Battle Partner

1655 Words
A strange light could be seen flashing in the eyes of Jia Lin, it was his first time hearing of this Dragon Wolf profound beast and its Godly abilities, and to top it all off, it was also a bloodline profound beast at that.  "I have a question, how come you're helping me so much, after all, I did took you away from you're home" this question of Jia Lin's was sent towards the blue pearl that was inside of him, and to him was somewhat too direct but he needed to ask anyway. "you are weak, you if die we all die and I don't want to die. Though you were once a great warrior of the domain, you are not anymore, so I'm only doing what I can" said the blue pearl. After listening to its words, Jia Lin had a weird expression on his face, this expression looked as if he was saying "if I could kick your ass, I would right now, this daddy would trash you b***H" but sadly he was too weak and what the blue pearl said was indeed very correctly. "haha, give me some time, you'll see how strong I'll get," said Jia Lin as he chuckled his heart away. "this wolf, how do I get it under my control" it has only been a few minutes since the Art of bless was cast on Jia Lin, both of his arms were still surging with strong yin Qi energy which still left him somewhat shocked in his heart. "you only need to make a master contract seal with it, this will allow you full control over it. But be warned, you're mind and it's mind will be linked together, it will be able to hear you're thoughts as you, it's, but only when it's strong enough" "That's not such a bad thing, so why should I be afraid" while looking at the still wolf, Jia Lin had a pleasing smile on his face until "The blood of the Dragon Wolf his strong, if it reaches to a point where your mind isn't strong enough to control the Dragon Wolf blood inside of its body, then it will control you instead," said the blue pearl coolly as if it had been waiting for Jia Lin to ask this question. "Oh", that was the only word that could come out of Jia Lin's mouth at the moment. "it's that powerful", "it's even more powerful than that, in time you'll soon see," said the blue pearl "now extend you're hand and use one finger to touch the wolf's head and leave the rest to me" without a second thought, Jia Lin did what he was told and place one of his fingers on the forehead of the Wolf, as he did, a blue light escaped from his fingertips and entered into the head of the still wolf. A blue sealing mark flashed on top of the wolf's head rotating for a few breaths of time and then disappeared back, as it did, Jia Lin felt a slit pain in his head and all that the wolf saw and done was now in his mind. "such a wired technique" he murmured to himself. Various images flashed across his mind, some of these images contained brutal battles to the death for food and water, it can be seen that the two-headed wolf had gone through a lot just to survive in the Mystic forest for so long. Jia Lin's heart ached after seeing the various images, time after time the wolf was wounded to the point of dying, he didn't know why he felt this way, maybe it was because the seal was connecting them together or maybe it was just his human emotions kicking in. As the various imaged continued to flow, Jia Lin didn't know that the images of his past and present, all the things he had done up until now, were also being transferred over to the wolf.  After everything was completed, Jia Lin raised his hand over the wolf's head, as he attempted to release his yin Qi energy that was freezing the wolf. The wolf's body shook and trembled none stop as the yin power inside of its body was being absorbed by the blue pearl inside of Jia Lin Qi Realm, the freezing of its body only lasted for a short while before the wolf was once again freed. Its aura of the third saint realm was weak, so weak that if it took even the weakest of blows from a baby it would die on the spot, the yin Qi energy of the Mystic forest was endlessly eating away at its life force, if it wasn't for Jia Lin, it would have died already. The wolf though being freed for the block of ice and it's life force still by Jia Lin didn't move a muscle, this was due to the fact that its body was weak and a little lifeless. "Don't worry little guy, we will work hard and get stronger together. We will show this world that we are rising gods, probably you will even love my beloved when I find her as well haha" though the wolf that was before him, was very weak to the point of dying, this didn't discourage Jia Lin in the least but motivated him to the fullest. "you can call me Layna from now on, my to brothers are still asleep. For me to have awakened is thanks to this yin Qi energy that is inside this forest" said the blue pearl while its voice slowly faded away. "Layna huh haha well OK then Layna, from now an call me Jia Lin and not Lord Jia" Jia Lin was in a good mood today due to the many new things and encounters that came his way, the yin Qi energy that was within his meridians disappeared along with the swelling of his arms. His tin had finally run out. "Don't leave this forest for the next three months, Jia Lin, I need to absorb more of this pure yin Qi energy" Layna's cool breeze voice once again sounded out inside of Jia Lin's mind "yes no problem?" he said while walking over towards the two-headed wolf, he then bent down and pick it up in his arms, the wolf wasn't that big at all, it was as if it had recently been born but had still gone through so much but what was surprising was that it was at the third level of the Saint Realm. "it seems that this Dragon Wolf bloodline thing is no joke" Jia Lin eyed the wolf from head to toe as he went up back into the treehouse. He then gently place the wolf down and opened his bag to take out a few pieces of meat and buns, the buns were for him while the meats were for the wolf. "come, little guy, you got to eat now" he said while cutting the meat into small pieces and placing them into he wolf's mouth. The wolf then released a low growl as it slowly started to eat the small pieces of meat that were given to it. Seeing that the wolf started to eat the meats, Jia Lin was excited and started to feed it, even more, the day went on like so, soon after Jia Lin was out of food and had to climb down the treehouse. But this time he didn't go into the city for food instead he decided that he would eat what was inside the Mystic forest as well as the continuation of his body refinement. The little wolf in Jia Lin's arm had a brutal look in its eyes as it stared at Jia Lin, it was as of it still remembered that Jia Lin had injured it a few days ago and still had him in its heart. "haha, what a funny fellow you are," said Jia Lin while looking at the wolf. He could see how the wolf was looking at him and somewhat assumed what it must be thinking about. "you're not my match, when you are strong enough, Come at me with all you got little fellow" he chuckled while walking deep into the Mystic forest. It was high noon and the forest was very large and filled with many dangerous creatures that could eat them alive if they weren't careful, but this was exactly what Jia Lin wanted because without enough heart-stopping battles and dangers, how could one grow. After about on hours walk, Jia Lin spotted a large bear that was three times his size, its fur was snow white and its aura was that of the fifth level of the Saint Realm, just as he was. "well well what do we have here" he said while putting down the weak wolf, seeing this, the wolf looked at Jia Lin with even more hate because this bear was by far much stronger than it was. Though the bear and Jia Lin were at the same level in cultivation bases, the Bears skin, flesh, and bones were much stronger than his and he would have a hard time defeating it, much less killing it. The little wolf wanted to slowly leave Jia Lin's side but when it tried to, it felt a deep connection to him that made it's heart beat faster. This kind of feeling made the wolf stared with wide eyes as if it was lost or confused about something but soon after, it stopped and looked at the bear with brutality in its eyes "little fellow, how bout we kill this guy together and eat him, how does that sound" "growl" that was the only thing the little wolf did as the killing intent in its eyes grew to the skies. As if the large bear could sense that it was being watched by someone, it swiftly turned around and roared towards the bushes and started a brutal charge towards it.
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