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Brandon and I got to the SQ after the drive and since kepha wasn't home we decided to do a bit of catching up. He told me how Tom took them against their will and how he has been threatening Betty at gun point. Brandon felt like things were getting out of hand and after a talk with his mother, he decided to find a way to help because Tom had even decided that he was not going to leave the house again. Brandon also mentioned that Tom beats up better when she doesn't do what he wants and both their phones were taken so that they contact him. I asked if his mother was really sick but he said she wasn't. In the SQ we didn't have any utensils so I couldn't prepare a meal for him. I ordered pizza and some soda since we were now hungry and Angie wasn't even in the house. A few minutes later kepha walked in with this frustrated look on his face. She Brandon saw him he was so excited and kapha had to act like like all was good. Brandon hugged kepha and they sat and had a little chat as we waited for the delivery. Kepha having no children of his own loved mine like they were his own and many are the times we would come over and play PS with the boy... Angie and Jonathan got to his place so she got out and carried his bag and helped him to the house. She had him seat on the sofa and looked around to see if Liz was in the house but there was no one. Liz did not have a house help because of her insecurities. Angie told Jonathan he needed to eat something before having his medication so she left him in the living room having switched on the TV for him and went to the kitchen to fix him something. Jonathan called Liz to let her know he was home and she told him she was already done at the school but was passing by her sister's place because the sister had a surprise birthday party for her husband so Talia and her would be home a little late. She asked if he would be okay and he said yes and hanged up immediately.. After the call, he slowly got up and walked to the kitchen where Angie was. She was almost done preparing Something for him and was about to serve when he took the plate on her hand and put it on the counter then held her waist and pulled her close to him pinning her body against his. They stared each other deep in the eyes and when she attempted to look away he held her chin and had her look at him again then kissed her. She did not push him away but kissed him back then he lifted her and had her seat on the counter and kissed some more before she pulled off.. Angie: this is not right. Jonathan: it has never felt wrong. I have tried so hard to try and forget you and everything we had but I can't. I go crazy thinking about you, I go crazy imagining another man making love to my woman and I just can't take it anymore. Angie: and you think I can, after you came back with her I was so broken. I had waited for you to come back and love me just as much as I did but you threw away everything we had. Jonathan: and I regret that every single day of my life but now, I have made up my mind and this is me coming after the one person whose love keeps me alive... The pizza was delivered and kepha and i took a few pieces and left for the main house to discuss a few issues as we left Brandon in the SQ to eat then rest. I sat at the table as kepha got two glasses for the soda.. Me: what's that look on your face dude? He came with the glasses and sat opposite me. Kepha: I think Angie is playing me man. Me: come on man, you can't judge her based on something you are not even sure of. Kepha: i went to see the IT guy, Joe. Me: you got the location? Kepha: yes. And when I was just about to leave, I see Angie's photo on his table. Me: damn! Kepha: don't damn yet... The photo was given to him by Liz. Me: Jonathan's wife? Kepha: yes. She wants Joe to look into them because she thinks they are having a thing. I told Joe that was sick because Angie and Jonathan are siblings but what if they are not? Me: no no that is a crazy way of thinking. It can't be. Kepha: well i dont know but Angie is different. Me: she is your wife, seat down talk to her and know what the problem is.. that Liz woman is insane and you cannot base your argument on what she thinks. There was silence for a while then kepha took a bite on his piece of pizza. Kepha: I can see you manged to get the boy. Me: yeah. He told me alot of stuff. Tom is holding my wife against her will. He beats her up and threaten her with a gun. Kepha: in front of the kid? Me: yes, in front of the kid. Kepha: I hope you get your family back in one piece man. We will kill Tom and everything will go back to normal. Me: no, I don't even know what normal means anymore.... After the little chat we decided to go find Jeffery. I went back to the the SQ, and had a word with Brandon asking him not to leave tge house at any cost. I told him we were stepping out with Uncle kepha and we would be back later in the night. Angie finally managed to serve Jonathan his food and gave him his medication before helping him to the bedroom and having him rest. Just as she was about to leave he held on to her hand and she turned to face him. Jonathan: when am I seeing you again? Angie: I don't know really, i will be reporting back to work tomorrow. Jonathan: you do know if you don't come and see me I will find my way to you.. Angie: you can't do that, you are still on stitches and you need to get well before you start roaming around. Jonathan: I don't care about the stitches.. Angie: well i do.. Jonathan: then come see me