Chapter Nineteen - River

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Aramis Bronx Davina "In two days?! Some of us aren't recovering yet! Why didn't they wait until a few weeks?!" I complained, so they all just agreed with me before sighing. Noleen and some of our wagon mates back at the famine survival are currently in the infirmary of this castle being healed by some witch or whatever they call their doctors here before. "We don't have any other choice, this is a challenge and survival of the fittest," Loane gripped her hands before looking at me intently, "Just like you, that's what I'm thinking about right now, but what can we do?" she added, which made me lower my head before agreeing with her. "There's nothing we can do, but look out for ourselves," Thalia added, which made me grip my hands. I feel so helpless hearing those negative words from them, but they're not wrong. This challenge we're invited to is a murder game, and I have to be tough in order not to get killed first. We shouldn't have this kind of challenge in the first place, this Devil King should've just chosen someone who he finds attractive like a normal person and not kill every maiden in this Kingdom! "Where and what's the next challenge is going to be?" I curiously asked, so Loane took my map from my bag and pointed her finger at North. "We are going to have a lake race here," she informed me, so I examined that lake and it's enormous as hell. "It's not just a lake is it?" I muttered to myself, which they clearly heard so they laughed before nodding at me. "A beast is living below and it's one of the ferocious beasts that might destroy the Devon Kingdom if left free," Loane explained, so I gulped. "What kind of beast is hiding in that lake? The lake is enormous, but there's nothing I could think of aside from small fishes, snails, turtles, and lilies," I mumbled because that's what lakes look like back in my past life. "It's called the Lake Monster, no one actually saw it yet, but it was said to be really huge and dangerous," Loane continued explaining, so I got worried for a moment. Nothing about these challenges is going to be nice, just how brutal the King can be? "Well let's worry about that tomorrow, it's late and I should be going now to my room, I'm just glad that you're safe Aramis," Thalia smiled before standing up, which made us reflect with her. "Thank you, Thalia, you rest well too okay?" she nodded at my response before bidding us goodbye. Loane, Dahlia told me that we should rest now because we have a big day tomorrow. I wonder if they'll train us in the sea or something. But unfortunately from the map, there's no such thing as a sea here aside from that dangerous-looking forest. The next challenge is going to happen in the North with that suspicious lake and beast hiding beneath it, the lake is enormous so I know for sure that it's probably hiding something more huge below. I just shook my head and decided to rest for tonight, I have to regain all of the excessive use of strength that I lost from that encounter and that survival. *** The next day came by and we all woke up early and took a bath in the sprinklers, I slipped into my clean warrior clothes before going out of our room. "Oh hey, Aramis! Let's go grab some breakfast!" Thalia called and she's already with Dahlia and Loane who's busy fixing their leather belts. "Yeah, sure let's go," I smiled and we four trotted towards the hallways to enter the breakfast hall. This is the only thing I could thank the Devon Kingdom for, they're not letting us starve though some of the servings weren't as abundant before famine survival, it's enough to make our stomach full. We happily ate our breakfast and rest for a moment before deciding to rest and visit some of our wagon mates at the infirmary. I'm slightly glad to see that they're doing well but they only have a day or two to rest before the challenge and they can't even train for that day and it's making me worry. These people aren't really that close to me, but why do I worry about every single woman here so much? "Aramis! Let's head back! Training will start in a while," Dahlia called, so I nodded and went to hug and bid our wagon mates goodbye. "Oh by the way guys! Do you want to wash your dirty clothes at the river of this castle?" Thalia asked, so my eyes widened at her statement. "T-There's a river here?! Inside the palace?!" I exclaimed, so Thalia laughed at my reaction. Is that for real?! "It's not specifically located inside the palace, but around here near the gardens, it streams towards here and all around the Kingdom even near the peasant's rivers," she giggled, which made me pout before nodding. A faint memory flashed before my eyes, letting me witness the old Aramis washing clothes with her mom on that peasant stream. "I think Aramis forgot that the King actually found that river for the people and made it stream through the forest before he built these mighty walls around us," Loane brought up, which made me look at her intently. "The King found that river...for the people?" I reluctantly asked, so they all just nodded at me as we trotted slowly in the hallways. "Yeah he did, and it was the time the people were having a hard time finding some water to drink or use, and yet," Loane paused before continuing. "He told us that in the map of the whole Devon Kingdom, there's a flowing river beneath us that can flow around our Kingdom and exit through the forest, which he did eventually find when they destroyed some grounds inside the palace," Loane explained. "Yeah, and they even risked going out to the forest despite the dangers of the beasts to check where the water will be streaming and then found another stream on the far end so that's where they directed the flow of water from the Kingdom," Thalia smiled like she missed those