Chapter Ten

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We arrived back into town a little after 3 pm. The car ride went by pretty quick. Liam and Aaron talked to each other in the back of the SUV, While me and Tom sat in silence in the front. 'Katie..' Aaron said, Breaking the silence that had been going on for the past 10 minutes. 'Yeah?' 'Why is Abi under James Number 2 in your phone?' 'What? Are you just full of random questions Aaz? I asked with a laugh. 'Well...Your nickname is Lewis and hers is James, I just wanna know' He asked, smiling. 'Well...Last summer, Abi's parents went away for a week and I stayed at her house, We watched this episode of Top Gear, it was the one where they had to build their own camper vans and go camping in them and stuff.' I paused, and looked around the car, All the guys, including Tom, were listening to my story.' And we got hooked on it. We thought it was the funniest thing we had ever seen in our lives. We watched it at least 20+ time in 3 days. Anyway, there was a bit in the program where James May makes us laugh so much. He just turns to the filming man and says; 'I've been without my essentials for 4 days, like a tap, a chair' And for some reason it makes us laugh so hard. So I call her James, Weird, I know, but she likes it.' I said. 'Turn left' I said as Tom drove up Abi's street Before he drove up to her driveway. 'That's a big f*****g house' Liam said as we all got out of the car. I walked up to the front door, found my keys and unlocked it, before walking in. The three guys all followed me. 'JAMES!' I shouted up her stairs before I closed the door, but there was no answer. 'ABI!' i shouted again, but this time I used her name to show how serious I was. When there was no answer after 2 minutes, I told the guys to go and sit in the front room, and I walked up the stairs and headed to her bedroom. I knocked on the door, I knew she was in there I could hear her crying. 'James' I whispered as I opened the door. She was lying on her bed, on her stomach, face in her pillow, crying. I walked in and shut the door. I walked over to her bed and sat down. I placed a hand on her shoulder. 'Hey now, don't get upset. He's a d**k. He's not worth crying over' I said to her but it didn't work. I sighed and looked up at her DragonsFire poster that she had hanging over her bed. It was the same one I have above mine. 'I have some friends downstairs that really want to meet you. Wanna come down and meet them?' 'No' she shouted. 'Ok well, I'll just go tell the Tom, Aaron and Liam from DragonsFire that then.' I sighed dramatically. 'They really wanted to meet you, but...oh well.' I said, looking down at her, She snapped her head up to look at me, the look on her face said it all. 'You mean Liam Smith is in my house' I just looked back up at the poster, my eyes locked on Tom, and I smiled. I sighed a deep, dreamful sigh. 'Man, I've got it bad. What the hell am I going to do?!!!' I thought to myself. 'YO! Katie?' Abi shouted, waving her hand in front of my face. 'Yeah, Sorry. So wanna come and meet them?' I asked with a smile. 'Umm...Do I even have to think' As you can guess, Abi is a fan totally in love with Liam... She got up of the bed and walked over to the door. I got up and purposely stumbled over. She left the room while I was still going as slow as a snail. 'Come on!' Abi shouted as she ran back into her room. I sighed and walked out the door. I turned around and took a final look at Tom on the giant poster and smiled to myself before closing the door. I met Abi on the landing and we sort of had a little fangirl moment. We were holding the hands of each other and were jumping up and down on the spot, Giggling. 'So...What did you DO this weekend' She asked, but I know she had a double meaning behind it., as we approached the stairs. 'Nothing much, oh, but guess who I meet?' I said smiling. 'Who?!' she asked with a smile back. 'I said guess' I replied but told her anyway, knowing as soon as I listed off the names, she'd be green with jealousy. 'Ah, that's so cool!!!!!!!!!, Now, can I meet Liam and the guys??! she asked, impatiently. 'Come on, I'll race ya' I shouted, loudly. We each ran to a staircase, as Liam said before, Abi had a big house, it had two staircases up either side of the hallwayoom just as you come in through the door, That meets at the top before connecting at the top to the hallway landing. 