tomorrow. Angie: tomorrow kepha and I have dinner at Caroline's. he already thinks im spending way too much time with you... He let go of her hand and she picked her bag, kissed him on the lips and left.. Jeffery called again and we did not pick his call because we thought he would recognize our voices so we ignored and a text came through a few minutes later... " I will be there in a few minute, I hope you are around." Kepha: Don't you think he has by now gotten suspicious on why we don't pick his call? Me: maybe but we can't screw up by picking his call, he will know the guy is compromised. "On my way. Will be there shortly" I responded as kepha stepped on the gas. We got to the site at ten minutes later which was exactly five minutes to eight pm. Kepha: do you see anyone? Me: no. The place is quiet. Let me check around. I got out of the car and walked a few steps then I saw a guy approaching. He did not have his uniform but I assumed he was the police. I wasn't afraid of him since i knew despite being the cop, he was alone and I could take him. Jeffery: who are you? He asked stepping even closer. Me: let's skip the part where you pretend you don't know who I am. Jeffery: right, I do know who you are.. Where is he? Me: Raf, well I killed him. Jeffrey reached for his gun and pointed it at me. Me: am not her for a fight. I just need your phone and all the back up evidence of me and my buddy handling some matters. Jeffery: you call killing people handling matters? Me: well, I need those back up. Jeffrey: you don't make demands with me tough guy. He gave some signal and some light flashed the area as three more guys approached and i stepped back. Jeffery: tell your guy to get out of the car. Kepha heard him and got out then was escorted to where I was standing by one of the guys.. Jeffery: search them and take their guns. Jeffery ordered and I the process of the search, a car came from nowhere in such a high speed then after an emergency break that got the car spinning, whoever was in started shooting at everyone crashing the party that had just become lit.... Kepha and I took cover behind our car as we prepared to fire shots. The guys who were with Jeffery has been shot as Jeffery ran and took cover behind his car.. Kepha: who are those and how did they know we were going to be here? Me: I have no idea but we need to get rid of them. Glass shattered over our heads and we moved in checking around but we could not get a clear view of who was shooting since they were still in the car.. Tom walked into Betty's room furious and grabbed her by her hair pulling her to the ground. He was so angry after finding out Brandon had escaped and he knew the one person that had put an idea into his head was Betty. Tom: where did he go? Betty: I don't know. He lifted her off the floor and slapped her so hard that she fell on the bed and he got her up again and held her face to his squeezing her chin as he asked her where Brandon was and the same answer got her another slap. Tom: you don't know what you have done. He grabbed her by the hair and dragged her out of the house. Tom: get my car and get a shovel as well. He said to one of his guys who did exactly as he said. By then he had his gun to Bettys head ready to kill her. Betty: Tom please, am sorry.. Tom: not as sorry as he is going to be when he has to exchange your body for my son. Get on your knees He commanded and she did just as he had asked. Tom called Henry and when Henry saw his me on the screen he answered. Henry: what do you want? Even before he could say a word he heard the gunshots. Tom: what is happening there? Henry: if these are your guys call the off. Tom: what guys, are you under attack, it's funny because I thought you would come to your wife's rescue. Henry: what have you done to her? Tom: nothing yet, but I was hoping I would give you her body for burial in exchage of my son.. you have have thirty minutes to get to the location am sending on your phone and if you fail to show up, i will kill and bury her myself and you will still bring my son anyway because failure to that, Angie... Your friends wife right? She will be next.... Ndege hang up and whatever he said got to me. I had already gotten kepha involved in all this and the last thing I wanted was to have his wife dragged in the mess, I asked kepha to cover me as I found my way to where the Jeffery guy was and he did. He dropped one of the guys were were shooting at us and when the other one saw that he was left alone he sped off. I got to where Jeffery was hiding and put the gun to his head without even him noticing i was behind him and he raised his hands as a sign of surrender. Me: give me your phone I said pushing him to the centre where the rest of his team had died. Jeffery: don't kill an officer, you will regret it. Me: no, I don't regret anything, the only thing people will wonder is why an officer's body is in civilian next to a gang of bad boys. Jeffrey: fine I will give you what you want but if you let me go i will give you something even better. Me: am listening. Jeffery: the person who shot Jonathan. He wanted to kill his wife too. Me: why? Jeffery: because she saw him and she knows him. He is a gang member and if you kill me, they will go after her. Kepha came closer, grabbed his neck and started squeezing it. Kepha: who is he? Jeffery: you need to guarantee my safety first. Kepha let go and stepped back. I looked at Jeffrey and saw the fear in his eyes but shot him anyway, something that made kepha so upset. Kepha: what did you do that for? He asked