Chapter Two

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Eric POV I held onto Valentina's small frame on my laps I could see the swell of her stomach. An unexpected pride filled my every being. The feeling to know that they is a life inside there was to overwhelming that I felt like jumping on the moon. "When will she wake up?" I asked the closest person you can call a doctor. To be able to find a doctor in such an area fast and late wasn't easy so we found someone closest to it. Travis the landlord had already left after calling the man standing in front of me saying he had something to take care of. "I can't tell when see will be awake but she will soon" The short red headed man spoke out. I gaze at the fragile woman on my laps, she looks so peaceful "Do you know what could be the cause of a state?" He sigh before speaking "Dehydration I suppose" I glance up briefly at the man "You suppose?" "There could be more which I can't explain I strongly suggest she be taken to a hospital for check up to avoid any harm on the baby" He spoke out. I frowned my face "Why does that not sound pleasant at all?" He shrug his shoulder "Because it isn't. Just do what I just said" I murmured an 'okay' "Thank you. Am sure you won't be a problem for you leaving?" I softly spoke to him. Hr shook his head "No I won't Mr Smith, take care" He said then left. ************ A groan pulled me off my nap making gaze at the woman in my arms. "You're awake" I said to her staring at her fragile state. Her eyes snapped to mine "Eric?" Her voice sounded weak. I nodded my head at her words "Yes It's Eric, wait here while I get a bottle of water" I shifted her to sit on the couch. I noticed her confused state "But I don't have any item here" I sigh running my fingers through my hair "I ordered Donald to get items from the groceries and don't think you don't have an explaining to do" I stated out then left her to get some water. I head to the refrigerator in the kitchen to pull out a bottle when a voice stopped me short "I'm sorry" Valentina spoke out making me halt I realised she had followed me. I turn to gaze at her "You shouldn't be standing up not in your state" I cautioned her while leading her to the sit on the kitchen stool I found in the the kitchen. I sat her down then realise the tears dropping from her eyes. "I'm so sorry for running from you even when I should be with you. Am sorry for trying to keep our child from you, I was thinking I could raise this child on my own but I could never be more wrong. I almost killed myself and that of our child" She sob out looking distress. A pang pinched went through my heart at her state, a feeling of protectiveness over took me making me wrap my arms around her "Shoo, it okay, it okay" Her cries made her whole body shook making me scared for her life and that of the baby. "No it not!" She pulled herself from my hold "I've hurt you in more ways I can't explain, have hurt your family, my best friends all because of my own selfish needs. I am messed up, I feel wicked I feel totally like a b***h" She yelled the words out like it had been hanging in on her chest "And I didn't know why you wanted to marry me. Do you know why I ran?" I stood still then shook my head "I ran for two reasons. One, I was too ashamed yo face your families after all I have done but now I think it best I face them. Two, I was born into a messed up family, my father got married to my mother all because she was pregnant and he wanted his child baring his name and their marriage ended up being a disaster.." She stepped towards me slowly "...they were always quarrelling everyday. I don't want that for my child. I know how it feels but now I know it comes from my parent non of them were calm for themselves they are both hot and I know with you it can't be the same" My posture stood firm anticipating her next word "I'll love to marry you for our child for our sanity. My sanity. So will you Eric Smith marry me?" Dedicated to Brind2y2 Valentina POV Currently am sitting alone in my little apartment. The loneliness of the house was slowly killing me and creep into my senses trying to take over my mind and sanity. Eric unfortunately had gone back to LA after receiving the news of Victoria's kidnap. Deep within me I pray she was safe even if we were not in a friend zone, I still don't want any harm coming her way, I know how it felt. I sigh, my mind went back to what I had said to Eric two weeks ago. What was I thinking? How could I propose to him? Thinking about it now I sounded kind of desperate but isn't that what I am? Eric stun expression will forever be imprinted in my memory. I felt like banging my head on a concrete wall. How stupid can I get? My mind went back to after the event he had asked Donald to drive us straight to the hospital with fear of me already losing