'Ok' She shouted back. We both got up on the bannister and sat down. I sat so both of my legs were on the one side, Abi sat the same way. I hadn't realised till now, All three of the guys had heard me and Abi shouting and had come to have a look at what we were doing. '3! 2! 1! GO!' I shouted as we both let go and slid down, Fast. Abi won. She jumped off the bannister and started singing; 'I WON! I WON! I WON!' She turned and flashed me the finger, She was just joking. I gasped and pretended to look sad. 'f**k you. I'll just let you introduce yourself to your dream guy and his friends then' I said with a smile on my face. I turned and headed into one of Abi's front rooms, Well it was more of a games room really, leaving her standing there blushing while the guys tried to work out what I meant by my comment. I walked into the living/games room and set up guitar hero, Abi came running in to talk to me. 'Please...Come and introduce me. I'm just stood there like an i***t staring at them, Please Lewis.' She begged. I rolled my eyes and nodded. 'Guys!' I shouted, And like little puppy dogs, they all came running into the room. 'Abi this is Tom, Aaron and Liam, guys this is Abi' I said pointing to each of them as I said their names, before turning my attention back to the video game. Abi walked up to me and grabbed the guitar. 'What the f**k!' I shouted as she pulled it from my hands. 'You're always the guitarist' she said. 'That's because I AM the guitarist' I said. 'Well, you can be the drummer today' She said as she handed me the drum sticks. Then I realised the guys were still just standing around. I looked up at them. 'You guys don't just stand there. Sit, play pool, whatever.' I said, smiling. 'Yeah, my dad keeps beers in that little cooler over there' She said 'Cool.....Haha, Tom can't have any, he's the driver.' Aaron shouted as he ran over to the cooler. I looked back up at Abi and we gave each other a small smile. She still held the guitar in one hand while she held the sticks out to me in the other. 'I don't know how to play the drums' I said While grabbing the guitar back. The guys just looked at us, grinning, as we started to fight. Play fight that is. 'Bull s**t!....Your one of the best drummers I've ever seen!' she shouted. Jimmy looked over at me, I noticed him staring, He smiled at me Like he was proud or something, I smiled back. 'Not on guitar hero' I said. She gave up and went and sat behind the drums, sulking. We played a couple of songs while the guys played a couple of rounds of pool. Then we came across a song I wished we hadn't. It was Abi favourite song to play on this game. It was Dragonsfire - Death Flower. We played the song anyway, Just as the song finished. I heard the sounds of the guys clapping and cheering at me and Abi. My phone rang in my pocket. I looked at the caller ID. It was James. I smiled and walked out of the room to answer it. 'Hey, baby, What's up?' 'Hey, we're coming into Shrewsbury now, So we will be at the hotel in about 45 minutes. Is Abi Ok?' He asked. 'Cool. Cool. Yeah, Abi is holding up Ok. Shes really happy Liam is here.' 'Awwwww.....Does she like him?' He asked, but he wasn't mocking her. 'Yeah, she's had the biggest crush on him for like forever. I think her meeting him in person has just made her realise how much.' I said smiling. I gasped, 'We need to set them up'. 'Ok,' he said laughing. 'James......' I asked, in a sweet voice. He sighed and answered. 'What do you want, Babe' Ha, he knows me too well. 'Well... I had an idea' 'What?' 'Can Abi stay at the hotel with us tonight. Her mum and dad are out of town till next week.' I asked. 'Um..' he thought about it but I knew what his answer would be. 'Yeah, sure Ok.' 'Thank you, I love you, I love you, I love you' I squealed. 'I love you too' He said before he hung up. I smiled and put my phone back in my pocket. I walked back to the living/games room. Abi was sat on the sofa by herself, While the guys talked to each other while still playing pool. Abi had since turned off the video game and put on a Rock Music channel. It was a Stone Sour vs Avenged Sevenfold countdown. I totally forgot about the guys for a minute and jumped onto the sofa next to Abi. 'Hey James' I screamed, Causing the guys to look up. 