Chapter Twenty - Chosen

2120 Words
Aramis Bronx Davina "Your Majesty, may I have a word with you?" A familiar voice was to be heard outside, so my eyes widened and were pacing back and forth to where I'll hide. On my peripheral view, I saw that the King was gesturing to me to come to his side and hide under the study table. "W-What? Why are you suddenly helping me?!" I whispered, so he just glared at me before dragging me underneath the study table. "O-Ouch! My freaking head! What was that for!" I complained, but he cupped my mouth using his big almost calloused hands. "Will you pipe down bedridden warrioress? If they found out that you're here, they might get the wrong idea," he warned, so I just sighed before nodding as he let go of my face. Right, of course, he wouldn't want a peasant warrioress like me being seen with him alone inside this room. That would be a scandal. "Your Majesty? Are you in there?" Romel asked, which made us both stop as the King coughed to compose himself. "Come in, Lord Calypso," my eyes widened after realizing that it was Romel who came to visit the King here. A faint sound of footsteps was to be heard approaching the study table, I tried so hard to suck in my breath. "Greetings Your Majesty, I hope I'm not interrupting something important," Romel politely greeted, which is the exact opposite of me. "Maybe you interrupted something, but let's shove that away, and let's get to what you're about to open up," I almost glared at his huge legs below, this King is really getting into my nerves. But, I still don't know why he helped me hide, this is unusual and very informal of him in my opinion. "I know this is sudden, but I want to talk about my chosen warrioress to be betrothed with, can I get her out before something dangerous is going to happen to her?" Romel asked, so my eyes widened. Cool! Romel already chosen a warrioress? That means one of us can have a chance to live without experiencing this danger. "May I know the name of your chosen maiden?" the King asked like he wanted to hear the name of the warrioress before giving his honest answer to him. "My apologies, it's Lady Aramis Bronx Davina, if you heard about her she's the bedridden warrioress everyone's talking about," I almost gasped after Romel said those words. He chose me?! But why?! All I did was disrespect him and do such embarrassing things right in front of that guy! "I see, I hope you'll understand but that maiden isn't someone I'll be willing to give to anyone until these challenges end," the King muttered in a deep serious voice like he had heard a piece of very dreaded news. W-What?! Why wouldn't he want to give me?! I would gladly get out of here if I have a chance! I was about to pinch this King's legs when Romel talked again. "Pardon me for asking, but why? I can pay for everything about her, I just want her to be safe," Romel firmly said, and he sounded desperate to get me. Thinking of the idea of being bought by someone somehow felt like I was a slave that's being sold by our masters. I wonder what those young girls and women felt if they have experienced being sold by their own loved ones for money? "I'd like to entertain the idea, but I myself have taken an interest with this warrioress," the King mumbled, which made my eyes widen, "And you know how I get wild with this kind of topic, am I wrong? Lord Calypso," the King sounded like he had already decided. "Plus, your fortune isn't enough to pay for her worth," the King said, which almost made me blush, does that mean I'm someone more worthy than those fortunes?  I just shook my head, I must be out of my mind taking some compliment by some Devil King who likes murder games. There was a long pause before I heard someone sighing, "I understand Your Majesty, but if I get her approval...can I take her out of this event?" not Lord Romel too calling this an event! This is not an event but a murder game!  "If that's what the bedridden warrioress wishes, but mind you that her price is something I need to look out for," I can feel the King smiling fakely from above, am I a psychic now? Jeez. "That's all I needed to hear, I'll be taking my leave now Your Majesty, thank you for allowing me to speak with you," after Romel said that, I heard footsteps receding on the Archives before I heard the door closing. I crawled out of my hiding spot before stretching some of my joints but stopped when I saw that the King had his eyebrows furrowed towards the door where Romel went out too. "You're not accepting his offer, bedridden warrioress," he suddenly declared, which made my eyes widened. "W-What?! Who are you to decide for me?" I taunted, but he stood up before glaring at me intently. He looks like he's in a bad mood, what's up with this guy? He's scaring me with that change of mood swings. "I'm the King, so you have to abide by my rules," he darkly whispered, before turning his back on me, which made me scoff. He's using his title now huh? "That's one chance for me not to be involved in this mess, how can I not grab it?" I raised my eyebrows at him, so he smirked. "Because you can't bring yourself to leave your warrioress mates here while they'll have a hard time surviving this quest," he brought up, which made me stop. Being taken away from here means I'll have to leave those girls be, and just watch on how they'll manage to survive or worse, die. I gripped my hands before glaring at him, "How could you say that to me when you're the one who started these stupid challenges in the first place!" I mumbled beneath my breath. "I'm the King, and it's my duty to find a Queen to continue my legacy," he blankly stated, which made me sigh. "Let's end this conversation here Your Majesty," I glared at him before walking toward the