Chapter Four

935 Words
**Kai's POV** She was not like any woman he had met before. The whole time in the office he was testing her. Checking her emotions for everything he tried. First he tried to make her afraid, but her heartbeat remained the same. He thought he had a tingle from her when he pushed sadness, but she remained hard as a rock. When he tried to lure her to him with a more seductive aura she resisted, it was hard but she did. Then suddenly she was shutting him down and that twinge he felt in her was gone. She walked out before he could apologize making him sit in the chair dumbfounded. She was like the whole box of chocolates wrapped into one. He wanted to taste her, to claim her and make her his but she was so focused on this case, or appeared to be that he would give it some time before giving into his boyish desires. Standing up after he got himself under control he followed her scent. Entering the room she tore into him before he could really say anything before dragging him into the room for the interview with Erica. She blazed through it before he had two seconds to get anything in but watching her was beyond amazing. This woman held the room and there were only three people inside it. When they were done, and she was satisfied with the answers, they were joining her partner in the room with the one way glass. He felt his fangs tingle again being this close to her and turned to look at the woman.  "What do you say Detective Lazarus? Let's go give this little boy a scare." Kai spoke up once she went quiet looking at her from over his shoulder. His hands placed firmly together against his back making him stand straight, but also to keep him from lunging for her. He was using every ounce of strength he had not to feed from her that very moment.  "I say let's go see what we can find out. Do you have Erika's boyfriend's name?" She brought the attention back to her partner who handed her another file.  "His name is Jose Ramirez, a Hispanic male with dark hair usually hanging out with the wrong crowd since he was ten. His twenty-two and has quite the record and his not exactly known to be corrective." Detective Ricardo handed her the file and she nodded, but Kai was getting agitated. He could smell the lust on Alec as he watched Scar in the same manor Kai was trying not to. It made him beyond angry that someone was looking at her the way he was. She was his, or she would be if he had his way.  "Thank you Alec. Coming Agent Luther?" Scarlett called his attention making him look away from Alec and smile at her.  "Of course. Lead the way detective." Kai responded and followed her out the door. He would deal with Alec Ricardo later. Following her out of the office building he watched her bundle up in her jackets and tuck her face into her scarf. "Someone looks a little cold." He teased her making her look at him and roll her eyes. "Yeah I am. You're not?" She asked him making him remember that he wasn't acting very human. He quickly pulled on a black tench coat and scarf before it seemed like the cold didn't bother him at all.  "Not like it used to. So shall we use my car?" He pulled out the keys and hit the button making the black charger beep in the distance.  "Not a chance bud." She responded grabbing her own keys and walking to the car. He followed but she laughed walking around the driver side and opening it. "I mean you drive your car and I will drive mine. I don't want you that close to me." "Ouch." He held his heart as if hew as hurt, but to be honest she was right. They shouldn't be that close together. He was already having trouble controlling himself at a distance in a small enclosed space he might snap. "Alright I will follow you. This is your town after all." "Thank you." He waited for her to get into the car before walking to his own and starting it up. He watched her from a distance set up her stuff and find the address to the boy they were going to terrorize before taking off. He followed a few moments later and it was a short drive, but long enough to make him question what he was doing now that her smell wasn't clouding his mind. He should just be hunting the beast, killing it and moving on. Why was he so stuck on her all of a sudden? What was it that had him wanting her when he never wanted anyone else in all his years? He didn't have time to answer before she was pulling up to a small house where he could already smell the drugs, alcohol and s*x from inside the car. Getting out with her almost in sync he walked over to the car and leaned against it.  "How do you want to play this?" He asked her making her look up at him and sigh softly. "He won't come easy." "That's okay. I don't like easy. You take the front draw him to me in the back?" For a moment she just sat there for speaking up and looking at him. He smile already liking this plan.  "Lead the way detective..."
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