Chapter Two - Peasantians

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Aramis Bronx Davina Those two old men and women in feudal time clothing continued to panic outside of that small room, so I decided to stand straight on that cranky untidy bed. I immediately checked if I gained some injuries from the incident a while ago and sighed in relief when I felt that nothing hurt throughout my body. I was hit by a truck, yet here I am still standing strong in an unfamiliar place and with odd people that I haven't met before. Coma, that’s probably it. I must be in a coma where I’m dreaming or being delusional seeing this weird, and dangerous-looking world. Shaking my head, my lips immediately formed into a frown. I saw my death with my very own eyes, it didn’t hurt me but I knew back there I was dead. A stroke of pain hit my heart after thinking about my death, my mom… she’ll be in distress after realizing that, but what can I do? I’m already dead. My mind was building up to different scenarios while I was still confused about what’s going on. Didn't I die back there on the truck? If that’s the case, how did I freaking end up here? Is this the after-life of mine? Am I being punished for my sins? It’s a little bit off too since I feel like there's fuel inside of my body that wants to be burned by something and get out. Did I gain superhuman powers? I feel like lifting a bed would be a piece of cake to me. At least, that’s what my head has been telling me. What the hell was that about? Have I gone mad? My eyebrows furrowed noticing that I also gained height, 5.7 feet to be exact, my boobs became D cups, and my waist most especially my tummy feels so small and not bloated because of the junk foods that I eat and carbonated drinks that I chug from before. I almost jumped and screamed, finally realizing that this wasn’t my real body. I never had this kind of body before because I never work out! My hands reached out to touch my face and realized I don’t have a double chin anymore. I have to see if my face changed as well. Despite how confused I am, I went out to look for those people who claimed to be my parents. It's weird since my mind was telling me that they’re my biological parents. “Where's the bathroom of this place?” I blurted out in that small cranky living room that made my weird-looking parents stop in their tracks. It looks like they’re busy preparing something for me because they’re filling up clothes with that old leather bag. “Come again dear?” my father asked while taking off his woolen hat, it’s so hot, why are they wearing such warm clothes? “Toilet? Bathroom?” I repeated what I said, but their forehead formed into a crease telling me that they don’t understand me, don’t they wash their pits here? “I-I want to wash my face,” I mumbled while scratching the back of my head, don’t people in feudal times call their bathrooms a bathroom? They finally nodded at me because they understood what I said. “Oh, you want to use the privy chamber, it’s over there dear, didn’t you remember?” my father worriedly asked, so my mother gracefully tapped his broad shoulders. My eyebrows furrowed at what they said, privy chamber? What the freaking hell is that? I thought about it for a moment and remembered that my main character at some games I used to play before went to those chambers just to heal his wounds. “My dear husband, your daughter was asleep for months, give her some time to recollect things that she had missed,” my mother’s politeness terrorizes my head, asleep for months? I just freaking died, came here, and woke up! What the hell are they talking about? I just sighed and went towards the chambers that they were talking about, I thought I was lost because this place looks really weird. After finding that oak door, I pushed it open and closed it using my back. I closed my eyes before exhaling out a lungful of air. That feels really weird, my insides keep on telling me that I care too much about those parents of mine that’s why I never go against their needs and wants. I want to keep them safe. My eyes peered at the mirror and were astounded that my face was unfamiliar with what the mirror was reflecting at. The color of my hair before was black, but right now it was ash grey that compliments my silver glinting eyes. I finally got the long lashes I wanted from before.  Both my hands reached out to trace the curves of my face, brows, and lips that were far from the ones I had from before. It feels like it was sculpted by God and showered me with irresistible beauty. “W-Who is this woman?!” I pointed at myself in the mirror and was terrified that it moved the way I motioned my body right now. “N-No hell no, is this really me now?” I feel like I’m going to be sick as I tried to glance around that weird chamber, it wasn’t anything like the bathrooms I used from the world I was in before. The lids of my eyes closed before slowly trying to understand what’s going on around me right now. I’ve read a novel before that relates to what’s happening to me right now. I also played a game of my character being reincarnated to a world where he/she has to level up to survive a quest. Am I in the same scenario right now? Was I reincarnated? I shook my head and tried to wash my face with cold water. It’s official, I’m finally going crazy. My bewildered mind was still in a daze after I went out of the room, and gasped seeing that my parents in this world were currently waiting for me to get out of the door, “U-Um, can I help you?” I curiously asked, and they both just stared at me intently before giving that old leather bag that they were busy filling up a while ago. “People of this village have easily heard that news about you waking up in your deep slumber, they were all overjoyed,” my mother informed me, but I know for sure it was her who told everyone about the news since I heard they borrowed something from that woman called Melissa. “Indeed my daughter, the vigorous warrioress of this village, you finally woke up to save yourself and our lives,” my father started talking in a formal way that made my head hurt. Can’t they just talk to me normally? “I’m sorry, what? Me? A vigorous warrior? That’s never going to happen,” I replied, slightly chuckling because of their absurd thoughts. Don’t they know how much I hate to overuse my body towards something that can make my body tired? They both looked at me with their foreheads forming into a crease, they look confused