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Kepha sat there lost in thoughts as I spread the bed and when I was done, I sat on the bed and leaned my back on the pillow and Kepha stood by the door with his arms crossed to his chest. he looked at me for a moment the scratched his head like something was bothering him. i knew Kepha too well to know when anything wasn't adding up for him. Me: what's going on in that head? my question brought him back to the room and he took a deep breath and held to his waist with his eyes straight on me Kepha: how do I know when a woman is pregnant? I looked up at him quite surprised that he'd actually ask me that, not that it was a stupid question but it was just funny.. Me: how do you know when a woman is pregnant, are you kidding me? Kepha: no bro am serious. You have had the experience more than once. me: don't tell me that you played an away match. bro! kepha: that's not it, you know i would never cheat on my wife.. do you know if a woman is pregnant?.. Me: did you loose your memory after Sabina said Brandon isn't my son, Why would you ask that if you didn't play an away match?.. Kepha: Earlier when I walked in on Angie she was holding her tummy and wondering if she was pregnant. i heard her loud and clear.. Me: is she? Kepha: I don't know, she hasn't told me but it can't be. Me: why, you are not ready for a kid? Kepha: no that's not it. Angie cannot be pregnant because am not capable of giving her a child. I can't make her pregnant. That came in as a shock to me, I mean I had known kepha long enough but he never told me about that, yeah I guess we men don't know what it means to be close at all. Wow! Me: does she know that? Kepha: no, but I do. We had been trying to get a child and after several tests the doctor told me about my condition but I told him not to tell Angie yet, I needed to find the right time to do it but do you know what it means if she could be pregnant? I looked at him not wanting to believe what I was thinking. I talked kepha into believing what he heard was wrong and maybe Angie just wanted a baby so bad that she couldn't stop imagining how it would be if she actually was pregnant. "Just talk to her and confirm instead of making assumptions" I advised and after talking for a while Angie came to get us to go have dinner....and it just felt awkward watching the two of them not talk. Angie was one very jovial person but now she was just different. When Liz left Mercy's office, she was not satisfied with Mercy's advice so she called some guy who was good at these under cover jobs, you know stuff like doing background checks and finding out information about people. The guy went by the name Joe and mercy knew him through a friend. Joe had agreed to meet up with Liz since he was still in town. Half an hour later they met at one of the parking lots in town so Joe got out of his car and joined Liz in hers.. Liz: hey you, long time. She said in a flirting voice.. Joe: yeah, it's been a moment. You look good girl. Liz: thank you. You are not so bad yourself. Joe: talk to me, what's bothering you. Liz: I need you to do a background check on this woman and get me everything on her. She said handing Joe an envelope that had Angie's photo and details on it. Joe: is someone cheating on someone? Liz: I don't know if I'm being paranoid but I feel like it. My husband and this woman claims to be siblings but I feeling like there is more to it. there's a part of me that just doesn't want to settle. i trust Jonathan but this is just too much. Joe: then I will need your husband's details too. Liz got out her purse and took out Jonathan's passport and handed it to him. Liz: he is still in the hospital but I know he will be discharged soon. Joe: don't worry, this is going to be easy. I will hack into one of their phones and you will know everything you need to know. Liz: I will appreciate that. How much will that cost me? Joe: nothing. I will do it for you free of charge. You don't charge someone you have a crush on. Liz: Joe I told you am married. Joe: yeah I remember that, and I see just how perfectly the marriage is working for you. Anyway, that aside I will need like 3weeks to one month to get you these information. Liz: okay. Thank you. I will be in touch. Joe excused himself and got out of the car and watched Liz drive off before he got in his and left.... Caroline got to her place and found Melvin in the kitchen making dinner just as he had promised. Melvin and Caroline lived a part but Melvin slept over most of the time. Melvin besides being a gangster was a good cook and that night seemed to be special because he rarely did. Melvin: hi beautiful, Caroline: hi. She said getting in and leaning on the kitchen counter. Melvin lifted her up, had her sit on the counter then kissed her. He looked deep into her eyes then left her gazing at him as he got back to his cooking. Melvin: how was your day? Caroline: it was okay, I got bored at the salon so i decided to visit Angie. We needed some girl talk. Melvin: that's good, how is she doing? Caroline: she is good. Baby what are you doing on Friday evening? Melvin: pretty much nothing, the work load has reduced so I will be all yours. Caroline: good, because I invited Angie and her husband over for dinner. Melvin turned and looked at her trying to hide the shock on his face. Melvin: you invited them for dinner, they will be coming here? Caroline: yes, will that be a problem for you? Melvin: uuumh, no. Am cool with it. Caroline could tell that Melvin wasn't so exited about the