23. It’s a date

1758 Words

*A year and a half later*   Clair   I was training with Tor. He came to the Royal Pack even more often than before, and he helped me train every time. We had been training for eighteen months and I was improving slowly but consistently. I had improved and became much faster and able to defend myself.  At least when I was focusing on it. “Come on, Clair. You can dodge my movements better than that, use your size in your favor. You won’t reach your wolf this way,” he said before his fist touched my belly. It didn’t hurt, he never put any power in his blows when we were fighting, he didn’t want to harm me.   “I’m trying!” I said between gasps.  I was exhausted, I trained every day from 5 until 8:30 am, just like the enforcers and the ranked wolves did. After training, I normally showe

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