Chapter Three - Strength

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Aramis Bronx Davina "Wait, wait," I used my hands to stop her from explaining further, "So, you mean to say that I accepted something this dangerous?" I asked, so she just nodded at me. "And I agreed to sacrifice my life just to be the wife of someone I don't know?!" I was bewildered, how can this woman that is me right now be so dumb? How can she accept that? My mother just nodded at me. "Precisely," she gave me an invitation and that old leather bag that they filled up with things a while ago as she handed me those warrior clothes that they got me probably from Melissa. "And you don't have any choice to my dear daughter, you were forced to accept that challenge and you have to do that or our family will be beheaded," my eyes widened at what she said. Beheaded?! Like off with our heads?! That's so cruel! What kind of kingdom is this?! I'll write a story about this someday! Screw them! My hands tapped at that old-looking invitation, it had a red rubber that was sealed with the mark of the King. I've read the letter and my head hurts like I remembered I've seen this letter before and I clearly despised it. The past soul from this body didn't like this, I can feel my heart aching and my blood boils inside after reading that letter again. "Greetings warrioress from Peasantians,  Be honored that you were chosen to be one of my candidates to battle for my hand and be Queen. It's a challenge where you'll be experiencing different obstacles to let us witness your expertise in surviving and will probably be facing your rivals for the last battle. I'm afraid that none of you can decline this invitation unless you're dead or have the power to go against me. The Calling will be the first time you'll be seeing me and the warrioress that was chosen all around the Devon Kingdom, this will happen exactly at midnight at castle training grounds.                                                                                                                                     King Samael Albion Huxley I Is this how Kings rule their Kingdoms before? This is so cruel, and he doesn't even give his people a choice just because he wants a Queen? How can you reply to this stupid invitation? I badly want to reply to this! "The King noticed your skills and he's still looking forward to seeing the warrioress that will battle for his hand, he wants to marry a strong woman suitable for being Queen," my mother explained. "He doesn't care where you come from or what race you're in as long as he sees you surpass those challenges, then you're eligible for it," she continued. "Our Kingdom is a place where great warriors are born, he's one of the strongest King we have ever had, and no one ever defeated him after he started ruling the Devon Kingdom," my mother sighed which made me "Wait, so in those battles, I really have to kill other women like or survive quests just so he could find his wife?" my mother nodded and it looked like she looked terrified of me when I laughed. "Fine, that's settled, I'll go there," My mother looks surprised at my sudden decision, so I stood up before walking towards my room changing into those training warrior clothes that they have provided me. I slipped into those tight trousers that matched my height, and wore those white loose long sleeves, tucking it inside those trousers before wrapping that black leather belt on my waist. My mom gave me some old combat boots, so I thanked her for that. "Dear, are you sure you're going there? It seems to me that you're unwell, you have not recalled most of your knowledge from the past months," she worriedly stated, so I just nodded at her. "I'll give that king a piece of my mind, who the hell does he think he is? Some God? He's just a King here," I breathed before stomping my feet on the flat ground, my mom let out a long mirror so I could see my reflection. My outfit was perfect for the meeting on the training grounds. I look fearless and damn beautiful in the way it shows my perfect curves and because of my long ash grey wavy hair and silver glinting eyes. I finally looked decent. I want to find out more about this place and since this is in medieval or probably in feudal times, those are just probably placed on the castle for nobles in the archives. I've read that once before in some educational books, peasants like us are not allowed to read unless we have the fortune to offer.  Cruel, but that's how the real Kingdom works. I also want to know why I was sent here after my death, do I have a mission or something? Do I have powers here? I was hoping this is some kind of game where I can see some weird shining square holograms before my eyes that serve as my guide on this quest but well there's nothing, but I'm still not sure so it sucks to be me. I have to go to the castle as soon as possible. "She's dressed," my father chimed in while my mother was watching me comb my hair, "Are you really going there, our daughter? If you're unwell we can all just accept the punishment," he said, that surprised me for a moment. My heart ached, telling me how much I love and care for these two people, so I just smiled before walking towards them to give them a tight hug. "I'll not allow any of us to be beheaded, I care for both of you so much," I whispered as they both hugged me back. "We're sorry for allowing this to happen to you, you're our precious daughter," my father was the most emotional one, so I broke our hugs against each other before sighing. "It's almost midnight, right? How do I get there from the castle training grounds?" I curiously asked so they gave me a strange coin that looks the same as what people offer to Charon when they're dead.  