dinner thing but she really needed something like a couple therapy and she felt like him seeing the relationship between Angie and her husband would give him an idea of how a relationship is supposed to be... Angie served us food then left us at the table after complaining that she didn't have a appetite and because it had also been so awkward at the table having dinner with two of them not talking I was somehow glad that she had left.. Me: bro I hope it's not really a problem that am staying here, I can look for a place tomorrow. Kepha: relax man, whatever is going on with Angie has nothing to do with you. We talked about life and stuff, my plans after finishing up with Tom and as we were taking a text came through Peterson's phone. " The news of explosion at your place is all over the news, where are you and are we still on for tonight?" I showed kepha the text and took the phone from me. " Not tonight, after the explosion we moved. Lay low, i will tell you when to strike." Kepha responded. "You will not regret this. You will have your life back." Another text came through. "I know, I trust you with my life." Kepha gave me back the phone and I smiled. Me: nice move. We make her think Peterson is still alive then we plant the bait. Kepha: and wipe out the entire team at once. How do you think she is handling fooling both of the brothers. Me: she has to be loyal to one, i just don't know who because nothing that comes out of her mouth is true. But it doesn't matter anyway. Kepha: what about Jeffery, do you think he knows his contact guy is dead by now? Me: we have his phone. He could have called by now. We need a good strategy with him. He is a cop remember? Kepha: yeah and we need to take him out quietly without leaving any traces that would come to bite us in the the ass. Me: yes, especially the fact that the photos he was sent could put us behind bars without the lawyers debating about it in court. Kepha: and because of the photos I think he should be a priority. We handle him first then the rest after. I think that by now I was certain that kepha and I made a good team, i mean together we always came up with the perfect plans. The fact that Jeffery had incriminating photos of us meant he could share it with anyone and that would get the police after us so we needed to find him, get that phone and get rid of him. The rest of the people who we were after could wait since all of them were criminals running away from something and killing the police who knew too much would do all of us justice. Me: When am done with all these, I think I will leave town for a long while. Kepha: I wish I could do the same but I have a business and so much going on here, maybe a small vacation then come back.. When we were done with our talk I left for the SQ as kepha went to sleep.. Caroline had gotten her massage after dinner but even in all that, she felt like something was missing and she felt like she did not know Melvin that well and maybe that's why in close to one year their relationship was just stagnant.. Caroline: babe we need to talk about something, can I ask you a question? Melvin: can't it wait till morning, am really sleepy. Caroline: no it cannot. Everytime I try to talk to you about something important you always have an excuse. Melvin turned and looked at her briefly before going back to his original position. He was facing the other side. Melvin: fine, ask. He finally gave his consent but half willingly and when Caroline heard the tone in his voice, she faced the other side of the wall and covered her self and slept... TWO DAYS LATER..... Angie woke up as usual and prepared breakfast and cleaned the house before she could leave for the hospital as Jonathan had texted and told her he was going to be discharged that day and requested if she could help drive him home as his wife said she had a parents meeting at Talia's school and since the incident, Angie had been driving Jonathan's car. After she was done with everything she had to do she took a shower and when she was dressing kepha woke up and went to the washroom before coming back and seating on the bed staring at her.. Angie noticed kepha stare and in her mind she thought he had noticed she was pregnant so she turned her back to him when she was dressing up. Kepha: baby are you still upset with me over that issue? Angie: no, am over it. Kepha: it doesn't seem like it, you don't talk to me like you always have. Angie: what do you expect me to do when you have chosen the same life i spent years trying to get you out of? Kepha: you don't know that for sure. Angie: then why is he back into your life, don't you ever learn from the past? Kepha: you know Henry is the only friend i have, with him it's business and he can't take your place in my life. You are my wife Angie and I love you above anything else. Angie: I have never doubted that but I didn't like the man you were when you did those type of businesses with Henry. Kepha: it's not like that anymore, why would i go robbing people when am a millionaire with a company running? Angie: I don't know, anyway the breakfast is ready and am off.. Kepha: to work? Angie: no. Jonathan is getting discharged today. He wants me to take him home as Liz will be held up somewhere. Kepha: okay, tell him i will drop by his place to check on him... Kepha left the room and went to the dining table after getting a text from Henry whom he asked to join him for breakfast. When Angie was done in her room she came down the stairs and i walked in right in time to hear her ask if I was coming