my senses. I guess he never expected it but he didn't fail to use the opportunity to make me have a check up which turns out at I was indeed okay, just a little stress. With the fear for my baby's life in danger I asked for a Scan. The moment experienced of hearing the heartbeat of our child was so strong that I was at the point of tears, Eric was no different. Unfortunately the s*x of the baby couldn't be known yet He had the baby's sonogram kept closest to him. In his wallet. He didn't also fail to have me register for my monthly check up here in Texas before we transfer back to LA much to my displeasure. I was unable to go along with him because of my state, also the encounter of when he found me in my room looking fragile was enough for him to disagree. Feeling left out I picked up my phone scrolling into it, not before noticing the missed calls from my parent and siblings making roll my eyes at it. I don't have time for them and their quote of disappointment, when I get to LA I'll face them all once and for all. A particular message caught my attention 'Lisa' she had chatted me up. A smile broke out on my face. I click on it to read out; 6:34am Lisa: Where the hell are you V?!! My heart immediately flow with joy but It came crashing when I noticed the date. It was three hours before the news about my pregnancy came out, I had actually gone out for a morning jog only to come back seeing the whole family sited in the sitting room while waiting for Justin and his wife to get down. Painful tears rolled down my eyes. I had reign a lot of good things in my life am no different from being a homewrecker. I am one. I sometimes find it hard to live with myself, I felt like a devil's angel. Deep inside me I fear the Smith's will never welcome me back into their family. But I think it's about time I start making a move to gain their trust back. I don't want to loose the best thing that had already happened to me. Never. I wiped up my tears with my palm. Picking up the phone I dropped on my laps I dialed one of my trusted investigator's number. It time I start with help those I offended. "Good morning Valentina how may I help you?" A manly voice spoke out. I sigh in relief "I need your help Ben in finding someone, and I trust you will be able to do so quickly" "And who may that be?" Ben asked, I could hear the type of a keyboard. "Victoria Smith please I need you to locate her fast, she was kidnapped two weeks ago" Silence filled the line a second "Hold on a minute I'll will locate her immediately" Feeling relief by his words I slump back on the chair I was sitting on. Meeting Ben Tyson was the best and worst thing that had ever happened in my life. Why? He brought me the worst thing that has ever happened to me and also the best thing that had ever happened to me. He was one smart kid. His ever dream is to work as secret technology agent, and I hope his dreams come to past. Currently he is just a normal boy sitting at opposite a computer screen playing video games, breaking codes and hacking systems. If he were to put his mind in him talent he will sure make it. I hope he does. You should know he is one talented guy. "Found her" The sound of his voice snapped me out of my thought. So fast? I internally thought to myself. He was one technology talented genius. "I tracked her phone. It wasn't an easy one, technically asking for a location of a phone needs to be permitted by the phone company which can only be granted by a warrant from a judge. But due to experience I manage to hack into their system to locate her phone. She is currently in a lone area around northern woods near a lake. I'll send you a picture of the house and map as I capture through the network dish in the sky" After he spoke I felt a vibration on my phone. I gaze at it to find a picture of an ugly looking mansion that looked abandoned the next was a map to the house. "Ben I will forever be grateful to you. Ten thousand dollars will be sent to you immediately. Thank you" After cutting the line immediately dialed Eric's number praying for him to pickup. In the fourth ring he did "Eric Smith speaking" His gruffly manly voice spoke out. A sweet warmth and delicious sensation filled my body but I shook it out of my head after remembering the purpose of my call "Eric I know where Victoria is" Dedicated to Brind2y2 Valentina POV Currently am sitting alone in my little apartment. The loneliness of the house was slowly killing me and creep into my senses trying to take over my mind and sanity. Eric unfortunately had gone back to LA after receiving the news of Victoria's kidnap. Deep within me I pray she was safe even if we were not in a friend zone, I still don't want any harm coming her way, I know how it felt. I sigh, my mind went back to what I had said to Eric two weeks ago. What was I thinking? How