Chapter 3

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Emily gathered up the courage to face his dad. She went to his room "Dad have you got a minute? " Emily asked. Kevin:" Yes sweetie is something bothering you? " Emily:" Yes dad. " Kevin:" Tell me what is it ?" Emily:" First answer a question . What if I made a mistake , a huge mistake . Will you forgive me ?" Kevin chuckles "Firstly I doubt that you will ever make a mistake . But even if you did I will forgive you because I love you the most. " Emily eyes were moist "I love you too dad . Something happened , I want to tell you that but I fear that you will hate me ." Kevin was concerned. " Tell me what's troubling you Kate , I promise that I will understand you and I will not hate you ." Ava mocks "Your love has spoiled her. " Kevin sighs "Look how tensed she is . Don't start right now ." Ava "Like father like daughter . Anyways , Emily I have good news for you remember Mr. Geller , the one who judged the ' Teen Princess ' loved you and he wants to sign you for a music album . Oh my God I can't believe this . He has paid me 1000 dollars in advance . He wants to see your dance so prepare the routine . And just make sure that you don't do anything to ruin it or else you will have to face my anger ." Emily takes a deep breath and says "I can't dance for few months. " Ava taunts "Why are you pregnant ?" Emily nods "Yes ." She was not able to hold back her tears anymore. Ava:" I guess I heard something . Can you please repeat yourself ?" Emily reveals "I am pregnant. " Kevin gets furious and he screams "What the hell are you talking Emily ?" Emily wipes her tears "Yes dad it's true and I am so sorry . I never wanted to disappoint you but I did and I am so sorry ." Ava interrupts in between "No , no , no ,you can't be pregnant I have projects lined up for ten months from now . You being pregnant means I will have to say good bye to thousand of dollars . Tell me you are kidding ." Emily "It was a mistake ." Kevin" A mistake my foot . You are just seventeen . You have spoiled your entire life do you have any idea . Your school , your college , you have ruined your life. Tell me the name of the boy I swear I will kill him." Emily sobs "I don't know dad." A furious Kevin asks "What do you mean you don't know ?" Ava:" How many guys do you sleep with." Emily:" I am sorry dad, I am so sorry. I was drunk ." Kevin:" You don't remember the guy you slept with? He is it joke Emily." He punches on the wall. Kevin" I will call the doctors and we will get your abortion done as soon as possible. No one has to know. " Emily whispers "I don't want to kill my child ." Kevin:" Are you kidding ? Tell me exactly what you want ? Do you want to be a teen mom . You can't even look after yourself Emily how will you take care of the baby . And who will ever marry you ?" Emily:" No dad !" Ava continues to make baseless remarks "Look on the brighter side . You won't even go out of shape . And you can on all the projects ." Kevin:" Do you have any idea about what you are talking ? Tell me everything. " Emily:" I was at Matt's party . I got drunk and that's the last thing I remember . I don't know who was with me that night ." Kevin sighs "I wish I was dead before I heard this ." Emily:" Dad please don't like this . " Ava:" You have not left any options for him . Stay away from Emma, I don't want you to spoil her ." Emily:" Dad please say something ." Kevin:" I will call the doctor right now and ask him to do the abortion and make sure that you don't talk about it to anyone ." Emily:" Dad I want to have this child ." Kevin:" This girl is sick . Do you even know what it means , Emily . You are pregnant and you don't even know who is the father . This will bring so much embarrassment and shame to our family's name . Do you know what society will call you ." Emily:" Forget about the society dad you mean everything to me . I don't care about anyone else . " Kevin:" Ok for a minute let's forget about the society . So now tell me how are you planning to raise this baby ." Emily:" I will leave the school to look after the baby ." Kevin " Oh good god , honey are you listening what this girl is saying . She will leave the school and then what ? I am sure the baby will need many other things from you except your time . For starters the baby will need clothes and books if you are planning to send the baby to the school . How are you planning to get them . Be practical I won't be here forever who will look after you when I am gone . " Emily:" I will get a job ." Kevin:" Without a degree ?" Emily:" I will do anything . I will do wait waitressing, I will clean utensils ." Kevin:" That's not the kind of future I wanted for you. That's not what Erica wanted for you. She went through a lot of pain just ." Emily:" You care about me because I am your child just like that I also care about my child . I also want to dream about my baby for that I will have to bring my baby to this world ." Kevin:" You will get this opportunity in future. Don't let your emotions take decision for you. You are a child yourself." Emily:" I stopped being a child when the strip turned pink. I have decided, dad , I want this baby even if that means sacrificing my life. Now just you have to accept it . I have the right to take decision for my child ." Kevin:" Well then , I also have the right to take decision for my child and being your father I have decided that you are going to have an abortion . And this is final . Not to forget , Emily , you are a minor . So argue no more ." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Emily wanted the child so badly . She knew that she would never be able to convince her father . She was not angry at him . She understood him and she knew he was concerned about her future . And Emily saw her future in the baby . She ran from the house . After six months she returned back . She thought that her father will scold her but he hugged her and mad her promise to him that she will never leave him . But now he left her . Ava told Emily that he didn't even wanted to see her . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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