pushing me aside and holding the police's collar hoping he would talk before he dropped dead but it was too late..kepha got up furious and walked past me. Me: what's your problem dude? Kepha: dude? That guy knew something that would put my wife's life in danger and your selfishness couldn't let you allow him to walk free just to save my wife's life. Me: let him walk free, are you in sane? That is a cop we ambushed man and letting him walk free would set a whole bunch of the police force behind us. What if he was saying that to save hos ass? Kepha: he couldn't have been specific about the names. If something happens to my wife, you will be responsible for it. Me: so what, now its my fault, i did not know why you are mad at me, i did what had to be done. Kepha: that's the problem with you, you don't think... You just act and maybe if you did, Aliyah would still be here and your wife wouldn't be held hostage. Kepha mentioning my dead kid got me worked up and I went at him with a blow that got us exchanging a few blow. I swept his feet and he landed down then I pinned him down and he gave me another blow and rolled over before holding his gun to my face as he got up. He stared at he for a while then walked away, got in his car and drove off without me. I got up and watched him drive off before I erased all the data on Jeffrey's phone and threw it on the ground and shot at it scattering it into pieces before I walked down the road and got a bike heading to the location Tom had given me alone.. Tom had driven Betty to some place that seemed abandoned as it had one old house standing alone in a bushy area. He had his guys get Betty out of the car and dragged her along following Tom carrying the shovel with them. When they got to the perfect place to do their job, Tom asked his guys to dig a grave and they got to work. Betty was so scared or of her mind that she couldn't stop pleading for her life but Tom wouldn't listen. He threw her to the ground and stood there smoking with a gun in his hand. Tom: you know I loved you right? He asked taking a puff of his cigar and letting out the smoke on her face. Tom: you promised to leave him for me and having me build this house from your mother, I bought you a car and gave you everything but you still chose him... Why? Betty did not answer but she couldn't stop pleading as tears rolled down her face. Tom: how do you think it made me feel when you slept with me, made me have a good time and make me believe that I was in love then you shattered my heart to pieces. You hurt me in a way that I have never been hurt before. Because of you, I built an empire so that if it was about money and material things, you wouldn't have a reason to complain I loved you better but what did you do with that love? He asked grabbing her hair and looking her in the face then pushed her again. Tom: despite the effort, you made me feel like i was not man enough. I even went to an extent of getting you pregnant so that he would throw you out but you women are so manipulative... But you know what, it all ends here today. All the the lies, the love, the heartbreak, the pain you caused me, it will all get buried with you today then I will forget that i ever loved. When you choose him, i dedicated my self to making his life miserable just so that he could pay for your mistakes. I wanted him to feel all the pain I felt when you did all that to me because he is the reason why I couldn't have you to myself. Betty: please don't kill me, I swear by my mother's grave that I will do everything you want but please don't kill me. Tom: no, it's a little too late for that my love....are you done boys? The guys assured him that the grave was done so he lifted her up and held her face to his. He looked deep into her teary eyes then kissed her before pushing her off and shooting her twice in the chest and watched her drop of the ground just next to the grave. He threw his cigaratte down and asked the boys to leave her like that. One of the guys asked if they were not going to burry her and he told them someone needed to say goodbye and do the burying so got in the cars and they left. I was right in time to find see the vehicles leaves so I thought that whatever it is that Tom did to Betty, I could save before it got out of hand. I rushed towards the area they had come from and when I got there, it was a bit dark and couldn't see much so I lit the flashlight from my phone and when i checked around I saw Betty lying in a pool of blood... I dived down on the ground and held her in my arm trying to see if there were any signs of her breathing but there was none... "No, no no Betty you can't do this to us" I shouted feeling her pulse but there was no sign of life in her. I held her close to my chest and cried in pain. Despite her messing up, something that we never got to talk about and I have no truth to it but she was my wife, my lover, my best friend, betty was my team mate, the mother of two two beautiful babies and I loved her. What was i going to tell the world, what was I going to explain her death to her friends, what was i going to tell my son. How was I to go back and face him telling him that his mother was dead while he fought so hard to save her life fron the hands of that beast. Betty and I never had a shaky marriage to a appoint of one wanting to walk out of it. We had problems yes and we worked it out and despite all that, she was the woman who chose me despite everyone else thinking I was a lost cause. She fought for me and defended me before her family that she was disowned