Chapter Twenty

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It had been half-an-hour since I and Demi had got to the party. She had met a lot of people. She almost fainted when Tina came up to her, gave her a hug and wished her a happy birthday. Then again when Andy Sixx came and said happy birthday. To tell you the truth, I got a little jealous. 'I can't believe this!' she screamed at me after she had finished thanking everyone for coming. 'So, you like it then?' I asked her with a smile. 'I love it! was it your idea?' 'Well, it was mine and Aaron's idea to throw you a birthday party, but the guys came up with a lot of ideas and stuff for it and they came and set it all up while we went out shopping today' I told her. ''re so sweet. Thank you so much.' I spaced out on her talking to me as I saw HIM walk in and on to the dance floor, just feet from where I was standing. He looked at me. I couldn't move. He was looking me right in the eyes. '......he was so sweet about it and.......Katie?I!' she screamed at me, but I couldnt look away from him. What the hell was he doing here? Demi must have been getting really pissed off at me because the next thing I know, her hand came down hard and fast across my face. Snapping me out of my little daydream to look at her. My hand flew to my face, cupping my cheek. Man, Demi can smack!. 'Awwwww!!!!!. Demi! What the hell!?!' I screamed at her, ripping my eyes away from him to look at her. 'Sorry, I've been trying to get your focus for about 5 minutes. Are you okay?' 'Yes, yeah, sure. I'm fine. Sorry.' I said with a smile. She smiled back. 'but if you do it again, you'll get it back....twice as hard' I whispered, but it was a joke and she knew it. We both started to laugh. I looked around at everyone, he was gone, Good. I could see lots of people standing around having fun, talking, drinking, dancing. but, the guys were nowhere in sight. They were not at the bar or on the dance floor or at the tables. 'Have you seen Tom or the guys.' I asked, still looking around the room for them 'No, I haven't. Now you come to mention it, I haven't seen them in a while.' She said, looking around. 'Ohhhh, there's Liam' she said, smiling and pointing. I followed her look and finger-pointing over to where Liam was sat, none of the other guys were around or with him. Just then the DJ, who is a close friend of Ollie's, Put on Murderdolls - My Dark Place Alone. I grabbed Demi by the wrist and dragged her onto the dance floor We were moshing and head-banging along with the music. Everyone came on to the dance floor and joined in. It was easy considering we were wearing wedge heeled shoes. We were moshing together and having a laugh when Wednesday and Joey came over and asked us to dance. We happily agreed and took them up on their offer. Wednesday danced with Demi while I danced with Joey. 'Hello again' I smiled at him and he smiled back. 'AGAIN!' Demi shouted. She had her arms wrapped around Wednesday's neck and he had his wrapped around Dem's waist. I was the same way with Joey. 'Yeah, James invited a bunch of us to a party just over a week was the Sunday of the Festival, I think. Right?' he asked. I nodded. Demi just nodded and smiled. 'So....Where is old James then' He asked. Demi turned around and answered him before I could. 'That bastard isn't here and dont say his name around her again' She snapped at him. 'Oh, sorry' He looked at me, I just shook my head, telling him not to worry about it. 'So, you having fun, Demi' Wednesday asked her. She nodded and smiled at him. After the song finished, Joey and Wednesday said goodbye and went back over to their friends by the bar. We continued to dance together. When Marilyn Mansons -Tainted Love started playing. We were dancing for all of ten seconds before I saw him again. Ok, this is getting on my nerves. He's just standing there. You see, Apparently, Demi was wrong and I'm going to find out why.....I sure as hell never invited him, but I wanna know who did. 'Ummm...Dem, Do you mind if I go and find Tom or the guys, I-I- need to speak to them about something?' I asked, she nodded and walked over to the table to get something to eat. I took one last look at him before turning my back on him and walking away. I could feel his stare on my back. I looked everywhere, but I couldnt find any of the guys, Except Liam . He was over by Demi. They were talking awwww...I hope she says yes later. I walked over to them. I didn't bother trying to hide the look of annoyed that was spread across my face right now. Liam noticed me coming and smiled. 