The Witnessing Of True Power

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The collapsing shield suddenly burst forth with a golden light as the Cracks and holes were sealed within the blink of an eye. Following this turn of events, the Golden stream of light also follow through and head towards the weak emperor who constantly channeled world Qi into the shield, as a means of protecting his people, when the stream of light hit him, his whole body shook violently. As his body shook violently, the emperor reviled an excited expression on his face as his previously exhausted body returned to normal once more. The battle that was taking place outside of the shield left the citizens of the Green Field Empire flabbergasted. Never before, in their whole life's had they even seen such ruthless battles and bloodshed before, the dragon and the Phoenix were also beings they have never encountered before, so seeing their might up close was something that left them completely shocked and the fear that was birthed in their hearts was a huge one. The witness the destruction of their surroundings and the burning of their fields, the deaths of their loved ones and the merciless beating of their general Mich Son With the aid of their emperor, their beloved city was put under a powerful protective shield, but soon they came to understand the difference in power and the fear in their hearts grew even more shocking than before. More times than one, they witness the protective shield being on the verge of collapse but with great effort, it was replenished again and again by a powerful power source that continuously channeled world Qi into it. Though resilient the shield was, it could not stand up to the battle powers of the Dragon and Phoenix that were ruthlessly barraging each other, the shock waves produced by these to creatures was a might they that couldn't understand, they could only watch as the shield that was protecting they went on the verge of collapsing completely. When some of the citizens came to release the situation that they were in, some of their faces became pale while others backed up in retreat, but quickly found that they had nowhere to go, with was at this time that alarmed cries could be heard coming for within the city's walls. When suddenly a piece of golden paper was sent shooting in their direction by their empire's general, they didn't know what it was nor what he was doing, but they trusted him unconditionally so they didn't worry about the situation nor showed signs of fear, only joy. They had witnessed the rebirth of their general and the battle powers that he had returned with, which was enabling him to go toe to toe with the general Odain Grayson of the Sky Empire, they watched as the piece of golden paper drew nearer and nearer. "What is he doing? Such power and such might" murmured Dui Lue Tain Lord of the Green Field Empire. As he too watches the Golden paper shooting towards the city, he too held no doubts in his heart towards the now old Mich Son, as the piece of paper, slammed itself into the unstable shield, the Qi in heaven and earth went into chaos, this sight left the normally calm, even in great dangers such as life and death emperor speechless to the point where his mind almost became numb. He was shocked as he watched the world Qi rush towards the shield as a golden light burst forth from its surface, his mind spinning, the emperor could only bitterly laugh to himself, within mere moments, the shield was repaired and was even much stronger than before. Though he suffered some light injuries, after all, they were still injuries and needed to be taken care of. Following the green stream of light that was being released by the emperor, a gold stream for light entered into his body, shocked and surprised he could only sit back and watch what would happen to him, things had happened way to fast, he didn't even have the time to react much less comprehend the situation properly. His body was washed with a warm sensation as all his external injuries were healed, though he coughed up large amounts of blood, he had no internal injuries, this was because his internal organs hadn't received a large number of brutal energy attacks which would render his internal organs unstable. "He’s still a mortal, yet he's too powerful, I am not is much," thought the emperor as he smiled contentedly. The four mask men who also channeled all their powers into their emperor also received the healing effects of the gold light. Near before had they seen such blessing in their lives, no all amount of energy replenishing pills could've pulled off this feat of but it did. Their bodies felt even more alive than when they were absorbing world Qi for heavens and earth, their bodies got so excited that all their pours opened up to taking the Golden streams healing properties. The three leveled two and three saint generals who were floating in midair above the city had mixed feelings regarding the events of the battle before them, it was both exciting and fearful, they too wished that they could take part in the battle to gain a lot more experience but when they saw how brutal it was and how quick persons were beheaded, their minds took a one hundred and eighty-degree turn. These three high leveled warriors were responsible for keeping the citizens under control, as a means of minimizing the outbursts of chaos in the streets due to the viewing of the battlefield. The whole city was plunged into silence, as the illusionary mirror got even larger, the shield that was now protecting them was now gold and held firmer than the toughest of steels. A few moments ago, their bodies felt like it was under a tyrannical mountain that was crashing down on them, they couldn't breathe properly and their movements were restricted, the immense pressure was too overbearing for them to hand. But now, they could roam freely and the pressure of the outside world was no more, some suspected that it had something to do with the Golden shield while some had minds as blank as a white piece of paper, their minds were still shaken up and needed time to stabilized. "The city is safe now, there isn't anything or anyone for three thousand kilometers that can break this shield," said Apollo, his expression wasn't that of a childish kid anymore but a being of ultimate power. "This is good; no we can focus on the task ahead" Murmured Mich Son as the aura around his body soured to the skies. The sky looked like was doomsday was quickly approaching purple and gold flames roared ruthlessly as the Phoenix and dragon collided into each other, the blazing sun was quickly setting and the night was approaching but the battlefield still resembles that of on early sunrise. As the dragon flapped its large wings, a burst of Brutal flames shot out towards the Phoenix who then released a field of scorching heat waves towards the dragon. Both creatures were made of pure fire; one was birthed by the sixth mountain while the other was the will of Apollo the king. They were two existences that the cultivation world found troubling, there might be that of a tyrannical war, God, sending his most powerful creatures to do battle for him, Odain Grayson was in his deep purple armor readying himself for the battle at hand, his greatsword and shield vibrated as the surroundings started to heat up frantically. His eyes were locked onto the old general as a smile could be seen on his face he was excited about the occurring events and eagerly wanted to test out his skills on someone. His evil smiled didn't escape the eyes of Mich Son who was also looking at him for a great distance away, he flexed his illusionary arm up and down, testing his control over its flexibility, as he brought down his arm, a translucent shield could be seen held firmly in his hand as the absent winds started to blow once more. The citizens who were safely watching the scene held their breaths, for they knew not the outcome of the battle at hand and were gearing up for the worst-case scenario. They had complete faith in their general, but they did not want to get their hope up too high because when in a battle, when a person his too overconfident and arrogant, their lives could be lost within the blink of an eye. "Boom Boom Raaaahhhaa Craaahhh" Loud explosions and various cries could be heard, two men, two creatures, both powerful in their rights. "Steel your hearts, the world of cultivation is a battlefield that will break your spirit and destroy your very soul, do not let it get a hold of you or your future cultivation will be crippled" shout the emperor as he and his bodyguards flew into the air to stand next to the three other guardians of the city.
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