by her father for marrying a man who did not seem to have his life together. I was a total wreck when Betty met me but she made me the man I am today. Seeing Betty life that hurt me so bad and it hurt me that she didn't wait for me to her there and atleast say goodbye. What was in this life for me anymore, what reason did I have for living when everything I had was taken from me, first it was my beautiful daughter and now, my wife is no more and let's not talk about a son that was not mine to begin with. The bike guy realized I had taken so long so he left because it was really late in the night a he was not sure of ot was even safe to be in that place at that time of the night. I took Betty and placed her inside the grave then hurried her eith the shovel Tom's guys had left behind.I couldn't hold back tears when I did that as a few memories of the times we shared together came flashing by. Betty's fight was that I get to prove to the word that i was not what they all thought I was and I tried to make her proud I all ways i could. I buried her then after that I felt a while bunch of things...pain, confusion, heartbreak everything all at once. If I had only gotten there five minutes earlier, my baby wouldn't have died. I would have saved her and Brandon would have gotten to see his mother again. I walked down the road and got a cab that I didn't want to take me to kephas place because of the fight that we had had so I ended up in a pub so that I could drink myself to death. I used to drink alcohol but stopped when I became a family man. I wanted to be a good example to my children. I had a few rounds and stayed in the pub till I was dead drunk. My world was spinning and I think I saw three guys who looked exactly alike telling me that they time was up and that they were closing, or maybe it was one person.. i don't know and I didnt even know where I was headed to when I left thst pub.... Kepha got home and he wasn't his usual self. He found Angie preparing the table and he said hi then went straight to his room. Angie felt like it was quite unusual for him to be so casual with her so she followed him upstairs and found him seated on the bed holding his chin staring at the mirror. Angie: is everything okay? She asked getting in and walking up to him. He looked at her but didn't say a word. He instead got up and started unbuttoning his shirt. Angie: baby are you..... Kepha: am fine Angie. He interrupted even before she could finish then found his way ti the bathroom and washed his head then came back wiping his head with a towel. Angie was still there watching him trying to figure out what was really wrong with him. Angie: food is ready. Let's go down and eat. Kepha: I'm not hungry thanks. Angie: what is going on with you? He got out of the room, went down stairs and searved a plate and took some bottles water and left with the food to the SQ. Knocked and Brandon opened the door. Kepha: hey champ, Brandon: hey Uncle keph... Kepha: I brought you some food, aee you hungry? Brandon: yes. I'm hungry. He got in and put the plate and water on the little table beside the bed then sat on the bed as Brandon ate while they did a bit of catching up. Brandon: where is my dad Uncle keph? Kepha: he went to take care of a few things but he will be back, you feel free here and if you need anything just ask okay? Brandon: thank you. After making sure Brandon was sorted firvtge night, he wished him a good night and went back to the house and found Angie at the table eating alone... None of them said a word to the other as kepha went to the room and slept.. When Tom left the scene where he had killed Betty, he went to sabina's house the first thing having called a meeting for all the guys he had assigned to her on her mission of getting rid of Henry whom she had failed to kill twice. Tom got in and everyone was already there waiting in the living room. Tom: thank you for coming, now am here for one reason. My brother's DNA was found in a house that recently blew up in greenlands estate meaning he was not killed in the fire at his place. Sabina, you had been working for my brother meaning you knew he did not due in that fire, why didn't i have that information? Her eyes grew wide as she no response to that, she did not even think Tom would one day come to find out. Tom: what happened that night? Sabina: Henry saved both our lives Tom: and? Sabina: Peterson didn't want anyone to know he was alive. Tom: why have I been paying you huge sum of money? Sabina: to work for you and give you all the information. Tom: did you? Sabina: no sir, I thought.... Tom: you thought nothing. He shot her in the head and the guy who was sitting next to her quickly got up. Tom turned to the guy who had stood up and pointed his gun at him. Tom: were you aware that ondieki was still alive? Him: no sir, Tom: did you care to tell me that Sabina was deviating from her duties? He shook his head and just like that he got a bullet to his head. He shot one other and after clearing sabina's team he left with his guys... I on the other hand walked for a while and since i had no where to go and didn't feel like living anymore, I lay down in the middle of the road with my legs and hands wide apart waiting for a speeding car to come and finish this job. I was tired and maybe a good and peaceful life easy mean for me.... Maybe this is where it all got to end because even if I would live for my son, Tom would definitely take Brandon and I would end up alone and miserable.....
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