for breakfast. Me: am here Angie, thanks. Angie: you slept well? Me: yes, thank you for the hospitality. Angie: am sorry about your daughter. I was to come for her burial with kepha but I got arrested and my brother got shot too so it was a rather crazy day. Me: I understand. I'm sorry about your brother and am glad he responded well to the surgery. She smiled as she nodded then picked the car keys and left. I sat next to kepha at the table and served some tea in my cup. Me: morning bro Kepha: morning. I handed Rafs phone over as Jeffrey had called twice and left a message. "I have a job for you, let's link up at the usual place at around 8:00pm" Kepha: so where the hell is the usual place? Me: that's the only thing I can't figure out. I have been going through those chats but there is nothing on the usual place. Kepha: we are screwed. If we don't show up, he will know he has been compromised and it won't end well for us. Me: there is an alternative.. Kepha: which is. Me: we make a fake call and the police will send a team. We identify him and take him out. Kepha: that means we start a war with the police. They will out number us. I know you and I are unstoppable but starting war with the police will light a fire on our asses that we won't be able to out out. Me: then that leaves us with just one option. Kepha: am listening... Me: your IT guy, what's is his name again? Kepha: Joe? Me: yes, Joe can help us hack into the phone and get us all the call transmitions between the two then we will definitely get where the place is before sundown. Krpha: thats an awesome idea. Fine we will pay Joe a visit I have to give him a call first. It's been a while since we spoke and I don't even know where he is located nowadays. Me: cool by me. That means we will not visit Jeffery's girl at the coffee shop right? Kepha: if we get the location, we keep off her. Me: what if the usual place is the coffee shop. Raf told us that's where they met the first day right? Kepha: but do you think he would conduct shady businesses where his girl works? Me: doesn't make sense unless she is in the know about his shady deals. That leaves us with Joe. Get on it as I do a few stuff at the SQ. BRANDONS SCHOOL. After Betty talking to Tom and requesting him to allow Brandon to go to school and collect all his books for the home schooling purposes, he agreed but decided to assign him a driver who would drive him and bring him back. Tom was afraid that Henry would still be waiting for Brandon at the school to take him with him. When Brandon got to school he knew he had no time so at his age he had to think of a way of saving both him and his mum. He walked right up to Mrs. Dominic and ask if he could talk to her and his approach made her stop marking the books and look at him. Brandon: can you call my real dad to come over please? Mrs. Dominic: yes Brandon but only if there is a problem I can't handle. Brandon: my mum is very sick at home. Where my other dad and us live. My other dad travelled and I don't know who else to ask for help. Mrs Dominic. But your mum should have called your real dad from her phone. Brandon: he phone dropped in water as she was doing laundry last week. Please call my dad. He will take her to hospital. Mrs. Dominic: okay. I will call your dad. You are a very brave and sharp boy Brandon. Brandon: thank you Mrs. Dominic. The teacher called me at around 10:00 and asked me to go to school immediately. "I think there is a problem with Brandon. I told kepha as I locked the door to the SQ. Kepha: that means I will see Joe alone. Alright then, finish up at the school the holla at me. Kepha and i parted ways as he took a cab while I drove his car. I had planned to bring Brandon with me and I needed a get away car, something i couldn't do with a cab lest Tom found away of tracing us back to kephas place. That would be a disaster. I got to the school thirty minutes later and went straight to Brandon's classroom and Mrs. Dominic chose to speak with me from outside. She told me what Brandon had told him and also told me about Brandon's drastic drop of performance in class. I knew where the problem was but I couldn't tell her that much. I told her Brandon had difficulties adjusting after his sister died and we were all still trying to come into terms. "He will catch up" I assured her as she allowed us to leave together. We walked a few classrooms off then Brandon pulled me to a corner.. Brandon: dad, we can't use the main gate.. Me: why not? Brandon: because the driver is waiting for me by the gate. Me: it's okay son, i can handle the driver Brandon: no. He has a gun. I remembered that Brandon had no idea of what I did with my time when I wasn't at home as dad to both her and Aliyah. He didn't even know I had a gun myself. Me: okay, is there another way out? Brandon: there is that gate. It leads to the other side of the road. Me: okay let's go and talk ti the watchman to let you out then I will use the main gate to get the car then meet you at the road side okay? Brandon: okay. Me: be careful by the roadside okay? He nodded then I took him to the gate, spoke to the watchman and he let him out. I went back through the main gate and even though Tom's driver saw me, he was not alarmed because I had walked out alone. I got into my car, picked Brandon by the road and we left. I couldn't believe how brilliant Brandon's plan was.... ONE HOUR LATER JOE'S TECH. Kepha had reached out to Joe and he told him where to find him so because there was no traffic, kepha got there in less than an hour. He found Joe