could I propose to him? Thinking about it now I sounded kind of desperate but isn't that what I am? Eric stun expression will forever be imprinted in my memory. I felt like banging my head on a concrete wall. How stupid can I get? My mind went back to after the event he had asked Donald to drive us straight to the hospital with fear of me already losing my senses. I guess he never expected it but he didn't fail to use the opportunity to make me have a check up which turns out at I was indeed okay, just a little stress. With the fear for my baby's life in danger I asked for a Scan. The moment experienced of hearing the heartbeat of our child was so strong that I was at the point of tears, Eric was no different. Unfortunately the s*x of the baby couldn't be known yet He had the baby's sonogram kept closest to him. In his wallet. He didn't also fail to have me register for my monthly check up here in Texas before we transfer back to LA much to my displeasure. I was unable to go along with him because of my state, also the encounter of when he found me in my room looking fragile was enough for him to disagree. Feeling left out I picked up my phone scrolling into it, not before noticing the missed calls from my parent and siblings making roll my eyes at it. I don't have time for them and their quote of disappointment, when I get to LA I'll face them all once and for all. A particular message caught my attention 'Lisa' she had chatted me up. A smile broke out on my face. I click on it to read out; 6:34am Lisa: Where the hell are you V?!! My heart immediately flow with joy but It came crashing when I noticed the date. It was three hours before the news about my pregnancy came out, I had actually gone out for a morning jog only to come back seeing the whole family sited in the sitting room while waiting for Justin and his wife to get down. Painful tears rolled down my eyes. I had reign a lot of good things in my life am no different from being a homewrecker. I am one. I sometimes find it hard to live with myself, I felt like a devil's angel. Deep inside me I fear the Smith's will never welcome me back into their family. But I think it's about time I start making a move to gain their trust back. I don't want to loose the best thing that had already happened to me. Never. I wiped up my tears with my palm. Picking up the phone I dropped on my laps I dialed one of my trusted investigator's number. It time I start with help those I offended. "Good morning Valentina how may I help you?" A manly voice spoke out. I sigh in relief "I need your help Ben in finding someone, and I trust you will be able to do so quickly" "And who may that be?" Ben asked, I could hear the type of a keyboard. "Victoria Smith please I need you to locate her fast, she was kidnapped two weeks ago" Silence filled the line a second "Hold on a minute I'll will locate her immediately" Feeling relief by his words I slump back on the chair I was sitting on. Meeting Ben Tyson was the best and worst thing that had ever happened in my life. Why? He brought me the worst thing that has ever happened to me and also the best thing that had ever happened to me. He was one smart kid. His ever dream is to work as secret technology agent, and I hope his dreams come to past. Currently he is just a normal boy sitting at opposite a computer screen playing video games, breaking codes and hacking systems. If he were to put his mind in him talent he will sure make it. I hope he does. You should know he is one talented guy. "Found her" The sound of his voice snapped me out of my thought. So fast? I internally thought to myself. He was one technology talented genius. "I tracked her phone. It wasn't an easy one, technically asking for a location of a phone needs to be permitted by the phone company which can only be granted by a warrant from a judge. But due to experience I manage to hack into their system to locate her phone. She is currently in a lone area around northern woods near a lake. I'll send you a picture of the house and map as I capture through the network dish in the sky" After he spoke I felt a vibration on my phone. I gaze at it to find a picture of an ugly looking mansion that looked abandoned the next was a map to the house. "Ben I will forever be grateful to you. Ten thousand dollars will be sent to you immediately. Thank you" After cutting the line immediately dialed Eric's number praying for him to pickup. In the fourth ring he did "Eric Smith speaking" His gruffly manly voice spoke out. A sweet warmth and delicious sensation filled my body but I shook it out of my head after remembering the purpose of my call "Eric I know where Victoria is" Valentina POV Finally having enough with the silence I decided to go visit Travis's wife Amelia but before then I decided to call my cousin Jane. I picked up my phone