moments. "We don't know where it'll lead though, probably a sea or ocean according to some books I've read," Thalia explained, so my heart softened for a moment. I didn't know that the King did something like that for the Devon Kingdom, for me, that's one of the responsibilities most King's wouldn't have done. We continued talking until we entered the grounds, we immediately ran to our places when we saw Captain Herald currently giving some of his remarks. "I know that you ladies probably have heard, but I'll still announce it just to be clear," Captain Herald coughed before continuing, "The King already chose what the next challenge is and he chose that challenge to be in the North where the Devonian Lake is placed," he explained, so murmurs and rumors started rising in the air. "Silence warrioress!" Captain Herald scolded, so all those rumors piped down as we stared at him intently. So that lake is called Devonian Lake huh? Sounds like I'm studying science with different kinds of eras that I need to memorize during pop quizzes. "That lake isn't ordinary, as you all know a beast is living in that and no one has reached the other side of the lake without encountering any difficulties," Captain Herald explained, so I listened very carefully. "I want you all to train how to make your own raft or your small boat if you can," he ordered before whistling as some guards carried lots of different woods suitable for building. There are numerous cloths, large and small ropes, some bamboo for the rafts, nails, saw, and other familiar tools that will help us make some decent boats if we can. Now, this is going to be fun, I've been wanting to attend camps back there in my school, but I just remained staying in the house afraid that some kids might take advantage of my books and games I'll sneak in. "You expect us to make some boats? Are you in the right mind, Captain?" one of the nobles complained, so Captain glared at her position. "Did I stutter? I don't care what position you have around this Kingdom, but you're all here to reach three goals and that is to survive, be chosen, or win," he disclosed in a deep serious voice, so all of the ladies that's been complaining piped down. "Good, now if you don't have anything to say, you ladies must prepare for that next challenge, I'll be taking my leave," Captain Herald turned his back on us leaving with the other castle guards. "Alright, who wants to build boats together?" Thalia immediately jumped on our sides, so we grinned before running to grab some decent materials. "I'm going to build a triangle boat!" Dahlia proudly gloated as she took some measurements at her woods. "What? Is that even going to float?" Loane sounded disapproving about her idea, but Dahlia didn't mind her and grabbed some materials. "Fine, just don't go calling me when you drown," Loane coldly mumbled, so I just chuckled and decided to grab my own materials. I don't have any experience in making a boat before, I wonder if I should research first before making it? "On second thought, I'll rest for an hour before I'll start making," I stood up before brushing some dirt on my fitted trousers. Loane looked at me with worry, "You sure? Every second count, we only have a day or two for finishing these boats," she reminded me, so I just nodded. "Don't worry, I'll be back before noon," I smiled and bid them goodbye before running toward the spacious hallways. I went back to get my bag in the quarters and left to sneak into the Archives again, I have to be knowledgeable before making one. I don't want to take any chances. Since I've memorized some parts of the map, I cautiously walked and sprinted without making a sound. Luckily, no one was out at this hour in the hallways. After climbing the grand staircase, I turned hard right and saw the enormous hall with lots of it around it. I sprinted cautiously towards the center door and looked around before I decided to open the door and close it. "Phew, no one saw me back there that's the first time I--" "Oh? No one saw you? Maybe I should change my securities here then," I almost jumped after hearing that deep serious voice. I slowly turned around and saw the King who's sitting like a boss on his study table with lots of dusted books on his table. Why didn't I feel his presence?! My feet stepped back after he stood up and slowly paced towards my position, I gripped my hands before lifting my head high. "W-What do you want?" I firmly asked, I don't know why I'm acting tough right in front of this Devil King when I can feel my hands are sweating massively. I'm not going to be afraid of this guy! Most especially on how he badly rules and kills several women for his hand! "For starters, of course, I want you out of my Archives," he smiled before leaning in to whisper in my ear, I stepped away but it was too late. "But that would be a bother to you, wouldn't it? After all that you've been through or tried to avoid just to get here," he sneered before lifting his head back up again. He turned his back at me and I gestured to try and punch him and as if he knew that, he turned around so I hid my hands on my back, which made him smirk. "What are you doing here, bedridden warrioress?" he comfortably seated in his chair before looking at me again, "I should be kicking you out for not addressing me formally, and didn't you remember that I told you I'll do something to punish you once you came back here without my permission?" he brought up. My body froze remembering that he did say those words, I slowly looked at his eyes and saw that it's dancing with amusement. I glared at him before sighing, should I tell him? I badly need some research. "I-I have something I want to--"  I was cut off when someone knocked on the door behind me. To be continued...
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