and another of his IT guys who stepped out and left the two of them. Joe and kepha talked and were caught up in the past as they discussed alot of things while Joe worked on whatever had taken kepha there. Joe: whose phone is this man, these conversations! Kepha: it's for some guy who has been tailing me. I need to know who the other guy in question is and where their meeting point is. you can hack that right?.. Joe: you are back in business? Kepha: no, I just want to get them arrested after getting proof that they are indeed after me. I can't get back in business, not after everything that happened. Joe: but why would they be after all if you are not back in business. Kepha: am a business man buddy, alot of guys might want to come at me for the wrong reasons.i can't sit and wait for an attack, the only way i have survived till now is being a step ahead. Joe: you have a point. This is the meeting point. He said giving kepha the headphones to listen into the conversation. Kepha: nice..... How did you do this? Joe: I hacked into the communication system. Kepha reached for his pocket and took out five thousand shillings and handed it over to Joe who too picked his tablet which was on top of Angie's picture to respond to some message when kepha saw the photo and moved closer picking it up and staring at it then back at Joe......he seemed very shocked but why wouldn't he be. That was his own wife's picture... What was Joe upto? Joe looked at kepha and he place the photo on top of the envelope where he had taken it from.. Kepha: you know Angie? Joe: not really, one of my client asked me to dig some info about her. Kepha: what kind of info? Joe: you know women, she just wants to know if there is a relationship between her and her husband, why? You know her? he stopped whatever he was doing and concentrated on him for a second. Kepha took a seat right where he was seated before finishing up with Joe. Kepha: yes I know her, who is the man in question and who is the woman who asked you to do this?.. Joe took out the passport photo and handed it over to kepha. he looked at the photo and looked back at him obviously surprised at what he had seen. Kepha: this is the man she is supposedly having a relationship with? Joe: yes. So how do you know her? Kepha: she is my wife and this guy is her brother. Whose mind could be this twisted, how can they even be... Joe: what the hell are you saying, your wife? Kepha: who asked you to do this job Liz? Joe: yes but you have to keep it quiet man, if Angie is your wife and this guy is her brother then there's no need to look into anything. Kepha: no no, you do your job. Follow Angie and let me know if there is any other man in the picture because this is her brother as far as i know it. I will add something on top of what Liz paid. I will keep it quiet... Kepha got up and left Joe there wondering why he wanted Angie followed though he never gave out details for his reason... Angie had picked up Jonathan from the hospital and they were headed home when Jonathan asked Angie to stop by a supermarket and get him a few things which she did as she left him the car because he was not stable enough to walk around. A few minutes later, Angie came back but Jonathan asked her not to start the car first. Angie: are you okay? He held out his hand to her and she took it and he rubbed it gently with his index finger. Jonathan: I don't know what I would do without you. Is it bad for the heart to want what it wants? She pulled out her hand from his. Angie: we can't go there biggie, things are way complicated now, we are both married now. Jonathan: that doesn't stop me from loving you and it doesn't stop me from wishing you are the one I got to settle down with. Angie: and whose fault is it that we are not together? Jonathan: baby I know it's my fault, I screwed up but even after all that I can't imagine him with you. You are mine Angie. Angie: I don't think we should see each other anymore. it will only hurt us more and at the end of it all, you can't leave her for me and neither can i leave Kepha. he has been so good to me. Jonathan: no you cannot do that to me, don't say that. you are the only thing keeping me sane right now. Angie I love you. Angie: and where is that love taking us? Jonathan didn't give an answer to that but leaned back on the seat as Angie started the car again.. Jonathan: wait.. he held her hand and she turned to look at him.. Jonathan: i didn't just move on from you. like you think i did. i waited for you to come back but you didn't. Angie: so this is my fault?.. Jonathan: no. I'm just saying, that night after i stormed out of that party i sat in the car waiting for you and you went home with him. it made me just believe that everything that was being said about both of you was true. Angie: you took off, was i supposed to walk myself home in the middle of the dark, Dave offered to take me and that's all it was. Jonathan: you never bothered to talk to me after that. i caller but you would not pick. i tried to stay away for day then when i came to your home to beg you to get back with me you had left. i left a letter behind and i waited for you to get in touch but you never did.. she didn't say anything to whatever he had said. she leaned back on the car and took a deep breath... Jonathan: i don't care what our past was, we have been doing a good job keeping this from everyone and all i know is that i love you.. i love you Angie and im willing to fight for us. I can't loose you again..
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