'Hey, can I suck your blood?' He asked in a vampire way. 'No...Maybe later. Do you know where Tom or the guys are?' I asked. He had a confused look on his face but shook his head. 'No, but they might be over by the bar' He said pointing over to where the bar was set up. I looked over there before but I guess I should look again. I said bye to them and went to have a look and there was Mike. I walked up to him. I was soooo angry, the only way HE could be here is if me or him or one of the other guys invited him, and I sure-as-hell know I didnt. As I got closer to Mike, his back was turned away from me. I pushed him hard from behind, causing him to spill some of his beer over. He turned around quickly, He was really pissed but a smile developed when he saw me. He opened his arms for a hug. 'What the f**k is he doing here?' I snapped at him. He pulled his eyebrows together in confusion. 'Who?' 'Oh, sorry, let me give you a clue, he's tall, he has piercings and tattoos.' 'Babe, be more describable. You just describe 98% of the people here, Let alone guys' he said with a smile. 'Ok, he had black hair, he's dressed up like the f*****g Grim Reaper, and...oh, yeah, he's my ex-boyfriend.!!' i screamed at him and as soon as i did a guilty look came across his face. 'Oh, Well...ummmm.' 'Why didn't you tell me, Mike.' I asked I was really upset now, not that they invited him, The fact that they didn't tell me. 'I'm sorry. We invited them because the band are our friends. If we invited them, We HAD to invite him to' He told me, looking down at the ground. 'Well, you still could have told me' 'Dont worry. We have all told him to stay the f**k away from you, ok?' I nodded. He opened up his arms again but this time I went into them and hugged him tightly. I wasn't paying attention to the songs but soon Escape The Fate - 10 Miles Wide was played Mike grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor. We had a little mosh together until Lee and Demi came onto the dance floor. We all danced together for a little while until Aaron and Ollie reappeared from somewhere and ran up to us and started to dance/mosh as well. 'Hey, have you seen Tom?' I shouted over the music. Aaron, Ollie and Mike all looked at each other but shook their heads. 'No sorry, Little sis' Aaron said with a small smile. Weird, he's just disappeared off the face of the earth. 'Oh, ok' I smiled at them and went back to moshing. After about 15 minutes, Lee and Dem went off to dance together and soon after Aaron and Ollie left. 'And then there was two' I said, laughing at Mike who now had his hands around my waist and I had mine around his neck. We were pretty close together, slow dancing to Guns N Roses- November Rain. Mike smiled down at me and kissed my forehead. He looked up over my head and frowned. He sighed and looked back down at me. 'More like one. I have to go and....check something out. See you later.' And with that, he walked off the dance floor and headed off the same way Aaron and Ollie did. Well, that was weird. I started to walk off the dancefloor, but someone's arms wrapped around my waist, Pulling me back, closer to them. They placed their head on my shoulder and I could feel their breath on my cheek 'So...been looking for me have you' He whispered in my ear. I smiled and blushed. 'Yeah, you've been missing for a while.' I said back. ' I am' I heard him chuckle. 'So...where is everyone' he was still hugging me from behind. 'Well...Mike just left' I heard him chuckle and say something like, 'Yes, I know', but I continued. 'Aaron and Ollie disappeared again and Liam and Demi are right over there'. I said pointing over to where they stood dancing together After a couple of hours or so, Demi had had her cake, We all sang happy birthday as she blew out the candles. Liam had taken her into one of the backrooms of the building shortly after, to have her tattoo done. She got a pattern done all up her side. By the looks of it, it must have been EP (expensive and painful) but it looked really cool and now it was time for her dance with Liam. They started dancing, it was so sweet, me and the rest of the guys were watching. People started to join them on the dance floor. 