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CHAPTER ONE There comes a point when a dream becomes reality and reality becomes a dream. ~Frances Farmer Reiss knew she had made a mistake rejecting Tyrone's offer to pick her up. The restaurant she was reviewing this time wasn't far from the apartment she rented with one of her best friends - Avalon. It's about a 17 minute walk give or take . The road was one she had walked before, it used to be on her old jogging route but she never remembered it this deserted. She brought out her phone and dialed Tyrone's number - his offer seaming more appealing now. After 2 failed attempts she decided to brave the walk. Less cars seemed to pass the more she walked. 9 minutes into the journey she stopped to look around realizing that she did not recognize any of the buildings around her. She didnt have much time to observe as a sack was thrown over her head and she was knocked out - falling unconscious into the arms of her predator. Reiss came to in a dark room, tied up to a chair with a gag in her mouth but her eyes were left un-blinded. Her blurry sight cleared up and how she wished the darkness will return. Once her eyes adjusted, she realized she was not alone in the room. Over a dozen people - men stood eyeing her like vultures sighting a fresh carcass. The situation was pitiful to say the least, even if she managed to get her hands free, the chances of her making it to the door which seemed miles away was none-existent. Even with the self defense classes she had attended every fortnight with Myra, those moves wouldn't make a dent in this army.    The silent stare off seemed to have ended as one of the men stepped out of the shadows into the small moonlit center where she sat and stalked towards her at a gut wrenchingly slow pace, savoring the fear that was evident in her eyes. "Ah, ma cherie, we could not have selected a more delectable specimen" he said upon reaching her in an accent which sounded forced.        She grunted through the gag in her mouth rocking the chair side to side. He let out a hearty laugh "Do you wish to say something my dear?" he asked bending down so he was face to face with her, trailing his finger down the side of her face, from her temple, down her cheek and to her mouth removing the gag. "What do you want from me?" she asked, her mouth adjusting to the new emptiness. He let out another laugh and by the look on her face it seemed like she was getting irritated by the sound "Darling, I thought you would have figured it out by now. I just want to play, we just wanna play and you seem like the perfect 'playmate'" he said earning more chuckles from the people around them.  "Is this how you play with all your friends"she spat at his feet, his hand flew across her face knocking it sideways. "GOOD GIRLS DONT SPIT" he snapped losing his accent briefly. He flexed his fingers and turned around walking back into the shadows then 3 men walked into the light. Reiss began to pray, she was never the religious type but when push came to shove she was willing to try anything. 'U zerrac xvii' a voice said in her head, interrupting her prayers for a miracle. She shook her head, trying to clear her head but the voice kept repeating those words, each time more urgent, louder, faster until she could no longer hear her own thoughts. It was becoming unbearable she kept shaking her head wanting the voice to stop and then she felt a hand rip off her jacket and then she shouted "U zerrac xvii qjrs".    The room shook as the words left her mouth then it stilled, the men brushed it off and continued their pursuit, going for her blouse but then the room shook again and a hole opened up in the ground under the man that tore her jacket and where he fell another stood. Half of the men ran out of the room at the sight of the 7 foot man that appeared where one stood a few moments ago and Reiss would have run to if not for her current predicament although she let out a scream but she got a feeling that this man standing in front of her meant her no harm. The remaining few that remained in the room charged at the intruder in their midsts 'cause what was the chance of one unarmed man taking on several armed men but he didnt fight he carried Reiss along with the chair which scared her more deafening the remaking men with another gut wrenching scream. The hole which he had came out of opened up again swallowing them up leaving the rest of the men dumbfounded by what they saw.                                                                                *The next day* "Where am I?" Reiss asked as she opened her eyes. The sun rays stung her eyes and the events of last night flashed through her brain. "Those meatballs must have really had something special for me to dream up something like that" she said to herself getting out of bed. Her morning routine took 32 then she grabbed her laptop so she could write the review for the restaurant although she was conflicted on what to write, the food was good and her stomach wasn't upset this morning but she rarely had dreams so to have one of this magnitude of insanity - it had to have been inspired by something.   While her laptop was starting up she went to the kitchen to grab a bite before she started work, apart from writing the review she had to contact her head chefs for the new recipient and the employee's she sent to scout for ingredients had not yet reported back. She wasn't expecting anyone at hone since Avalon had a date the night before and they had a rule for no one-night-stands in the apartment after the incident of her not so virgin eyes, so when she heard the sound of the tv blasting it put her on high alert. Forgetting about the snack she was going to get she quietly walked to the living room and saw the half naked man from her dream on her couch.
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