Is this for real? If I ever go back to my past life I would be rich since this is vintage. Should I keep this? "We already called a small carriage on the other street, turn sharp right and you'll see it there, that coin is enough to pay for that trip," my mother smiled before pushing me out of the door. An image flashed in my mind telling me that they have saved that single coin for me even if they didn't eat for today just for that. "A-Are you going to eat something tonight or tomorrow?" I worriedly asked, I care so much about them even if they're not really my parents from the past life. They both gracefully shake their heads at me, "We'll be fine dear, don't worry too much about us, you should think about yourself more," my mother caressed my cheeks, which made me frown. "Your dear father will work hard so we can watch some of your matches," she tried to cheer me up, but I just shook my head. "You don't have to do that, just stay here and keep safe, that'll make me at ease," I said, so they both just smiled and hugged me once more. "Now go, before we change our mind," my mother stopped herself from crying, so I just smiled before turning my back on them and following what they instructed me to do a while ago. Some of the peasantians that are still awake roaming on the streets for their jobs are looking at me intently before bowing. I almost furrowed my eyebrows at them, but I remembered that it was a form of respect to bidding a warrior goodbye. After I turned sharply right, that's where I found that rickety carriage that I feel like it'll be easily destroyed once it bumped into something. "Ah! The bedridden warrioress is really awake!" an old man with stubble in a tattered tunic and loose trousers smiled before bowing, "A pleasure to finally see you well Lady Aramis, I'm Ferdinand, your escort towards the palace," I got uncomfortable after he said those words, it's rude not to respond right? "U-Um, thank you, Mr. Ferdinand," I shyly mumbled before giving him the coin my mother told me to pay for it. "Here, it's for my ride," I thought he was going to accept it, but he gave it back to me. "You'll need it more inside of that hell castle, you know how brutal the King is and the nobles right?" he worriedly said, but I'm just confused as hell so I kept my mouth shut. I haven't experienced it yet since I'm from another foreign country or world, but the letter is enough for me to figure out that they're probably right. "I've heard that one of the challenges there is how long you'll last without food inside an abandoned space where they'll put you," he whispered before glancing around our surroundings, afraid that someone might hear us. "I've heard it from the castle guards, keep that in mind and you have to prepare yourself for that, peasantians are the ones who can't endure that challenge," he said, which made my eyes widen. How can they uphold such challenges like that? "T-Thank you for telling me this, I highly appreciate it," I bowed my head, which made him pat my head. "Don't bow at me, warrioress, I don't deserve it," he chuckled before opening the carriage doors for me. It wasn't fancy, but it can take me to the castle in a nick of time. "You're the one who's going to change the life of peasantians after you win, I heard that you're greater and stronger than Lady Soriah, she's from the nobles and the strongest one in their village, let them see how tough we can be despite our hard life," he proudly said, so I just smiled before mounting his carriage. People here have a hard life but they can still smile and be generous to other people. Are those people from the highest rank in the pyramid better than them? The carriage started moving I have this feeling that they're worse than animals, why did I even agree to this? I just wanted to give that king a piece of my mind yet here I am riding the path towards another death. My body doesn't even like to move or change into this kind of outfit but a while ago I was willing to see the King just because of my anger towards his ruthless ruling, what the hell is wrong with me? I wasn't thinking when I did this. I just shrugged and just decided to go with my plan, I really have to figure out what kind of Kingdom this is. The slightly harsh winds that were entering the windows of the carriage were cold, but I didn't bother enduring it because I was busy waiting for what might come to greet me after I arrived at that palace. "Aye! This is our last stop Lady Aramis, I can never go further