'Hey' she screamed back. Tom looked at me. I just turned my attention back to the TV. Stone Sour's Made of Scars just finished and Avenged Sevenfold's Seize the Day came on. Abi grabbed my hand and pulled me off the sofa I joined in on her moshing fit, as we started to scream the lyrics. We were having so much fun. We totally spaced and forgot about the guys who were staring at us. When the song ended we both fell to the floor, laughing ourselves silly. The guys clapped and wolf whistled at us. Tom and Liam walked over to me and Abi where we laid on the floor. they held their hands out for us, Abi placed hers in Liam and I placed mine in Tom's, then they pulled us both up and on to our feet. Liam smiled, letting go of Abis hand and walked back over to Aaz, who was getting another beer. Tom still held mine, he stared into my eyes, I smiled and pulled away. He looked hurt and rejected. He just turned, without saying a single word and walked away. I watched him as he went back over to the other guys. Liam was busy setting up the pool table for another round as Aaron put his hand on Tom's shoulder and whispered something in his ear. He just shook his head and looked at Liam who was looking at the balls on the table. Aaron looked up at me. What the f**k?!!!. Tom better not have told him, Worry and guilt flashed through my body. I must have projected it on to my face because when I looked at Tom and back up at Aaron, he shook his head and gave me a smile, telling me, he knew but he wasn't going to say anything. 'Thank you' I mouthed before I turned back to Abi. 'Hey babe, Go upstairs and pack a bag' I said to her. 'Why?' she asked, a bit confused. 'Just do it' I replied and walked over to the sofa. She disappeared upstairs and 5 minutes later, She came back with a backpack, with her clothes in. After about half an hour. I had a brainwave. I took out my phone and text James. 'Hey James, You know you love me xx' A minute later my phone rang, 'You know I do, What do you want? xxx' 'Well...Are we renting a whole floor again?' I asked. 'Yeah, Why?' 'Well, I was wondering, Since your band is there and Michaels band is there, Maybe I can bring mine? They can all share a room, pleaseeee? xxx' I sent the message. Not even a minute past, I had a text. 'Ok...But only the girls and matt' He texted. He didn't mind Matt because Matt was gay, He was also our lead singer, and James knows me, Abi or any other girl wouldn't be bothered by him. 'Thank you, I'll make it up to you. Love You, Mr Bradley xxxxxx' I replied. 'Love you too, Babe and I'm sure I can think of something you can do to make up for it ;) xxxx C U soon xxxx' I smiled and write a text. Hey guys, Meet me and Abi in Starbucks in 30 mins, Bring an overnight bag and be in the mood to PARTY. xx I sent the message to the girls and Matt and put the phone back in my pocket. 'Tom-Tom' I sang, He looked up but his face was cold. My face fell and I was suddenly very sad. It hurt my heart to see him upset and/or angry, and I pain, and it was my fault. 'We need to leave soon, Me and Abi need to meet some friends in Starbucks' I said, I looked up at a and smiled. 'who?' she asked. 'Ummm...Anna, Megan, Charlotte and Matty' I said. 'Coooooool!!!' 'PARTY TIME!!!' Aaron shouted and ran over to me, grabbing me by my waist and threw me over his shoulder, Liam did the same thing to Abi. As we walked out of the room, Liam bent down and with his free hand, picked up Abi's bag and walked out into the hallway and waited by the door. Aaron and I followed. I looked back to see Tom following me and Aaz but his eyes never left the floor. God, he was so sad. I knew I could make him happy again but I don't want to give him the wrong idea....well it would be the right idea but I don't want anything to happen between us. LIE!!!!. I screamed to myself. Ok...maybe I did but I couldn't do anything behind James back. We all left the house, once again, me and Tom sat together in the front, it was quite to sat the least. While Abi, Liam and Aaz all sat in the back together. Aaron stared out the window while Liam and Abi talked to each other. I smiled, Abi looked up at me and caught me staring. She smiled back before turning around again. I looked up at Tom but he had his fist resting on his left cheek while his arm rested on the open window frame of his door. He held the steering wheel with one hand but his grip on it was so tight that his knuckles had turned white. He looked straight ahead but I knew he knew I was looking at him. I looked away again as we continued our car ride into town to meet everyone.
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