bookshelves, "I might end up saying things that might disrespect you," I whispered, before looking for some book about boats or crafts about it. The King on the other hand sat down on his study table before deciding to lock the main door, it looks like he doesn't want any interruptions at his deep thinking. After grabbing some books, I intentionally avoided his gaze and placed those books on the carpet and laid down while flipping those books and skimmed some pages. I want to focus on reading about some crafts and things I need to know about riding or making a boat, but the King's gaze is making me uncomfortable. "Do you know that it's rude to stare, Your Highness?" I finally met his gaze, he remained in his blank face. "Why are you here? You didn't answer that question a while ago because of the interruption," he politely asked, so my eyes widened. He sounded so calm like he's interested in hearing my explanation. Looks like we both wanted to forget what happened a while ago. "O-Oh, um you declared a challenge on the lake, and Captain Herald ordered us to train and make some boats," I sighed before closing the second book I opened, "Since I don't have much knowledge about making one, I decided to do some research," I proudly said, which made him nod. "I see, it's admirable to see you making an effort like that," he stood up before deciding to sit on the carpet just like what I'm doing. "U-Uh, are you okay sitting there?" I tilted my head quizzically at him, so he avoided my gaze while looking at some shelves. "This isn't what it looks like, I tend to do this when I have deep thoughts," he admitted casually, which made me laugh. "I would be rich if I have a camera here and snap this position of yours," I mischievously giggled, so he confusingly raised his right eyebrow. "Camera? I believe that's the first time I've ever heard about that word," he blurted out, which made my eyes widen. Shoot! I slipped something unknown to their world! I blinked my eyes before intentionally avoiding him. "N-Never mind me, I'll just read this book now," I bit my lip before excessively flipped some pages, I also secretly moved away from his side. "You always talk like you weren't born from this world," he remarked, which made me flinch before closing my eyes. I don't want this conversation right now! "W-Why are you still here? Aren't you the King? Don't you have any important things to do?" I tried to change the topic, but this feels like he wants to ask more further questions. "Even your aura feels so different from the people around this Kingdom that I have met," he stated before moving closer to grab my waist and forcing me to look at his hazelnut eyes.  I gasped for air when he pulled me close to his warm body. He's not minding even if his fancy outfit is getting creased. He slowly leaned and whispered in my ears."Where did you come from, Aramis Bronx Davina?" I was so surprised that all I could do was push him away and grab some books that I'll be needing to build a decent and sturdy boat. "D-Don't touch me again or I-I'll sue you to the police!" I ran towards the door and slammed it close behind my back. My breathing hitched after I swiftly ran around the hallways and found myself back into our quarters. "I-I should be careful around people like him from now on," I left some things in our room before deciding to go back and build some boats together with my friends here. After I came back, most of them already had a base that'll fit them when sailing on that enormous lake. Luckily, I also grabbed some books that might help me think about what kind of monster we'll face in the middle of that enormous lake. I wonder how deep that is? "Oh, you're back we're almost done with the base," Loane smiled, so I looked at their built bases and it was decent enough to carry them. "That looks sturdy enough to fit you," I complimented, so Loane just chuckled before deciding to help Thalia sew some sheets. "Aramis! Look at what I did!" Dahlia called, and she sounded like she's proud of something she's about to share. My eyes peered at her and saw a weird-looking boat, "Dahlia, is that your base?" I curiously asked because it really looked like a triangle like what she wanted. "It's my boat! What else?" she beamed, which made me sigh before giggling. "That looks nice, but we have to survive, so let me help you build one while I'm building mine," I smiled and invited her to grab some materials with me. My hands were about to grab that sturdy-looking wood when someone grabbed it at the same time as me. We both looked at each other with our eyebrows furrowed and saw this familiar-looking girl, I believe her name is Soriah Talina, the one who defeated the scorpion beast together with Kristina Rewey. "This is mine peasant," she glared at me, but I firmly grabbed it with a force that surprised her for a moment. "Your name is not on it, noble," I firmly stated, which made her scoff and grabbed it away from me as she struggled. "This is mine!" she argued while struggling, but I didn't faze. "Who said it was yours?!" I raised my eyebrows, which made her glared at me. "I said, this is mine or you'll regret this," she threatened, so I just laughed. That's a funny way to use a word. "What more can I regret? I already died once," I sniggered, which confused her for a moment. I took that chance to fully grab that wood away from her. I smirked before waving my hands goodbye, "Better luck next time, Soriah," I left with the bewildered Dahlia on my side, that's when I only realized that some of the warrioress was looking at us. Shoot! Did they hear my last statement? I really have to be careful about what I say to these people around me. To be continued...
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