because the castle guards are looking at me from afar," Mr. Ferdinand peeps his head on the small space, so I just nodded at him before grabbing my things. "It's alright, I can walk from here to there, just follow this path right?" I asked, so he just nodded at me as I took note of the directions that he was saying. "May the luck be with you always, and oh castle guards are also ruthless here, they might take advantage of you," he reminded me, so I just bowed my head. "Thank you, take care on your way home," I waved my hand as he just gestured his horse towards the opposite path of mine. After I couldn't sight his carriage, I exhaled a lungful of air before looking at the tall palace waiting for me on the front. It's huge yet some of the vines we're crawling up towards the arched towers on the sides of the big beige and gold castle. I gripped my bags before threading them lightly on my right shoulders, "Let's see how ruthless this Kingdom can be," I muttered to myself before starting to trot towards the red-bricked streets. It's different from where my village was, the place is shouting class and elegance making me want to spit on it. I want to smack myself because I just came here yet I despise this castle so much. On my way there, I've witnessed some fancy carriages are probably taking some noble warrioress to the castle.  I'm almost there too. After several steps, the eyes of the castle guards were on me as they examined me from head to toe. I was about to go further when those two guards before me stopped me using their metal spears. Cool! I didn't know that those things really existed! Those are like some level five weapons in my games from before. "Stop in the name of the King, what are you doing here, peasant?" The voice was firm and it's exactly how I imagined castle guards' voices were. I'm dressed decently and they still see me as a peasant, with this beauty?! "What? I'm here for this so-called Calling, let me in," I muttered before going in again, they looked surprised at my chosen use of words, but still stopped me with their spears crossed. "Where's your invitation?" the guard asked, so I blew some air before grabbing it from my bag. I almost forgot that castles have formalities like this. "There, happy? Now, will you just let me in? It's almost midnight," I informally said, pissing one of those guards. "Watch your language, you're inside the castle grounds and you should know where you stand, you're just a peasant," what he said made me scoff. "And so? Does that make me differ from you huh? Is there any difference from how you treat me?" I firmly said before glaring at them, so one of the guards harshly grabbed my hands. "I said, watch your language!" he screamed at me, but I didn't cower. If I were my past self I would, but there's something inside me that doesn't make me want to do that. "She's feisty and has a great upbringing when it comes to her appearance. Just look at it, but with her attitude? It's a run downhill," those two castle guards laughed at me, which made me grip my hands. They judge me just because of where I came from, yet they're talking here like they've got the upper hand or something but they're just guards. "I gave you the invitation, just let me go damn it!" I'm getting pissed, they're just making this long for me. "Silence! We have to check if you're really suitable for this challenge first," that one guard looked at me from head to toe, his eyes were glinting with maliciousness and lust, one look and I know what he's thinking about. Disgusting pigs. "Let's check it on my quarters near this gate, what do you say Dylan? Take turns with me?" He glanced at his partner and it looked like he's excited too. "Make it quick," he smirked at his partner before they both glanced at me again with mischievousness visible among their eyes.  "We'll let you in after you give yourself lowly peasants, you're decent enough to joy our night," they chuckled and harshly grabbed my arms when I shouted. "Let me go, you idiots! This is s****l harassment!" I screamed, but the guards were strong enough to grip my hands and pull me away from the gate. "You're deranged! What are you talking about?" The guards just laughed at me and that doubled up my anger. Right, s****l harassment wasn't taken seriously before. Dark Ages, I might say. Something's burning inside me and after I shouted, I released something unknown to me that I've never had before. "I said, let me go!" my body backflipped before kicking those two on their backs, they groaned but immediately got their composure back. "Imbecile! Restrain her!" one of the castle guards was about to spear me when I jumped and grabbed it in the air and swiftly threw it at him. He groaned in pain and the other one ran after me, so I ran at the same pace before lifting his body like his weight was nothing to me. "When I said let me go, let me go!" I furiously screamed before throwing that maniac guard at some tree. They both lost consciousness as I gasped for air before stopping when I realized what I just did. To be continued...
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