to see him getting back into his car. When he looks back at her and notices her look at him, he withdraws his leg from the car and walks back to her, and for a hopeful moment Ruth thinks he has come back to his senses and going to pick her up again until she sees him bend down to pick up her phone that had fallen a short distance away from her. "No, don't do that!" Ruth shouts as the man quickly gets back into the car, banging the door. "Get up! follow him, he is stealing our things!" her wolf shouts at her, but by the time Ruth picks herself from the ground, the cursed werewolf has driven off at top speed. He had to rob her so thoroughly, even going back to pick up her phone! What the blazes just happened? she can not believe such a thing could happen to her on her first day in a foreign country. She is alone now, she knows no one, and everything she owns is gone. She is slow to really comprehend everything. What the heck? Her passport, Visa, money, all gone just like that. She is left in the clothes she is standing in, in a foreign country. She had read online that it was safe for visitors in the country as the main targets for criminal activities were the locals, but apparently that had been a lie. She feels so weak that her limbs shake slightly. She thinks she is going to collapse so she walks to the edge of the road and sits down. She contacted the university not long ago and informed them that she has arrived and will soon be there. Will they get worried and look for her? They probably don't give a damn. In her unfortunate situation, the first logical thing she thinks of doing is to call her sister or brother in law and tell them what has happened, but she can't bring herself to do that. When she left home, she swore to herself that she has cut them out of her life entirely. She will find a way to fend for herself in her new country while she studies hard and searches for the man she loves. None of the things that has happened had been part of her plans, though. Being left with nowhere to begin from. It is too much. Is the moon goddess punishing her for failing to forgive her sister? She feels so miserable and cold, and her chest feels constricted with sadness. She should probably get moving, start begging for someone to let her into one of their houses for a night. In the morning, she would know what to do. But the prospect of going around knocking on strange people's doors, people who probably don't speak any language she understands, is daunting. She is so lost in her misery that she doesn't notice when a man approaches her until he is standing directly in front of her. Ruth looks up at him and gasps. Hello there, beautiful people. I had someone ask me if I have visited Malaysia before, and that it was wrong to set a werewolf story there because they have other supernatural creatures, whatever that meant. If anyone else feels the same way, I want you to know that this is only fiction. I have never been to any place away from my capital city, lols. I set my stories in random places I've heard, sometimes make them up. However, if the setting of this story makes anyone feel uncomfortable in any way, feel free to message me, I'd change it. Find me on my f******k page, Liberty Last, and send a message. Otherwise happy reading!!
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