Chapter Eighteen

1314 Words
Today was so busy. It's Demi's Birthday and me, Tom, Mike and Aaron were out shopping, picking up some last minute things that Liam was supposed to get the other day, but forgot. Such as balloons and straws for the drinks, you know, little things think that. Ollie was off somewhere picking up the food and booze for later. Maybe I should have told him to pick up some coke and lemonade as not everyone at the party drinks....Oh, I'll just pick some up later. Ollie was also left in charge of picking up the cake from the Bakers. Tom found this really cool little bakery that can make any cake we wanted. Mike designed one that we all fell in love with. It was beautiful. It was three tiers tall and it was black. It had a Silver spiderweb pattern on it and had red roses and ribbons. It was surrounded with red candles to match the roses and had a really cool skull on the top. Happy Birthday was written on the middle tier in Silver icing. I really didn't know Mike could design something so pretty. Liam so kindly offered to take Demi out for the day so she wouldn't think anything of us missing all day. People had been arriving all week for Demi's party, not everyone was here yet, Tina Rodriguez, Black Veil Brides and Wednesday and Joey were but the others have yet to arrive. I started to worry a little, but Mike had promised they would be, and I trust him so I took his word for it. We managed to get invites out in time. We invited some of her friends but not all of them were able to come. We also invited some people I knew from college that will be in her year. I thought that it might be easier for her when she starts on Monday because she will know some people. We did invite some family too but only my brothers and their girlfriends were coming. All of the Misfits are coming too... Well, all but Abi that it. We headed into HMV, and yes, in case you were wondering, the guys had been bugged by fans ALL day. Well, they are famous. So anyway, we went into HMV, I still had Demi's birthday gifts to buy. I decided to get her some Cds, DVDs and a new iPod dock that she said she really wanted. After we got what we needed, We paid for our stuff and left. We walked back down to the hotel, Tom text Liam to see if he and Demi were back from their day out yet, they're the only reason why Demi hasn't seen anyone or heard anything about the party. They were back, s**t! 'What the hell?! Liam was supposed to keep her out all day' I said, huffing and leaning against Tom's arm, who was sat next to me on the sofa. We were all sat and stood in the hotel reception. 'What are we gonna do now?' Tom asked, at no one particular. 'Well, how about, you go back upstairs, we stay down here and hide with the shopping, you take her out shopping, say it's for her birthday or something, take her to buy something to wear for tonight.' Mike said to me. he smiled his cute dimpled smile. I smiled back. 'Ok,' I sighed and stood up. I gave all the guys a kiss and a hug before i made my way over to the lifts on the other end of the reception. I pressed the button to call for the lift and waited for it to come. I sighed. 'Come on' I said to myself out loud. I hate waiting for these things they always take forever. I heard the lift ding and the doors started to open. I turned around to look at the guys, who had started to move around the corner so when me and Demi come down, she won't see them. I smiled when I saw Tom wink at me. He smiled back and move out of sight around the corner. It turned back around to the lift as the doors revealed who was in the lift. I almost fainted. He was just stood there with his friends, Well...our friends. 'Hey, Little sis' Roman said, coming out of the lift, with open arms. I smiled and gave him a hug. 'Hey, where have you been?' Rhys asked, coming out of the lift followed by Stu. I gave them both a hug. Either the marks on my face had gone or the guys felt uncomfortable saying anything about them. 'Miss Davis?' I heard the lady behind the help desk call to me. Oh, yeah, When we checked in, Me and Demi checked in under the guys last names, just for a giggle. It was Aaron's idea. I turned around and saw her calling me over. 'Oh, sorry, guys. I've got to go. See you later' I said, i turned and walked away, 'Maybe' I whispered to myself as I made my way over to the desk. 'Yes?' I asked 'There is a package here for you, it came this morning' she said, smiling. 'Ah, great. I thought it wouldn't get here on time, thanks' I said smiling and turned around. I headed back over to the lift. All the guys had left. Well, almost all. He stood there, Leaning against the wall, waiting. 'Hey' he said, he smiled at me. 'Hello,' I replied trying to hide my voice and face of all emotions. I called for the lift again and waited. 'Hey listen.....' He reached out to my arm, but I pulled it way and out of his reach. 'Don't touch me, please' I said. Come on, Where is the f*****g lift? Finally, it came, the doors dinged open and I moved to the side so the people in the lift could get out. 'I need to talk to you' He whispered in my ear. I didn't realise how close he was. 'No' was all I said before I got into the lift and pressed the button for my floor. The doors started to close but a hand stopped them and James walked in. The doors closed shut again and that was it. i was trapped on the lift with him. I moved so, I was on the other side of the lift to him. He turned to look at me. 'Babe, listen I'm....' 'DONT CALL ME THAT!' I shouted at him. Hey, They were his exact words he said to me that night. 'Ok, Ok. I'm sorry, but please listen to me' He said, looking me straight in the eye. 'I dont want to hear it, Ok, James, I've heard it all before' I said, turning around to face him. 'Please, Kate. Just talk to me' He begged. I signed and looked around the lift before looking back at him. 'Ok, What do you want to talk about? Oh, I know, sorry I beat the crap out of you? Sorry, I said nasty things? Oh, no, no, no, no I got it, Sorry, I killed our child.' I was screaming at him. Ok, maybe I just took it a little to far. But it's true. I could feel the tears in my ears. 'Ok, I said sorry about that and you know full well that I felt so bad about that.' He said, his eyes kept looking me up and down. 'Yeah, Well James, just because you feel bad and say sorry doesn't mean it makes everything Ok.' The lifts dinged and the doors opened, I walked out and didn't look back. 'We'll talk later then. When you've calmed down.' I heard him say. 'I dont think so.' 'We'll see...Miss Davies'. He replied. I heard the doors shut and that was that. He was gone again.......
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