as I am right now. “She even speaks strange my dear wife, what should we do about this? Is it safe for us to let her go?” my father worriedly approached my mom who’s just currently staring at me intently. I didn’t bother saying anything at all as I decided to observe what’s going on around our surroundings. “It’s just the calling dear, the King just wants to see his candidates from different villages before the challenge will start,” my mother reassured father, so they both just sighed before looking at me again. King? Did I hear that right? There’s a freaking king here?! Just where the hell am I right now? I left them in that cranky living room before proceeding towards the main door. I want to see it for myself where I really am right now. My instincts are telling me that this is where I can go out of that small house, after my hands reached towards the wooden handle to open the door, my eyes widened because I can’t believe what I’m seeing before me right now. The place was dark and the only light on the unpolished street was the old faint lanterns hanging on the different wooden doors probably because it's already evening. It looked like it was straight out of those pocketbooks and games that I play, the small old cottages that look the same as ours. It was a combination of beige and wooden colors in structures and design. Few people were sighted on the streets, men in tattered thick stockings and trousers wearing plain old tunics with sleeves that tell me that they don't have enough money to buy food or clothes. They were pushing some wagons with lots of weapons or food on the inside, they're probably going to deliver that from somewhere. On the other hand, girls ages young to old that were passing by were wearing old long gowns with sleeveless tunics to hide their skin, they were pulling their skirts up to avoid tripping on the ground. My feet stepped out of that house because I just can't believe it, this is nothing like my place from before. It's official, I have lost my mind and I was reincarnated from a different world with a different body. But why? Why was I reincarnated here with knowledge about my past life? Why can I remember my life from before? I was too lost in thoughts, but I noticed that there are two girls were passing by at our house, they're wearing dirty long gowns and sleeveless tattered tunics, my eyes peered at their gentle yet tired faces and some dirt was visible from their cheeks while their blonde hairs are tied in a messy way. The tall one is carrying a sack of apples while the younger one that's probably sisters with the tall one is carrying a big basket of apples that's probably heavier than her. It looks like they're going to deliver it from somewhere, it's late… Why are they still working? I was about to close the door because it's too rude to stare but the younger one tripped herself on her gown so the apples that she was carrying fell onto the flat ground. Without hesitations, my body ran over there to help her up and pick those apples on the ground while cleaning them. "Here you go, did you hurt yourself?" I worriedly asked while giving the basket to her, it looked like the younger girl was scared but when she glanced at me her eyes widened. "A-Aramis!" she screamed in joy before giving me a tight hug. Does this girl know me? Is that also my name over here?  "The rumors about you waking up from your deep slumber were the truth, I'm so glad to see you right now!" she broke her hug to me before wiping the tears that escaped from her eyes. "Samara? What's taking you so long?" The tall one called this younger girl that made me smile. Samara. It's a really pretty name, it suits her. The tall one walked towards us after seeing what happened, she immediately bowed her head at me after she paced near us, "I'm sorry for the trouble my sister has caused, this will never happen again please forgive us," I can see her hands shaking on the sides which made me shook my hands at her. I will not hurt them, why are they so scared? "P-Please, it wasn't a big deal," I genuinely smiled and helped the little one stand up, which made her smile as she went to her sister's side. "Sister, she's the warrior that helped me when I was drowning in the river, she's nice and a peasant like us, but I hear their family can do well even if it's they're peasants," Samara proudly shared with us which made my eyes widened, I did that? Her older sister just sighed before smiling at me, "Thank you for that and sorry for the trouble that she has caused again," Samara's sister bowed at me before they politely bid me goodbye because they told me that they can't avoid being late or the man who ordered them to do that will be furious. I was busy watching them walk away from me when I felt that my mother tapped my shoulders. I felt her presence on my back walking towards me so I wasn't surprised. "Those were girls that weren't chosen to be a warrior because they lack physical and critical thinking skills, they're forced to labor until they get strong enough to become a warrior," my mother explained before inviting me on the inside. "Why would they do that? Those girls are young," I mumbled, so my mother just shook her head at me. "This is the peasantians village, we've been like that for a long time, it's how middletians and richtians treat us most especially nobles," she explained, which made my eyes widen. Peasantians means that we're in the lowest part of the pyramid, at least, that's what my head has been telling me. I was also poor in my past life and now I'm still poor here? Great! Thanks to whoever reincarnated me here. "We're a family of peasants my dear daughter, but thanks to you dear we're having a much better life than," she held out to my hand, which made me furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean about that mother?" I curiously asked so we both sat down on a couch where it's almost broken. "You trained hard to become a warrioress to save yourself and us from this life," she smiled that cause my eyes to widen. "What?" I was out of words, I don't remember doing something like that, or did this woman I am right now, did it? "You accepted the invitation to battle with different warrioress to have an opportunity to become the Devil King's wife," she explained, and I feel like my head is about to explode because of what she's informing and her formal tone. To be continued...
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