and dialed her number, not before I unblocking it. She picked at the second ring. "Val?" A soft voice spoke from the line. A smile automatically appeared on my face "Yes Jane it's Valentina" I responded to her. A sigh of relief filled her voice "Oh thank God you're okay" "I'm okay I didn't mean to keep you worried" The smile I had on my face immediately wiped off at her next word. "Where the hell are you? Do you have any idea how worried I was? How could you do this to me?!" She yelled at the line. Her voice made me flinch with how loud it was. Tears begin dropping down from my eyes. Now adays I don't understand my stupid hormone, any little thing I shed tears, it kind of getting into my nerve. Hearing the concern in Jane's voice made my inside warm to know there was someone who indeed care about me a lot. Jane has always been there for me ever since I was a kid, her jovial mood has always being a breath of fresh air and I so much appreciate her for being there when I needed her. She's one in a million. One thing Jane suffers from is her love life. She always find herself ending up with a worst kind of guy which is kind of heartbreaker, I can't even say what she has passed through it horrible and wicked....... "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to keep you hanging. It just that am hiding from my parent with me being pregnant it won't go well with them so am trying to see if I could avoid them" I tried reasoning with her avoiding the baby's father part. "I forgive you but don't you dare try that with me again or you won't like what I would do to you, okay?" I nodded my head in response then replied back to her realizing she couldn't see me "Okay I promise" I crossed my heart after promising her. "Good, now where're you?" She asked in curiosity. I could already vision her tapping her fingers on her laps an habit she couldn't stop when curious. "Texas" I said to her while rubbing my stomach already wishing for a kick to take place immediately. A smile stuck on my face, anyone who saw me should think I was starting to lose it already, but no the joy of motherhood was the result of my state. I felt alive than I have ever been. A shriek voice from the line snapped me from my happy thought "Texas? You have got to be kidding me. What are you doing in that deserted, sunny and animal stinking area?" Jane spoke out a sign of disgust could be hinted in her voice. Shaking my head in disapproval I replied back at her "Mind your tone young lady, in case you don't know let me tell you I feel more at home here than my actually home" I scolded her feeling disappointed at her comment. A sigh of regent could be heard from my phone "Sorry I got carried away by my emotions. The feeling of you not trusting me enough to tell me how you felt before disappearing over took my sense of reasoning. Would it be wrong and stupid to say am starting to feel jealous of Texas, she took you from me" Hearing the words coming from her lips I couldn't help but chuckle. Jane can sometimes sound funny when she wants to. I mean who gets envious of a state? Am starting to think Jane has lost it. "You wouldn't be the death of me" I sigh in relief at her jovial mood, I wouldn't trade it for anything. "But to say it all am happy you trust me enough to call me, It means a lot. Thank you" She said "No problem" I replied back at her taking the glass of water on the stool beside to have a gulp of it after feeling tasty. A heavy knock on the door immediately caught my attention "Jane hold on a second while I go check on who's knocking so hard on the door" I said to her then dropped my phone on the sofa while I go get the door. It must be Amelia Travis's wife, she's always fund of coming here sometimes to check after me after finding out from her husband what had happened to me the other time. I opened up the door to say my greetings and inform her of that I was fine but the visitor I saw on the other side wasn't who I expected or ever want to set my eyes on again. "Xander" I spoke out with terror in my voice. My Worst Nightmare is here! Oh my god! The devil smirk in delight at my appearance "Hello Sweetheart" He mocked me with an evil twinkle in his eyes. Feeling the urge to run and take action I moved to shut the door which he immediately held back with his hand. Failing to succeed in keeping him out I turn to run ahead to my room with my pregnancy when I felt a prick on my neck. On instincts I held onto my pain neck immediately realizing he had done something to me. I turn around to gaze at him. "What have you done?" I weakly spoke out already feeling dizzy. "Just something to make my work easier" His deadly voice spoke out. It didn't take long for me to submit into the arms of darkness with only two thought in mind. My baby and Eric.
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