'Wanna dance?' Tom asked me, he held out his hand to me. I looked up at Mike, he winked and smiled, then I looked at Aaron who smiled and nodded. 'I would love to dance' I placed my hand in Tom's, he looked up at his friends, they all gave him a nod and a smile and he took me out on to the dance floor. It was so romantic, the music, the lights, the dancing and just being with Tom. 'Tom, can I tell you something?' I asked in a whisper. He smiled and nodded at me, 'For a while, I've, well I've, ummmm' I huffed, I might as well just come out and say it. Ok, here goes. 'Tom, I love you' I said looking down at the floor. 'Awwww...I love you too' he said laughing. NO! He thought I meant it in a friendly way. 'No...I'm IN love with you' 'Oh!' he looked shocked, 'Listen, Katie...I think we need to talk'. 'What about?' There was silence between us. He wouldn't even look at me. 'Tom?' 'Nothing..I-I-I have to go' and with that, he ran off and left me there on the dance floor. I could feel the tears in my eyes and then overflow. Mike, Ollie and Aaron looked at me. Ollie and Mike ran after Tom while Aaron came over to me, but before he could say anything, I ran off through the crowds of people. I knew Aaron was right on my heels but I managed to lose him in the sea of dancers. 'Katie!?!' I heard Demi shout. 'Oh my god, Liam just asked me out. He just asked me to be his GIRLFRIEND!!. Can you believe it?' she shouted, 'and I said yes!. I'm dating my favourite member of Dragons Fire!!' she was so happy and I felt so bad at the fact I was sooo angry that the person she loved actually loved her back, but the person I loved didn't love me. I couldnt say anything so, I just smiled and nodded. I was happy for her, I really was. 'Oh, got to go, My boyfriend needs me' she said with a wide smile and ran off back to Lee. I sighed and walked away. I didn't feel like partying at the moment. I walked out the back door and shut it behind me, before sitting down on the steps and looking out over the graveyard. and I burst out in tears. Weird any other day, I would be too freaked out to be within 100 miles of a graveyard at night. Let-alone sitting next to one by myself at 1.30 in the morning. I heard the doors open and close behind me and then someone sat down next to me. 'Aaron, I just wanna be left alone, please' I was still cryng. I felt an arm go around my shoulders and pull me to their chest. I turned so my head was pushed into it and broke down in tears. 'Ssssshhhhhhh... it's ok...' 'What the hell? You were told to stay away from me, James!' I snapped at him. 'Your upset. I just came to see if you were alright' he sounded worried. 'Oh, yeah, I'm doing great' 'Wanna tell me what Tom did wrong?' he asked. I lifted my head up to look at him. 'I saw you two on the dance floor.' 'I-I...' I paused. Do I really want to talk about this with my ex-boyfriend? What the hell, I didn't care. 'I told him I loved him and he just ran off' I broke down in tears again. 'Oh, I see' he sounded upset. 'Dont get upset, babe. I'm sure he's just in shock or something' Why would he be in shock of me saying I loved him. We almost had s*x when I was still dating you and we sleep in the same bed, cuddling up together. But I'm not going to tell you THAT part. 'Yeah, I guess.' I smiled at him and looked back out at the graveyard. 'You know, I would like to be friends or something' He told me. 'James...I dont know' 'Its okay. I get it. You do know I'm sooooo sorry though, right?' 'Yeah, I know' 'Come on, Incase you didn't notice, there is a party going on' He smiled at me and I smiled back. He stood up and held a hand out to me. I looked at him. I placed my hand in his and he pulled me up to my feet 'We'll see' I told him. He stopped and turned around to face me. A confused look on his face. 'We'll see what?' He asked 'If we can be friends' I said with a smile. He smiled back. 'But ONLY friends and it might take me a while to trust you again' I was being serious now and he understood that. He nodded his head at me before we went back inside to join in and have fun with the rest of the party.
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